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  主席 (中英)

  A parrot fancier that happened into a London pet shop noticed a particularly colorful bird and asked its price.


  "Five thousand pounds,” the shop owner replied.


学习啦在线学习网   "Five thousand pounds?" the man asked. "Why so much?"

学习啦在线学习网   “五千英镑?”那个男人问,“为什么这么贵?”

  "Well,this bird speaks fluent Italian,Spanish and French, is brushing up on his German and starting to study English,” came the reply. "With the European Community's unification,he' 11 be a great asset."


  I don’t care about the Common Market ,”the parrot fancier said. "What about that gray one in that other cage?"


  The gray one was 15,000 pounds,he was told,because the bird spoke Arabic,Chinese, and Korean and was learning Japanese-“the languages of the 21st century.”

学习啦在线学习网   店主告诉他那个灰色的要一万五千英镑。因为那只鸟会说阿拉伯语、汉语和韩语,而且正在学习日语。这些都是二十一世纪的语言。

  “I’ m too old to worry about the 21stcentuy,” the frustrated parrot lover replied.

学习啦在线学习网   “我可活不到那会儿,管不了二十一世纪的事”,那个失望的鹦鹉爱好者回答说。

学习啦在线学习网   "What about that mangy brown one up on that perch in the corner?"


  "The brown one,”said the shopkeeper, "was 25 , 000 pounds.”


学习啦在线学习网   "Twenty-five thousand pounds!” ex-claimed the customer. "What does he do to worth that?"


  "We’re not sure,”the pet-shop owner replied. "But the other two call him chairman.

学习啦在线学习网   “我们也不知道,”宠物店老板回答,“只是因为刚才的那两只都管它叫主席。”


  陪审团主席 (中英)

  A judge in a small city was hearing a drunk--driving case and the defendant, who had both a record and a reputation for driving under the influence,demanded a jury trial. It was nearly 4 p. m. and getting a jury would take time,so the judge called a recess and went out in the hall looking to impanel anyone available for jury duty. He found a dozen lawyers in the main lobby and told them that they were a jury.


  The lawyers thought this would be a novel experience and so followed the judge back to the courtroom. The trial was over in about 10 minutes and it was very clear that the defendant was guilty. The jury went into the jury--room, the judge started getting ready to go home , and everyone waited.


学习啦在线学习网   After nearly three hours, the judge was totally out of patience and sent the bailiff in to the jury--room to see what was holding up the verdict. When the bailiff returned, the judge said,"Well have they got a verdict yet?


学习啦在线学习网   The bailiff shook his head and said,"Verdict? Hell,they' re still doing nominating speeches for the foreman’s position!”

学习啦在线学习网   法警摇摇头说:“判决?天哪,他们还在进行推选陪审团主席的演讲呢!”


  两个猎人 (中英)

  Two hunters hire a small plane to take them to a remote area of Canada. Upon dropping off the hunters,the pilot tells them, "Remember only one moose, because the plane wouldn' t be able to take off with more weight than that.” The hunters go off. A week later when the plane returns to pick them up the two hunters are standing by the lake with two moose.

学习啦在线学习网   两个猎人租了一架小型飞机带他们去加拿大的一个偏僻地区。当两个猎人到达目的地下飞机时,飞行员告诉他们说:“记住,飞机只能带一只驼鹿,否则飞机会因为过重而无法起飞。”两个猎


学习啦在线学习网   The pilot fumes, "I told you guys only one moose, and you' 11 have to leave one because we won’t be able to take off with that much weight.” "Oh, come on,” beg the two hunters, "Last year the pilot let us take two moose on, you’re just a chicken.”


  Not wanting to be accused of being a coward,the pilot allows the two to bring both moose on the craft. The plane starts across the lake, straining to take off. The pilot tries and tries to no avail and the plane crashes into the trees at the end of the lake. A while later after coming to one of the hunters gets up and looks at all the scattered debris of the wreck and says, "Where are we?" To which the other hunter replies, "Oh,I’d say about a hundred yards farther than last year.

