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学习啦在线学习网   三个老年人(中英)

  Three old men were sitting around and talking.

学习啦在线学习网   三个老年人坐在一起聊天。

学习啦在线学习网   The 80 year一old said , "The best thing that could happen to me is if I would just to be able to have a good pee. I stand there for twenty minutes, and it dribbles and hurts. I have to go over and over again.”

学习啦在线学习网   八十岁的那个说:“我所希望能发生在我身上最好的事,就是我能正常的小便。我每次站在那里二十分钟,又慢又疼。我不得不一次又一次的去。”

  The 85 year一old said, "The best thing that could happen to me is if I could have one good bowel movement. I take every kind of laxative I can get my hands on and it's still a problem.”


  Then the 90 year一old said,That's not my problem. Every morning at 6: 00 A. M. sharp, I have a good long pee. At 6:30 am sharp I have a great bowel movement. The best thing that could happen to me would be if I could wake up before 7 :00 A. M.”




  John woke up after the annual office Christmas party with a pounding headache,cotton一mouthed and utterly unable to recall the events of the preceding evening. After a trip to the bathroom, he made his way downstairs, where his wife put some coffee in front of him. "Louise,” he moaned, "tell me what happened last night. Was it as bad as I think?"


  "Even worse," she said, her voice oozing scorn. "You made a complete ass of yourself. You succeeded in antagonizing the entire board of directors, and you insulted the president of the company, right to his face.”

学习啦在线学习网   “比你想得还要糟,”她的声音充满了轻蔑说,“你真是丑态百出。你和所有的公司董事作对。你还当着公司的董事长的面侮辱了他。”

  "He's an idiot,” John said. "Piss on him.”


  "You did,” came the reply, "And he fired you.”


  "Well, screw him!” said John.


  "I did. You’re back at work on Monday.”




学习啦在线学习网   Years ago while attending a dinner party hosted by some friends of mine the hostess served a meal with this delicious mushroom sauce. After the meal there was a small amount left over and the hostess decided to allow her pregnant cat to enjoy the treat as well as the guests. The guests all felt it was a great gesture and showed the cat was a member of the family.

学习啦在线学习网   几年前我参加一个朋友举行的晚餐聚会,女主人用自己做的美味的蘑菇沙司来招待我们。吃过饭后,还剩了一些沙司,所以女主人决定让她那怀孕的猫也像客人一样享受这美味。所有的客人都觉得,这个举动显示了那只猫就像是家里的一名成员一样。

  The sauce was the highlight of the evening' s topic of conversation,everyone commented on how delicious it was,and the hostess beamed at all the compliments. One of the guest commented that toadstools were much like mushrooms except for being toxic,and how funny it would be if such a cultnary treat were made from that instead.


学习啦在线学习网   As if on cue,the pet cat started crying and squirming on the floor, clutching its bel1y. The hostess exclaimed, "Oh my God, it's the mushroom sauce!”


学习啦在线学习网   We all went to the emergency room in a mad rush, and had our stomachers pumped after telling them we had eaten poisonous mushrooms. This was an extremely unpleasant experience.

学习啦在线学习网   我们这些客人一下子都去了急诊室,在告诉医生我们吃了毒蘑菇以后我们都被洗了胃。这真是一件令人不愉快的经历。

学习啦在线学习网   We got back,the cat was lying on the floor peacefully looking up at us, and had given birth to kittens.
