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学习啦在线学习网   Mr. Beans had always wanted to travel to the African jungle to hunt, and, to his mind, thegreatest prey was beyond doubt the mighty gorilla. Unfortunately, the gorilla is anendangered species, and may no longer be killed for sport, but Mr. Beans had heard of oneprofessional hunter who had devised a way to capture the gorilla alive.

学习啦在线学习网   奔驰先生总想到非洲打猎,在他看来,壮硕的大猩猩无疑是最佳的狩猎对象。不幸的是,大猩猩乃是一种濒临绝种的动物,不适合娱乐性质的狩猎活动,但奔驰先生曾听闻一位发明可以活捉大猩猩的职业猎人.

学习啦在线学习网   One fine day found Mr. Beans talking to the great white hunter, Mr. Bones, in his tent.


学习啦在线学习网   "Well, if you want to go on safari, my services will cost you $ 1,000 a day, my man Mbulu $ 500a day, $ 500 for the schnauzer and $ 500 for the pygmy with the gun," explained Bones.

学习啦在线学习网   “如果你要去猎大猩猩的话,我本人服务一天索价一千美金;我手下恩布鲁一天五百美金,德国猎犬一天五百美金;另外带枪的矮黑人也一天五百,”朋驰解释说道。

学习啦在线学习网   Beans did not quite understand these charges, but nonetheless agreed.

学习啦在线学习网   奔驰先生并不很了解这些价目,可是他仍然答应了。

  On their very first day on the hunt, Bones spotted a gorilla, which scampered up a tree. Mbulu,a mighty Zulu, pursued the ape and shook the branch on which it clung till the beast fell off.Immediately the schnauzer leapt forward, biting the befuddled ape on the most tender part ofits anatomy. The gorilla fainted with shock, and was easily captured.


学习啦在线学习网   Mr. Beans was quite delighted, and even more so the next day, when the performance wasrepeated. But he still couldn ’t figure out the purpose of the pygmy with the gun, for whom hewas paying $ 500 a day, and who seemed only to smile and pick his teeth.

学习啦在线学习网   奔驰先生非常高兴,尤其第二天又捕到另一只猩猩,更让他欣喜万分,但他还是想不通他每天付五百美金请的带枪的小黑人。

  Finally, on the third day, Bones spotted the largest gorilla they'd ever encountered. As before,Mbulu pursued the primate into the tree. But this time, no amount of shaking would dislodgethe beast. In fact, it turned on Mbulu,grappled with him, and sent him hurtling to the ground.


  As the mighty Zulu fell, he shouted to the pygmy, "Shoo the dog! Shoot the dog!"




学习啦在线学习网   Once upon a time, in ancient China, the emperor was seriously ill. None of his esteemedphysicians could find a cure,until an ancient sage revealed that only the blood of a living Foobird could restore the imperial health.

学习啦在线学习网   很久很久以前在古老的中国,皇帝病得很重,所有德高望重的御医都没办法医治,直到后来才有一位智者透露,只有活福鸟的血才能恢复皇帝的健康。

学习啦在线学习网   Now the Foo bird was extremely rare, almost legendary,and the greatest hunters in the landwere assigned the task of capturing a specimen-but before they left on their quest, the ancientsage warned them that if one of them were fortunate enough to catch the bird, he should onno account clean or change his clothing till he had presented his prize to the emperor.


  The hunters scoured the empire, and after several months, the greatest of them spotted amagnificent Foo perched high in a tree. Using all his skill, the huntsman snuck up on the birdand managed to seize it by the claws, but soon the startled creature left a huge odious blobofexcrement on the hunter's shoulder.

学习啦在线学习网   猎人们搜遍了整个帝国,几个月后,其中一名本领最好的猎人不经意看见了一只福鸟栖息在一棵树上。他用尽所有技巧偷偷接近那只福鸟并抓住了它的脚爪,但那只受到惊吓的福鸟马上在他的肩膀上拉了一大团臭气熏人的鸟粪。

  Though the stench was almost unbearable,the woodsman remembered the sage's injunctionand carried his double burden all the way back to court. By that time, the odor had onlybecome worse, and thehunter was deeply embarrassed.Finally, he felt that he could not entertheemperor's presence in such a state, and wiped the offending substance from hisshoulder.


  Instantly, the Foo bird fell over dead, theemperor took a turn for the worse, and the hunterwas clapped in irons.And themoral of the story is: If the Foo shits,wear it!



  You said what?


学习啦在线学习网   Moe, Larry and Curly had been stranded on a desert island. They were walking along disconsolately when Moe happened to kick a bottle lying in the sand. The bottle broke and a genie suddenly emerged before them.

学习啦在线学习网   莫伊、赖利和卷毛因船触礁搁浅而被困在一个无人荒岛上,他们寂寞无助地沿岸边走着,这时莫伊踢到沙滩上一只瓶子,那只瓶子破了后,突然出现一个精灵。

  "Thank you. oh Masters, for releasing me from my captivity. For your kindness, please allow me to grant you each a wish. "

学习啦在线学习网   “谢谢你们从囚禁我的瓶子中把我放出来,我的主人。为了报答你们的恩惠,请让我为每位实现一个愿望。”

学习啦在线学习网   "Well, it's not too difficult to figure out what I want," said Moe. "I wish I were back home. "


  No sooner had he said the words than he was back in dear old Brooklyn.

学习啦在线学习网   话一说完,莫伊就已在他可爱的布鲁克林老家中。

  "I want to be back home, too," said I Larry, and he, too, was instantly transported.


学习啦在线学习网   " Gee, it's alone some here without Moe and Larry," said Curly. "I wish they were here to keep me company. "

学习啦在线学习网   “唉,没有莫伊和赖利,一个人在这里真无聊,”卷毛说。“我希望他们能回到这里陪伴我。”

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