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学习啦在线学习网   笑话是现代社会发展最快的一种口头文学体裁,它体现了某一民族行为中最深刻的和潜意识中的观点。小编精心收集了超级搞笑的英语笑话,供大家欣赏学习!


学习啦在线学习网   The Third Operation 第三次手术

  The patient was recovering after an operation. His friend came to visit him and asked how he was getting along.


学习啦在线学习网   "Well," the patient began, "after my first operation they had to cut me open again. The doctor had to take out the sponge left in me." "But you got over it all right?"


  "Oh, yes. Only I had another operation yesterday. They found that they had operated on the wrong part."


  "Thank God. You're all right now, though," the friend said encouragingly.

学习啦在线学习网   “感谢上帝,你现在总算没事了 。”朋友安慰他说。

  At that time the doctor came in saying, "Has anyone seen my hat around here? I left it somewhere yesterday."

学习啦在线学习网   正在这时医生进来说:“谁在这儿看见我的帽子了?我昨天把它忘在什么地方了。”


  Setting the Table 摆桌子

  Little Susan was mother's helper. She helped set the table when guests were due for dinner. Presently everything was on, the guest came in, and everyone sat down. Then Mother noticed something was missing.

学习啦在线学习网   小苏珊是妈妈的好帮手。她在有客人来家里就餐时帮忙摆桌子。现在一切准备就绪,客人走进,所有人都坐好了。妈妈突然发现缺了什么。

学习啦在线学习网   "Susan," she said, "You didn't put a knife and fork at Mr. Smith's place."


  "I thought he wouldn't need them," explained Susan.

学习啦在线学习网   “我以为他不需要那些。”苏珊解释道。

学习啦在线学习网   "Daddy says he always eats like a horse!"




学习啦在线学习网   Searching through row upon row of Christmas trees, my husband Norm and In picked one we liked. Then I noticed the one being held by a woman nearby the perfect tree. I watched as she carried it around the lot and couldn’t believe my eyes when she set it aside.


  I ditched ours and ran over to grab the coveted tree. "Aren't we lucky?" I said to Norm. "I do feel a little guilty, however, for taking it before she could change her mind.”

学习啦在线学习网   我丢开我们选的那棵,跑过去一把抓住那棵我垂涎已久的圣诞树。“我们真走运!”我对诺姆说:“不过,我确实觉得有点愧疚,在她还没来得及改变主意之前就把它拿了下来。”

  "I wouldn’t worry ,”he replied, "she just ran over and snatched ours."


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