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学习啦在线学习网   笑话一般指短小、滑稽的故事,是一种民间口头创作形式,在民间文化中以口口相传的形式传播。小编精心收集了简单点的英文小笑话,供大家欣赏学习!

  简单点的英文小笑话:Who wants that jerk back? 谁愿意让那个混蛋回来

学习啦在线学习网   Marcella Vespa called her friend Winona about the disappearance of her husband, who had been missing for several days.

学习啦在线学习网   When asked by the police for a description of her husband, she replied, "He's over six feet tall, with beautiful, wavy blond hair. He's got a fetching(迷人的) smile that shows a perfect set of teeth. He wears Brooks Brothers clothes and is muscular, weighting about two hundred pounds."

学习啦在线学习网   Winona waited until Marcella had finished her phone call, then asked what it was all about. "Your husband is over five feet and his hair is gray and almost gone. He grins like a polar bear and he's bought every darned tooth in his head. Marcela, that was an untrue description of your husband."

学习啦在线学习网   "Sure it was," Marcella replied, "But who wants that jerk back?"

学习啦在线学习网   玛赛拉·维斯帕打电话告诉他朋友温纳她丈夫失踪的事情,他已经失踪好几天了。

学习啦在线学习网   当被警察问道对她丈夫的描述时,她回答:“他有六英尺多高,漂亮的金色卷发。他的笑容很动人,牙很齐。他穿着布鲁克斯兄弟牌的衣服,很健壮,大约两百磅重。”



  简单点的英文小笑话:What are you going to do this evening?

  Mrs. Jones was still cleaning the house when her husband came back from work. She was wearing dirty old clothes and no stockings, her hair was not tidy, she had dust on her face, and she looked dirty and tired. Her husband looked at her and said, "Is this what I come home to see after a hard day's work?"

  Mrs. Jones's neighbor, Mrs. Black, was there. When she heard Mr. Jones' words, she quickly said good-bye and ran back to her house. Then she washed, brushed and combed her hair carefully, put on her pettiest stockings, painted her face, and waited for her husband to come home.

  When he arrived, he was hot and tired. He walked slowly into the house, saw his wife and stopped. Then he shouted angrily, "and what are you going to do this evening?"


学习啦在线学习网   琼斯太太的邻居——布莱克太太当时也在场,她听到琼斯先生的话,立刻告辞,跑回家去。她洗脸漱口梳头,穿上她最好的衣服和最漂亮的袜子,化好妆,等着她的丈夫回家。


  简单点的英文小笑话:It was too late 为时已晚

  Although I had never met him, I knew that my grandfather had been five feet, sixinches tall, while my stately grandmother stood five feet, eleven inches .

学习啦在线学习网   As a teen-ager leafing through(迅速翻阅) old photographs with grandma, Ifinally realized how unusual they must have looked together.

  "Grandma," I asked, "how could you have fallen in love with a man five inches shorter than you?"

  She turned to me "Honey," she said, "we fell in love sitting down, and when I stood up, it was too late."


学习啦在线学习网   我十几岁的时候,和祖母一起翻看着老照片,我觉得他们在一起看起来很别扭。

学习啦在线学习网   “奶奶,”我问道,“你怎么会爱上一个比你矮五英寸的人呢?”

学习啦在线学习网   她转过脸来看着我。“宝贝,”她说,“我们是坐着相爱的。当我站起来的时候,已经太晚了。”

  简单点的英文小笑话:A Nervous Wife 神经紧张的妻子

  A man fell ill. His wife called a doctor in for him.

  While the doctor was looking over the man, his wife kept fussing(烦躁,发牢骚) andjabbering(快而含糊地说) all the time. The doctor told her: "Your husband must get absolute rest and quiet." Then he left some sleeping pills.

  The man's wife asked, "When do I dive them to my husband?" The doctor replied, "No, they are not for him. They are for you. You need them."

学习啦在线学习网   有个人生病了。他的妻子请了一位医生来给他治病。

  医生在给他治疗的时候,他的妻子一直大惊小怪,神神叨叨地紧张不安。医生对她说:“你的丈夫必须绝对休息和保持安静。” 然后他就留下了一些安眠药。

学习啦在线学习网   她问医生:“什么时候给我丈夫吃这些药呀!”医生回答说:“不用,这些药不是给他吃的,是给你吃的,你需要。”

  简单点的英文小笑话:Birthday presents 生日礼物

  A woman had bought birthday presents for her husband.

学习啦在线学习网   She was so excited and anxious to tell him. She said, "I've bought two presents for your birthday, dear. I would tell you now because I can't wait until that day. One present is a mat to put in front of my dressing table. Another one is a bronze statuette(小雕像) for the drawing room mantelpiece." And then she added: "Now me?"

  Her husband thought for a while and then replied: "I'd better get you a new razor and some ties, so that we may exchange presents with each other."


学习啦在线学习网   她很激动,并且急于要告诉她的丈夫。她说:“亲爱的,我买了两样东西给你做生日礼物。我现在就要告诉你,因为我等不得到那一天才说。一件礼物是一个地垫,可以放在我的梳妆台前。另一件是一个青铜的小雕像,可以放在客厅的壁炉架上”她还说:“好啦,你准备给我买什么呢?”






