学习啦在线学习网 英语笑话并不是中文笑话的翻版,因为面对同一则笑话,有可能外国人哈哈大笑而中国人却无动于衷,英语笑话中的幽默其实也是我们融入另一种文化的窗口。学习啦小编分享关于英文笑话小故事,希望可以帮助大家!
关于英文笑话小故事:Saving Lives
At a pre-med university in St. Louis, we had to take a difficult class in physics. One day the professor was discussing a particularly complicated concept. A student rudely interrupted to ask "Why do we have to learn this stuff?"
学习啦在线学习网 "To save lives." The professor responded quickly and continued the lecture. A few minutes later, the same student spoke up again. "So how does physics save lives?" he persisted. "It usually keeps the idiots like you out of medical school," replied the professor.
学习啦在线学习网 在圣路易斯的一所医学院预科大学,学生必须修一门很难的物理课。一天,教授正在探讨一个特别复杂的概念,一个学生粗鲁地打断他的话,问道:“为什么我们一定要学这种东西?”
关于英文笑话小故事:What Does She See in Him?
学习啦在线学习网 A husband and wife were watching a TV show one night in which a wife hired a private detective to follow her husband and see if he was cheating on her. So, the husband asked the wife if she would ever do that to him. The wife said, “Yes, of course I would! Not so much to find out about the other woman, but to see if I could find out what she saw in you!”
学习啦在线学习网 有一天晚上,一对夫妇正看着电视,剧中的老婆雇用一个私家侦探跟踪她的先生,看看他是否对她不忠。先生问太太说,她是否也会这样做?太太说:「是!当然会,但不是为了找出另一个女人是谁,而是为了查看看到底她看中你哪一点?」
学习啦在线学习网 On her return from school,little Dolly,aged ten,was pulled on to her Daddy's knee,and informed that the fairies had that day brought a big surprise a little baby brother.She see med glad,and presently said:
学习啦在线学习网 “Will you give me a stamp,daddy?I want to write and tell brother Tom.”
The father was touched by this,and provided the little lass with the materials to write a letter to her brother,who was away at school.Later,curious to know how she would tell the news,he took an opportunity to read what she had writen.He received something of a shock on reading the following:
“Dear Tom,
“It's come off today.You've lost;it's a boy.”
学习啦在线学习网 放学回到家里,十岁的小多莉被拉过来坐在她爸爸的膝上,她被告知那天仙女们带来了一个大大的惊奇——一个婴儿小弟弟。她似乎很高兴,马上说:
关于英文笑话小故事:What time is it now?
学习啦在线学习网 The two boys were camping in the backyard. When they couldn't figure out what time it was, the first boy said to the second, "Start singing very loud."
"How will that help?" said the second boy.
"Just do it," insisted the first.
Both boys broke into song, singing at the top of their lungs. Moments later, a neighbor threw open her window and shouted, "Keep it down! Don't you know it's three o'clock in the morning?"
学习啦在线学习网 两个男孩子在后院露营,他们不知道到了晚上几点钟。于是,一个男孩对另外一个说:“我们开始大声唱歌就行了。”
学习啦在线学习网 “那就会知道时间吗?”第二个男孩问。
关于英文笑话小故事:I am a Busy Man
One day a bunch of naughty children wanted to make fun of him and said to him:" There are birds' eggs on that tree. Won't you get them for us please? We can't climb up."
Loath to disappoint the children, he was ready to climb the tree. But knowing that the mischievous youngsters would make off with his boots if he left them on the ground, he tied them to his waist-band before he started the climb.
学习啦在线学习网 "We'll take care of your boots for you!" the children chorused.
"No, thank you!" was he reply. "I am a busy man. And as soon as I've got the eggs for you, I'll make my way home along the tree-tops."
有一天,一群顽皮的孩子想捉弄他,便对他说:“那树上有鸟蛋,请你替我们拿下来好吗?我们爬不上去。”他不想使孩子们失望,便准备爬上树去。但是他知道如果把靴子留在地上,这群顽皮的小鬼一定会把靴子拿走,于是他先把靴子系在腰带上,然后开始爬树。 孩子们齐声说:“我们会替你保管好你的靴子的。”
学习啦在线学习网 他回答道:“谢谢你们,不必了。我是个忙人。替你们取到蛋后,我就要沿着树顶走回家的。”