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  A man was hit by a cab in the street. He was brought to the hospital. His wife who was standingup by his bed, said to the doctor: "I think that he is very ill."  "I am afraid that he is dead."said the doctor.  Hearing this, the man moved his head and said: "I'm not dead. I'm stillalive."  "Be quiet, " said the wife. "the doctor knows better than you!"

  一个男人在街上被出租车撞倒送进了医院。他的妻子站在他的床前对医生说:“我想他伤得很厉害。”  医生说:“恐怕他已经死了。”  听到医生的话,这个男人转动着头说:“我没死,我还活着。”  妻子说:“安静,医生比你懂得多。”

  英语笑话带翻译:老来疯许愿, 不卖后悔药

  A couple had been married for 25 years and were celebrating their 60th birthdays, which fell on the same day.During the celebration a fairy appeared and said that because they had been such a loving couple for all 25 years, she would give them one wish each.The wife wanted to travel around the world. The fairy waved her hand, and Boom! She had the tickets in her hand.Next, it was the husband's turn. He paused for a moment, then said shyly, "Well, I'd like to have a woman 30 years younger than me."The fairy picked up her wand, and Boom! He was ninety.

学习啦在线学习网   一对结婚25周年的夫妻在庆祝他们六十岁的生日。他们恰好在同一天出生。庆祝活动中,一位仙女出现了。她说,由于他们是已经结婚25年的恩爱夫妻,因此她给许给这对夫妻每个人一个愿望。妻子想周游世界。仙女招了招手。“呯!”的一声,她的手中出现了一张票。接下来该丈夫许愿了。他犹豫片刻,害羞地说,“那我想要一位比我年轻30岁的女人。”仙女拾起了魔术棒。“呯!”,他变成了90岁。

  英语笑话带翻译:I Could Do It Slower

学习啦在线学习网   Patient: What do you charge for pulling a tooth? Dentist: Fifty dollars. Patient: Fifty dollars for acouple of minutes' work? Dentist: Well, I could do it slower, if you like.

  病人:拔一颗牙收费多少? 牙医:50美元。 病人:只几分钟的活儿就要50美元? 牙医:好的,如果你喜欢的话,我可以干得慢一些。

  英语笑话带翻译:Friend for Dinner

学习啦在线学习网   Honey, said the husband to his wife, I invited a friend home for supper. What? Are you crazy?The house is a mess, I havent been shopping, all the dishes are dirty, and I dont feel likecooking a fancy meal!I know all that. Then why did you invite a friend for supper? Because thepoor fools thinking about getting married.

  “亲爱的,”丈夫对妻子说:“我邀请了一位朋友回家吃晚饭。” “什么?你疯了吗?我们的房子乱糟糟的,我很久没有买过东西回来了,所有的碗碟都是脏的,还有,我可不想做一餐累死人的晚饭。” “这些我全都知道。” “那你为什么还要邀请朋友回来吃晚饭?” “因为那个可怜的笨蛋正考虑要结婚呢。”








笑话是日常生活中人们消遣娱乐的一种常见语言现象,其目的在于在会话过程中传递和激发幽默感。小编精心收集了英语笑话带翻译,供大家欣赏学习! 英语笑话带翻译:神医生知万事 A man was hit by a cab in the street. He was brought to t