学习啦在线学习网 不管文体与笑话如何相似,若他不能让人发笑,那它就不能算是笑话。如果能引人发笑的,都可以将其看作笑话。小编精心收集了长篇英文笑话带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!
学习啦在线学习网 A judge, a bishop, and a conductor were having a discussion. All three were rather vain men, and their talk soon turned to the question of which of them was the greatest.
"Well," said the judge, "My position is one of dignity and power. When I walk into the courtroom, the bailiff says ‘All rise!’ and all the people stand to pay me honor."
"That's very nice," said the bishop. "People stand in your honor; but when people have an audience with me they kneel, kiss my ring, and they address me as 'Your Holiness.'"
The conductor snorted and said, "I think I got you both beat; when I step onto the podium, as guest conductor, the people look down, put their hands over their eyes, and say 'Oh, my God!'"
学习啦在线学习网 “嗯,”法官说,“我的职业既高贵又拥有权力,当我走进法庭的时候,狱警会说‘全体起立!’接着所有人都会站起来向我致意。”
学习啦在线学习网 “好极了,”主教说,“人们站起来向你致敬。当我出现在教堂里,人们会跪在我的面前,亲吻我的戒指,并称呼我为‘陛下’。”
There once was a dog show to determine the world's smartest dog. Three dogs were in the final. One dog belonged to a doctor. One dog belonged to an engineer. And, one dog belonged to a lawyer.
For the final each dog was given a bag of bones to see what it could make. The doctor said, "Stethoscope, go!" The dog built a human skeleton.
The judges were ready to award the trophy right then. But, they decided to give the other dogs a try.
学习啦在线学习网 The engineer said, "Slide-rule, go!" The dog built a suspension bridge.
学习啦在线学习网 The judges were beside themselves. Which dog would they pick?
学习啦在线学习网 The lawyer said. "Loop-hole, go!" The dog ate the bones, got a percentage of all thetolls from the bridge and screwed the other two dogs.
学习啦在线学习网 在一场狗秀的活动中,人们要选出一只世界上最聪明的狗。有三只狗进入了决赛,它们的主人分别是:医生,建筑师和律师。
学习啦在线学习网 裁判们左右为难,到底该选哪一只呢?
长篇英文笑话带翻译: 妈妈,您可以下来了
学习啦在线学习网 The cruise ship my friend was working on socked at a Mexican port during a very high tide. Everyone on board was forced to use the ship's narrow gangplank as a passageway to the dock far below.
The staff stood motionless when a passenger in her 70's appeared at the top of theplank. There wasn't room for anyone to assist her, so she edged along slowly and finally made it to the dock safely, to everyone's relief. As she stepped down, she turned, looked back at the top of the plank and shouted, "It's okay, mother, you can come down now."