学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语阅读 > 英语笑话 > 长一点的英语笑话带翻译


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  The Whole Truth

  At school,a boy was told by a classmate that most adults are hiding at least one dark secret,and that this makes it very easy to blackmail them by saying,"I know the whole truth".

  The boy decides to go home and try it out.He goes home,and as he is greeted by his mother he says,"I know the whole truth."

  His mother quickly hands him and says,"Just don't tell your father."

  Quite pleased,the boy waits for his father to get home from work,and greets him with,"I know the whole truth."

学习啦在线学习网   The father promptly hands him and says,"Please don't say a word to your mother."

  Very pleased,the boy is on his way to school the next day,when he sees the mailman at his front door.The boy greets him by saying,"I know the whole truth."

学习啦在线学习网   The mailman drops the mail,opens his arms,and says,"Then come give your father a big hug."


学习啦在线学习网   在学校,一个男孩告诉同学,大多数成年人都至少有一个不可告人的秘密,这使它非常容易敲诈他们说,“我知道全部真相”.

学习啦在线学习网   男孩决定回家试试.他回到家,和他打招呼时,他被他的母亲说,“我知道全部真相.”


学习啦在线学习网   很高兴,这个男孩在他的父亲下班回家,迎接他,“我知道全部真相.”

学习啦在线学习网   父亲立刻递给他40美元,并说,“请不要说一个字,你的母亲.”

学习啦在线学习网   很高兴,这个男孩在他去学校的第二天,当他看见邮递员在他的门口.这个男孩迎接他,说,“我知道全部真相.”

学习啦在线学习网   邮差放下邮件,张开双臂,说,“那就来给你爸爸一个大大的拥抱.”


  The preacher was vexed(生气的) because a certain member of his congregation(集会,圣会) always fell asleep during the sermon.As the man was snoring in the front row one Sunday, the preacher determined he would teach him not to sleep during the sermon. So, in a whisper, he asked the congregation. "All who want to go to heaven, please rise." Everyone got up except the snorer. After whispering "Be seated", the minister shouted at the top of hisvoiced, "All those who want to be with the devil, please rise."Awaking with a start(吓一跳) , the sleepy-head jumped to his feet and saw the preacher standing tall and angry in the pulpit(讲道坛) , "Well, sir," he said, "I don't know what we're voting on, but it looks like you and me are the only ones for it."

学习啦在线学习网   牧师非常生气,因为总有一个人在他说教时打瞌睡。一个星期天,正当坐在前排的那个人又在瞌睡时,牧师决定要好好教育他一下,让他不要再在布道时睡觉。于是他低声对信徒们说:“想去天堂的人,都请站起来吧。”所有的人都站了起来——当然,除了那个打瞌睡的人。在低声说过请坐后,牧师高声喊道:“想去下地狱的人请站起来!”打瞌睡的人被这突然的喊叫声惊醒了,他站了起来英语笑话带翻译长的笑话大全。看到牧师高站在教坛上,正生气的看着他。这个人说道:“噢,先生,我不知道我们在选什么,但看上去只有你和我是候选人。”



学习啦在线学习网   Searching through row upon row of Christmas trees, my husband Norm and In picked one we liked. Then I noticed the one being held by a woman nearby the perfect tree. I watched as she carried it around the lot and couldn’t believe my eyes when she set it aside.

学习啦在线学习网   我和丈夫诺姆挑选圣诞树,挑了一排又一排,终于选了一棵中意的。这时我注意到旁边一位妇女手里拿的一棵—那是一棵绝好的圣诞树。她拿着那棵树在那个地方走来走去,我就一直看着。当她将树放到一边时,我简直都不敢相信我的眼睛了。

学习啦在线学习网   I ditched ours and ran over to grab the coveted tree. "Aren't we lucky?" I said to Norm. "I do feel a little guilty, however, for taking it before she could change her mind.”

学习啦在线学习网   我丢开我们选的那棵,跑过去一把抓住那棵我垂涎已久的圣诞树。“我们真走运!”我对诺姆说:“不过,我确实觉得有点愧疚,在她还没来得及改变主意之前就把它拿了下来。”

学习啦在线学习网   "I wouldn’t worry ,”he replied, "she just ran over and snatched ours."






