学习啦在线学习网 Bernie was invited to his friend's home for dinner. Morris, the host, preceded every request tohis wife by endearing terms, calling her Honey, My Love, Darling, Sweetheart, etc. 伯尼被邀请到朋友家吃晚餐。莫里斯,也是请客的主人,在每个客人面前都称他的妻子为亲爱的、我的爱人、甜心等等。
Bernie looked at Morris and remarked, "That is really nice, that after all these years that youhave been married, and you keep calling your wife those pet names." Morris hung his head andwhispered," To tell the truth, I forgot her name three years ago."
学习啦在线学习网 No matter which girls he brought home, the young man found disapproval from his mother. Afriend gave him advice."Find a girl just like your mother -- then, she's bound to like her." Sothe young man searched and searched, and finally found the girl. He told his friendlyadviser:"Just like you said, I found a girl who looked, talked, dressed, and even cooked likemother, And just as you said, mother liked her". "So," asked the friend, "whathappened?""Nothing," said the young man. " My father hates her!".
学习啦在线学习网 A little boy asked his father, "Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?"And the fatherreplied, "I don't know, son, I'm still paying."
The master, to impress on his pupils the need of thinking before speaking, told them to countfifty before saying anything important, and one hundred if it was very important. The next dayhe was speaking, standing with his back to the fire, when he noticed several lips moving rapidly.Suddenly the whole class shouted: Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, a hundred. Your coat is on fire,sir!
学习啦在线学习网 老师为了让学生记住先思考后发言,告诉他们在说出重要事情之前先数到50,如果是特别重要的事情,要先数到100。 第二天,当老师背靠着火炉讲课时,发现好几个学生的嘴唇在很快地不停地动。突然,全班学生一起喊道:“九十八,九十九,一百。老师,您的大衣着火了!”
Son: Papa, what' s the meaning of " Like father, like son"?
学习啦在线学习网 Father: Bastard. What another scandalous thing have you done in the school?
学习啦在线学习网 父亲:狗崽子,你在学校又干什么见不得人的事啦?