学习啦在线学习网 笑话一般比较短小,喜剧性很强,普遍存在于人们的日常生活中。笑话的娱乐作用可以减轻人的心理压力,促进身体健康。小编精心收集了3分钟英语搞笑小故事,供大家欣赏学习!
Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall.Observers waited for mayhem to ensue.
学习啦在线学习网 三个互相争生意的商店老板在一条商业街上租用了毗邻的店铺。旁观者等着瞧好戏。
The retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, "Gigantic Sale!" and "Super Bargains!"
学习啦在线学习网 The store on the left raised bigger signs proclaiming, "Prices Slashed!" and "Fantastic Discounts!"
学习啦在线学习网 The owner in the middle then prepared a large sign that simply stated, "ENTRANCE".
学习啦在线学习网 中间的商人随后准备了一个大招牌,上面只简单地写着:“入口处”。
A friend of mine who teachs European history at Washington University in St. Louis tell aboutthe time he spotted a plagiarized term paper. He summoned the student to his office. "This isn'tyour work." he said. "Someone typed it for you straight out of the encyclopedia. "You cann'tprove that!" the student sputtered. My friend amiled and show him the paper. Circled in redwas: "Also see article on communism."
我有个朋友在圣路易斯的华盛顿大学教欧洲历史,他说有一次他发现了一篇抄袭的学期论文。他把那个学生叫到了办公室。“这不是你写的,”他说,“有人帮你从百科全书上原封不动地打印了下来。” “你没有证据。”那学生气急败坏地说。 我朋友笑了,他把论文拿给他看。用红笔圈出来的是:“也可参阅共产主义一文。”
Jack Hawkins was the football coach at an Amercian college, and he was always trying to find good players, but they weren‘t always smart enought to be accepted by the college.
One day the coach brought an excellent young player to the dean of the college and asked that the student be allowed to enter without an examination. "Well," the dean said after some persuasion, "I‘d better ask him a few questions first."
Then he turned to the student and asked him some very easy questions, but the student didn‘t know any of the answers.
At last the dean said, "Well, what‘s five times seven?"
The student thought for a long time and then answered, "Thirty-six."
学习啦在线学习网 The dean threw up his hands and looked at the coach in despair, but the coach said earnestly, "Oh, please let him in, sir! He was only wrong by two."
学习啦在线学习网 杰克霍金斯是美国一所学院的橄榄球队教练,他竭力想物色好球员。但是好球员学业不行,院方不愿录取。
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