学习啦在线学习网 民间笑话故事像神话小说等民间文学一样,是广大劳动人民在长期的生产劳动和与自然界作斗争的过程中,以口头形式创作和传承的文学体裁。小编精心收集了初一水平英语笑话,供大家欣赏学习!
A man sat at a bar, had the saddest hangdog expression.
Bartender: "What's the matter? Are you having troubles with your wife?"
The man: "We had a fight, and she told me that she wasn't going to speak to me for a month."
学习啦在线学习网 Bartender: "That should make you happy."
The man: "No, the month is up today!"
学习啦在线学习网 一个男人坐在酒吧里,伤心至极。
学习啦在线学习网 酒吧招待:“你怎么了?跟老婆闹矛盾了?”
学习啦在线学习网 男人:“我们吵了一架,她说一个月都不跟我说话。”
学习啦在线学习网 Now i can go home
One day after school the teacher said to his students,“Tomorrow morning,if any one of you can answer my first question.I'll permit him or her to go home earlier.” The next day,when the teacher came into the classroom,he found the blackboard daubed.He was very angry and asked,“Who did it?Please stand up! ” “It' s me,”said Bob,“Now,I can go home,Good-bye,Sir! ”
学习啦在线学习网 一天,放学以后,老师对他的学生们说:“明天上午,如果你们当中的任何一个同学能回答我的第一个问题,我就准许他或她最先回家。”第二天,老师走进教室时发现黑板已被乱涂,他非常生气地问:“谁涂的? 请站起来。”鲍勃说:“先生,是我,现在我可以回家了,再见。”
A man was a butterfingers. He had been suffering from unemployment for months.
学习啦在线学习网 At last he found a job in a chinaware house. He had worked only a few days when he dropped a large vase.
The manager summoned him to the office and told him that money would be deducted from his wages every week until the vase was paid for. He asked: "How much did it cost?" "Five hundred dollars." said the manager. "Oh, that's wonderful," he said happily, "I'm so happy that I have got a steady job at last."
学习啦在线学习网 有一个人很粗心,老是打烂东西。他已失业好几个月了。
学习啦在线学习网 最后他在一个瓷器店找到了一个工作。可是才干了几天,他就打烂了一个很大的花瓶。
学习啦在线学习网 A young man came home from work and found his bride upset. "I feel terrible,” she said. "I was pressing your suit and I burned a big hole in the seat of your trousers.”
“Forget it ,” consoled her husband. “Remember that I’ve got an extra pair of pants for that suit.”
“Yes,” said the woman, cheering up. "And it’s lucky you have. I used them to patch the hole.”
学习啦在线学习网 “是的,”妻子高兴地说,“幸亏你还有一条,我后来就用它来补了这个洞了。”