学习啦在线学习网 笑话一般指短小、滑稽的故事,是一种民间口头创作形式,在民间文化中以口口相传的形式传播。小编精心收集了简短的英语笑话带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!
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a schoolboy went home with a pain in his stomach. "well, sit down and eat your tea," said his mother. "your stomach's hurting because it's empty. it'll be all right when you've got something in it."
shortly afterwards dad come in from the office, complaining of a headache.
"that's because it's empty," said his bright son. "you'd be all right if you had something in it."
模 仿
学习啦在线学习网 一会儿,男孩的爸爸下班回家了,说是头痛。
as a rookie in the atlantic city, n.j., police department, i was assigned a beat on the boardwalk. hardly a day went by when i didn't come upon a child who had become separated from his parents.
学习啦在线学习网 one afternoon, i spotted a small boy standing alone, obviously lost. i tried to gain his confidence - i took him to the nearest ice-cream stand and bought him a cone. time passed with no sign of the boy's parents, so the next step was to call for a patrol car to take him to headquarters. i told the small fry to stay put while i went to the call box. when i returned, he was nowhere in sight.
within minutes, the car arrived, and one of the patrolmen asked me where the child was. i felt stupid; it's humiliating to say you've lost a lost child. but i told the officers what had happened and gave a description of the boy. "what did you treat him?" asked one of the men.
"an ice-cream cone. why?"
"because," answered the officer, "that kid lives only a few blocks from here, and you've about the fifth rookie he's conned for a treat!"
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学习啦在线学习网 一天下午,我发现一个小孩独自站在那里,显然是迷了路。我先是设法取得他的信任-我带他到附近的冰淇淋摊给他买了一个蛋筒。过了很长时间,也没看见他父母的影子,所以我就准备打电话叫辆巡逻车将他送回总部去。我告诉他站在那里别动,我去电话亭打电话。当我回来时,却发现他不知道到哪儿去了。
学习啦在线学习网 “一个冰淇淋蛋筒。怎么啦?”
学习啦在线学习网 returning from a golf outing, my husband was greeted at the door by sara, our four-year-old daughter. "daddy, who won the golf game? you or uncle richie?"
"uncle richie and i don't play golf to win," my husband hedged. "we just play to have fun."
学习啦在线学习网 undaunted, sare said, "okay, daddy, who had more fun?"
学习啦在线学习网 丈夫打完高尔夫球回来,我们四岁的女儿莎拉在门口迎了上去。“爸爸,谁赢了高尔夫球比赛,是你还是理查叔叔?”
学习啦在线学习网 “我和理查叔叔打高尔夫球不是为赢,”丈夫推诿说。“我们打球只是为了好玩而已。”