学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语阅读 > 英语笑话 > 外国经典幽默故事四则


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  Two guys recently dead were given the option to stay either in Heaven or Hell fog the rest of their eternity. They asked if it was OK to look around first, and to their surprise,it was.First, they went to Heaven. All niceguys were there, dressed in white they sat on clouds playing harp. Quite a boring place, thought our heroes.

学习啦在线学习网   两个家伙死了之后,被允许选择是愿意呆在天堂还是地狱。他们提出能否到两个地方先观光一下,他们被允许了。首先他们来到了天堂。这里都是穿着白衣服看上去很正派的人,他们坐在白云上弹奏着竖琴。他们想:这是个多无聊的地方呀。

  "Let' s go to Hell,”they said to each other.


  Hell turned out to be a completely different scene. It was all bars, casino andamusement parks. Free drinks for everyone and a lot of people having a real good time.Back from Hell,the guys were asked to choose between Heaven and Hell. They both chose Hell.


  Back in Hell, they were immediately scuffled in the back of a sub-surface car and driven to a coalmine. Someone gave them a shovel each and told them to start working.

学习啦在线学习网   回到了地狱之后,他们立即被送进了一辆矿井车的后座,然后驶向了一个煤矿井。有人给他们每人一个铲子,叫他们开始工作。

学习啦在线学习网   "What' s this? The last time we were here the place was entirely different.”

学习啦在线学习网   “这是怎么回事?上次我们在这里的时候完全不是这样的。”

  "Yes, but then you were tourists, now you are immigrants.



学习啦在线学习网   In the army a company of soldiers decided to have some fun with their company cook, a short, fat, very un-martial young man. So every morning before he woke up, one of them would defecate into his boot. The amazing thing was that the cook accepted this treatment silently. Every morning he would clean out his boot and go to work as if nothing was wrong.


学习啦在线学习网   After several weeks of this, the soldiers began to tire of the game; it wasn't very much fun because the cook never reacted, and they were beginning to feel guilty as well. So they sent a delegation to apologize to him and promise to mend their ways. The cook heard them out, and then said, "You are going to stop shitting in my boots? Fine, then I will stop pissing in your coffee.”



学习啦在线学习网   The woman had been away for two days visiting a sick friend in another city. When she returned,her little boy greeted her by saying, "Mommy, guess what! Yesterday I was playing in the closet in your bedroom and Daddy came into the room with the lady next door and they got undressed and got into your bed and them…”


  Sonny’s mother held up her hand. "Not another word. Wait till your father comes home and then I want you to tell him exactly what you’ve just told me. " The father came home. As he walked into the house,his wife said,"I' m leaving you. I' m packing now and I' m leaving you.”

学习啦在线学习网   妈妈抓住他的手说:“不要讲了,等到你爸爸回家了,你就把和我讲的全部讲给他听。”孩子的爸爸回来了。当他走近房间的时候他的妻子说:“我要离开你。我现在就收拾好行李,我要走了。”

学习啦在线学习网   "But why--"asked the startled father.

学习啦在线学习网   “但是,这是为什么?”他吃惊地问。

  "Go ahead,Sonny. Tell Daddy just what you told me.”


  "Well,”Sonny said,"I was playing in your bedroom closet and Daddy came upstairs with the lady next door and they got undressed and got into bed and then they did just what you did with Uncle John when Daddy was away last summer.”

学习啦在线学习网   “好吧,”那个小家伙说,“我正在你卧室的衣柜里玩的时候,爸爸和隔壁的阿姨上楼来,然后他们脱了衣服上了床。然后,他们就像是去年夏天爸爸不在家时你和约翰叔叔一样。”


学习啦在线学习网   One night, a man comes home slightly drunk and his wife ( who is suspecting he’s cheating on her) questions his whereabouts…

学习啦在线学习网   一天深夜,一个男人稍有醉意回到家中。他的妻子问他去哪了(她有些怀疑他的话)。

  Wife: "Where were you?"

学习啦在线学习网   妻子:“你去哪了?”

  Man: "I was at this new bar called the Golden Bar. Everything is golden.”


学习啦在线学习网   Wife: "Sure you were. There' s no such place”

学习啦在线学习网   妻子:“你真去了吗? 根本没有这种地方!”

学习啦在线学习网   Man: "There is! They have huge golden doors, a golden floors, and even golden urinals !”


  Wife: "Oh, I BELEIVE you 100%.”

学习啦在线学习网   妻子:‘好,就算我恻言你!”

学习啦在线学习网   So, the next day the wife looks through the phone book for this golden bar. She’s surprised when she finds a Golden Bar located across town. She decides to call up and check this out for herself…

学习啦在线学习网   第二天,他的妻子在电话号码簿里查金色酒吧的电话。使她吃惊的是金色酒吧就在他们住的小镇的另一头。她决定打电话过去证实一下她丈夫的话。

  Wife: "Is this the Golden Bar?"


  Bartender: "Yes it is.”


  Wife: "Do you have huge golden doors? "


  Bartender: "Yes we do…”

学习啦在线学习网   酒吧服务员:“是的,我们有......”

学习啦在线学习网   Wife: "Do you have golden floors?"

学习啦在线学习网   妻子:“你们的地板也是金色的?”

  Bartender; "We have them, too…”


  Wife: "What about golden urinals?"

学习啦在线学习网   妻子:“那有没有金色便池?”

  Bartender( speaking away from phone):"Hey Max,I think we have a lead on the guy that fouled your alto-sax.”

学习啦在线学习网   酒吧服务员在电话那头问:“嘿,马克斯,我认为那天有人往你的高音萨克斯里小便的事有线索了。”