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时间: 焯杰674 分享




  Two IT guys were walking across the ark when one said, "Where did you get sucha great bike`?"


  The second IT guy replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, ‘Take what you want.’ The first IT guy nodded approvingly, "Good choice; the clothes probably wouldn't have fit.”

学习啦在线学习网   第二个说:“我昨天在街上走,正在想我的工作,这时一个漂亮的女人骑着这车过来。她把车推倒在地上,脱下所有的衣服说:‘随你挑。” 第一个男子点头表示赞同地说:“你选的对,衣服不一定合适。”


学习啦在线学习网   Back in the old Wild West, there were two blond cowpokes, Jeff and Dave. One day, the two were enjoying a strong sasparilla in the local saloon, when a man walked into the bar with an Indian's head under his am.

学习啦在线学习网   故事发生在很多年以前的西部,有两位金发牛仔。一个叫杰夫,一个叫大卫。一天,他们两个人正在一个小酒馆里品尝烈性酒,这时一个男的走进了酒馆,腋下还夹了一个印第安人的头。

学习啦在线学习网   The barman shakes his hand and says, "I hate Indians; last week the bastards burnt my barn to the ground, assaulted my wife and killed my children.” He then says, "If any man brings me the head of an Indian, I'II give him one thousand dollars.”

学习啦在线学习网   酒店老板一边摇手一边说:“我讨厌印第安人,上周那些可恶的家伙把我的谷仓烧为了平地,强暴了我的太太,杀死了我的孩子们,”他接着说:“如果谁能给我带来印度安人的头,我就给他1000美元。”

  The two blonds looked at each other and walked out of the bar to go hunting for an Indian. They were walking around for a while when suddenly they saw one; Jeff threw a rock which hit the Indian right on the head. The Indian fell off his horse, but landed seventy feet down a ravine. The two nuts made their way down the ravine where Dave pulled out a knife to claim their trophy.


  Suddenly, Jeff said, "Dave,take a look at this.” Dave replied, "Not now, I’m busy.”

学习啦在线学习网   突然,杰夫说:“大卫,快看那边。”大卫说:“现在不行,我正忙着呢。”

  Jeff tugged him on the shoulder and says, "I really think you should look at this.”Dave said,“Look,you can see I’m busy. There’s a thousand dollars in my hand.” But Jeff was adamant. "Please, Dave,take a look at this.”So Dave looked up and saw that standing at the top of the ravine were five thousand red Indians. Dave just shook his head and said, "Oh. . . my …God…we're going to be millionaires!”

学习啦在线学习网   杰夫拍着他的肩膀说:“我真的希望你能看一下那边。”大卫说:“你没看见我正在忙吗,我现在手里可是1000美元呢。”可是杰夫坚持说:“大卫,你一定要看看那边。”于是大卫抬起头来看,原来在峡谷的顶上有大约5000个印第安人。他摇着头说:“我的天啊,我们要成百万富翁了。”


学习啦在线学习网   The National Transportation Safety Board recently divulged they had covertly funded a project with the U. S. auto maker for the past five years, whereby the auto makers were installing black boxes in four heel drive pick一up trucks in an effort to determine, in fatal accidents, the circumstances in the last 15 seconds before the crash.


  They were surprised to find in 49 of the 50 states the last words of drivers in 74.7 percent of fatal crashes were, "Oh, Shit!”


学习啦在线学习网   Only the state of Texas was different, where 92. 3 percent of the final words were, "Hey Y’all,hold my beer and watch this!"

学习啦在线学习网   只有德克萨斯州的司机与众不同,92. 3%的德州司机的最后一句话是:“嘿,伙计,拿好我的啤酒,小心!”