学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语阅读 > 英语笑话 > 经典趣味英语小故事三则


时间: 焯杰674 分享




  After two sleepless nights in a noisy campground,my wife and I were dreading another evening of radios and singslongs. Then a middle-aged couple pulled into the space beside us. While the wife prepared dinner,her husband mounted two huge loud speakers on the roof of their camper. We crouched by our fire,waiting for the first blast of whatever these people considered music. To our surprise,the speakers remained silent,and just as the partiers were getting into full swing,our neighbors retired for the evening. We decided to do the same,although there seemed little chance of sleeping.


  As our tent was throbbing to a rock number,a low moan became audible,developing into an unmistakable wolf howl. It was soon joined by others in rising and falling harmonies. After reaching peak volume,the wild chorus faded quickly to utter silence. The campground was deathly quiet for what seemed like ages,and then a deep but pleasant voice said,"Relax,folks,it's just a recording. Good night."



  It was the first day of school and a new student,the son of a Japanese businessman,entered the fourth grade.The teacher greeted the class and said,“Let’begin by reviewing some American history. Who said 'Give me liberty,or give me death'?"

学习啦在线学习网   开学的头一天,四年级来了一个新生。这是一个日本商人的儿子。老师跟全班打了招呼,并说:“我们先来复习一些美国的历文。谁曾经说过‘要么就让我死,要么就给我自由’?”

  She saw only a sea of blank faces except for that of Toshiba,who had his hand up. "Patrick Henry,1775,"said the boy.“Now,”said the teacher,“Who said 'Government of the people,by the people,for the people shall not perish from the earth'?”


  Again, no response except from Toshiba:”Abraharn Lincoln,1863. "


  The teacher snapped at the class,"You should be ashamed. Toshiba,who is new to our country,knows more about it than you do."


  As she turned to write something on the blackboard,she heard a loud whisper:"Damned Japanese.”

学习啦在线学习网   “林肯, 1863年。”

  "Who said that?"she demanded.

学习啦在线学习网   老师冲着全班打了一个响指说:“你们应感到害躁,这个新来我们国家的东芝比你们知道的都多。”

  Toshiba put his hand up. "Lee Jacocca,1982. "he said.

学习啦在线学习网   当老师在黑板上写字时,听到一声咒骂:“该死的日本人!”

学习啦在线学习网   老师问:“谁说的?”


学习啦在线学习网   Not long after my sister's wedding,one of my father's colleagues and his wife dropped in to see Mom and Dad.The guests had not been invited to the wedding, so when

  the woman said,”I'm sorry I didn't get over to the church the other day,”Mom assumed she meant the church's Good Cheer Club Tea and Bazaar.


  "I'rn glad you didn't.”Mom replied.”You never saw such a mob scene!"

学习啦在线学习网   我妈妈回答说:“你没有来太好了,免得你看那片乱哄哄的景色.”

学习啦在线学习网   "I thought I'd like to see how everyone was dressed,"the guest said."What did you wear?"

学习啦在线学习网   客人说:“我原打算看看大家穿得如何,你那天穿的是什么?’,

  "Just my old navy print and my oxfords,“said Mom,"and a good thing,too,as we cleared almost a thousand dollars. "

学习啦在线学习网   妈妈说:“就是那套老式的海军呢和我的牛津服呗。值得一提的是,我们挣了一千多块钱。”

学习啦在线学习网   "Did you take a collection?"the woman gasped.


学习啦在线学习网   "Oh, no,“said Mom,"you know how it is,a lot of people come just to look and you don't make a thing out of them,so we decided to charge admission at the door.”

学习啦在线学习网   “噢,没有,”妈妈说:“你知道怎么着,许多人只是来看热闹,你从他们身上是分文也得不到的,所以我们决定收门票。”

  At this point Dad realized signals were crossed,and he suggested to Mom that she explain that my sister's wedding had been neither a mob scene nor a profit-making venture.
