学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语阅读 > 英语笑话 > 幽默爆笑英语小故事


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  Our annual high school faculty party was held at a popular restaurant. By late evening,our waiter looked dead on his feet. My husband told him to pull up a chair.“Are all you folks teachers?"the young man asked.


  "Why,yes,"I replied. "What makes you ask?"

学习啦在线学习网   “是呀,怎么了?”我说:“你怎么想起问这个问题了?”

  " I never waited on a group like this before,”he said."Every time one of you wants something,you raise your hand."

学习啦在线学习网   “我从来没为这样的人服务过,他们一旦有请求,总是都举手示意。”他说。


  At a convention in Washington, D. C.,I met a man who was visiting from a rural community. One night, he got into a taxicab and saw the name Allah on the dashboard.Unaccustomed to the cultural diversity of the city,he asked the driver,“Is that your name?" Shocked, the driver responded,”No. That is the god I worship!"



  Embarrassed,the visitor was determined not to make the same mistake again. The next time he got into a cab,he noticed a crown on the dashboard,and he asked the driver,"Is that a religious symbol?"

学习啦在线学习网   这件事使得那位参观者感到很尴尬,他打定主意,绝不再犯类似的错误。当他又一次乘坐出租车时,他注意到汽车仪表装置台上有个皇冠图样的东西,他便问司机,“那是个宗

学习啦在线学习网   教的象征吗?”

学习啦在线学习网   "No,"the driver responded. "It's an air freshener."



  Whenever my husband, Ben, does minor work on the car,he invites our six-year-old grandson, Jake,to help.

学习啦在线学习网   每当我丈夫贪,给汽车进行大检修时,他总是叫我们六岁的孙子杰克来帮助.

  One day,Jake's Daddy asked him, "What does Grandpa pay you for all that help you give him?"


  Hands on hips,Jake Looked at his Daddy in the eye and replied,"Grandpa pays me attention.”




学习啦在线学习网   I started my uaual running with my friend as I put on my new leather gloves.I told my friend that they cost me 50 dollars. As I felt that my hands were sweating inside the new, warm gloves on the way, I took them off and tucked them into my pockets. The sky was so blue and I was in a good mood,so 1 chased my friend on the road.


  Ten minutes later when I was going to wear them again, I suddenly realised that my pockets were empty. I felt greatly distressed.


  Later,my friend was willing to retrace the route with me,and we found one glove along the road.

学习啦在线学习网   我的朋友说:“其不错,现在你只丢了25美元。”

学习啦在线学习网   "Wow !"said my friend,”now you have only lost ."