学习啦在线学习网 学习英语可以是一个枯燥的过程,也可以是一个有趣的过程。小编在此献上搞笑的英语笑话,希望对大家有所帮助。
A husband said to his wife, "Why did God create women to be beautiful but foolish'?"
学习啦在线学习网 一位丈夫对妻子说:“为什么上帝把女人创造得如此美丽却又愚蠢呢?”
"Well," his wife answered at once. "The reason is very simple. God made us beautiful so men would love us; God made us foolish so we would marry them."
It was the final examination for a Biology course at a university. It was designed to weed out some students. The examination was two hours long. After the exam booklets were provided, the professor told the class that any exam booklet that was not on his desk in exactly two hours would not be accepted and the student would fail.
学习啦在线学习网 这是一所大学的生物课期末考试。考试旨在淘汰部分学生。考试时间为两小时。分发试题册后,教授对学生们说,两小时结束后任何没交的试题册他都不再接收,没交的学生一律不及格。考试开始后半小时,个学生匆匆跑了进来,向教授要试题册。
学习啦在线学习网 Half of an hour into the exam, a student came rushing in and asked the professor for an exam booklet.
"You're not going to have time to finish this," the professor stated sarcastically as he handed the student a booklet.
学习啦在线学习网 "Yes, I will," replied the student. He then took a seat and began writing. After two hours, the professor called for the exams, and the students filed up and handed them in. All except the late student, who continued writing. An hour later, the student came up to the professor who was sitting at his desk preparing for his next class. He attempted to put his exam on the stack of exam booklets already there
"I'm not going to accept that. It's late."
学习啦在线学习网 学生看上去将信将疑,有些生气。
学习啦在线学习网 The student looked incredulous and angry.
"Do you know who I am?"
学习啦在线学习网 “不,说实话,我不知道,”教授回答说,言语中带着嘲讽的语气。
"No, as a matter of fact, I don't," replied the professor with an air of sarcasm in his voice.
学习啦在线学习网 “你知道我是谁吗?”学生又问,声音更响亮了。
学习啦在线学习网 "Do you know who I am?" the student asked again in a louder voice.
"No, and I don't care." replied the professor with an air of superiority.
"Good," replied the student, who quickly lifted the stack of completed exams, stuffed his in the middle, and walked out of the room.
While visiting a country school, the chairman of the Board Of Education became provoked at the noise the unruly students were making in the next room. Angrily, he opened the door and grabbed one of the taller boys who seemed to be doing most of the talking. He dragged the boy to the next room and stood him in the corner.
学习啦在线学习网 A few minutes later, a small boy stuck his head in the room and pleaded, "Please, sir, may we have our teacher back?"

上一篇:经典幽默的英语笑话 双语