学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语阅读 > 英语笑话 > 轻松生活趣味故事


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学习啦在线学习网   “哪里有人,哪里就有笑声。”从古到今,笑话是人们生活中不可缺少的“调剂品”。笑话使人们在刻板的生活中感到一丝快意和放松,在人们的日常生活中起着重要调剂作用。下面学习啦小编为大家带来轻松生活趣味故事,欢迎大家阅读!


  Three turtles decided to have a cup of coffee. Just as they got into the cafe, it started to rain.The biggest turtle said to the smallest one, " Go home and get the umbrella."The little turtle replied, "I will, if you don't drink my offee.""We won't," the other two promised.Two years later the big turtle said to the middle turtle, "Well, I guess he isn't coming back, so we might as well drink his coffee."Just then avoice called from outside the door, "If you do, I won't go."



  One day the staff members of a zoo called a meeting to discuss the problem--how to deal with the kangaroos that were found out of the cage. They came to the conclusion that the cage was placed too low and decided to raise it from one to two meters high. But the next day the kangaroos were still at large and they again raised the cage to three meters.

学习啦在线学习网   有一天,动物园的管理员们发现袋鼠从笼子里跑出来了,于是开会讨论,一致认为是笼子的高度过低,所以他们决定将笼子的高度由原来的1米加高到2米。结果第二天他们发现,袋鼠还是跑到外面来,所以他们又决定再将高度加高到3米。

  Quite beyond their expectation the next morning they saw the kangaroos still free to go about. They were alarmed and determined to go to all the length by raising the cage to the height of ten meters.

学习啦在线学习网   没想到隔天居然又看到袋鼠全跑到外面,于是管理员们大为紧张,决定一不做二不休,将笼子的高度加高到10米。

学习啦在线学习网   Later a giraffe, while chatting with some kangaroos, asked them, “Do you think they will go on raising your cage?”

学习啦在线学习网   一天,长颈鹿和几只袋鼠在闲聊,“你们看,这些人会不会再继续加高你们的笼子?”长颈鹿问。

  “Hard to say,” said a kangaroo, “if they continue forgetting to fasten the cage door.”

学习啦在线学习网   “很难说。”袋鼠说,“如果他们再继续忘记关门的话!”


学习啦在线学习网   A dog owner claimed that his pet, when given money, would go to the news stall to buy a paper. His friend insisted on a demonstration and handed the dog some money - The dogtrotted(小跑) off, but an hour later he had still not returned with the paper."How much did you give him?" asked the owner."Five dollars.""Well, that explains it. When you give him five dollars, he goes to a movie."

学习啦在线学习网   一位养狗人宣称:要是给了爱犬钱,它便会到报亭买份报纸来。他的朋友坚持要来做个演示,并给了狗一些钱。狗一溜小跑着去了。但一个小时过去了,仍不见它带报纸回来。“你给了它多少钱?”狗的主人问。“五元。”“这就是了。你给它五元钱时,它就去看电影。”