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学习啦在线学习网   笑话能够使我们在紧张的工作生活当中获得一丝的放松,想放松一下心情的话,那么请阅读下面学习啦小编为大家带来经典英语小笑话带翻译,欢迎大家阅读!


学习啦在线学习网   Young Johnny turned up late for Sunday school one morning and the teacher wanted to know why. "Well,I was going to fishing,but my dad wouldn’t let me,"said Johnny.


  “I should think not,”replied the teacher."And did your father explain why you should not go fishing on this day2”


  “Oh yeah,”said Johnny.“He said he didn't have enough bait for both of us."

学习啦在线学习网   “我想今天你爸爸也不会让你钓鱼的,”老师答道。“不过,他向你解释原因了呜?”

学习啦在线学习网   “解释了,”约翰尼说,“他说鱼饵不够我们两个人的。”


学习啦在线学习网   A group from Chicago spent a weekend gambling in Las Vegas. One of the men on the train won0,000. He didn’t want anyone to know about it,so he decided not to return with others,but took a later plane home,arriving back at 3 am.

学习啦在线学习网   周末,有一个从芝加哥来的旅行团在拉斯维加斯赌钱。其中一个人赢了10万美元。他不愿意让别人知道,所以他决定不和别人一起回去,他乘了一架晚一些的飞机回家,到家的时候已是凌晨3点。他立刻来到房子的后花园,挖了一个洞,把钱埋了进去。

学习啦在线学习网   He immediately went out to the back garden of his house,dug a hole and planted the money in it. The following morning he walked outside and found only an empty hole. He noticed footsteps leading from the hole to the house next door,which was owned by a deaf mute. On the same street lived a professor who understood sign language and was a friend of the deaf man. Grabbing his pistol,the enraged man went to awaken the professor and dragged him to the deaf man’s house.


  "You tell the guy that if he doesn't give me back my0 000,I’m going to kill him,”He screamed at the professor. The professor conveyed the message to his friend,and his friend replied in sign language,“I hid in my backyard,under the cherry tree.”


  The professor turned to the man with the gun and said,“He’s not going to tell you. He says he he’d rather die first.”




  A professor was known for being a generous marker. The grades he gave for one of his courses were based solely on two exams,and the stuff on the exams was covered entirely in the textbook. As word of the course spread,each term there was a large group of students who turned up infrequently,or not at all,just showing up for the exams. Finally, it got so bad that one term,about half of the students never turned up at all until the exams. On the day of first exam,the students sat down and a graduate assistant handed out the papers, explaining,"The professor is ill,so I’II be taking the exams.”When they opened the booklet,the students discovered just one question. It listed twenty grainy staff photos,and the instructions read,"Circle the picture of the professor who teaches this course.”



2.英语经典幽默笑话 带翻译


