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  Nearing the end, Stanislaw is surrounded by loved ones. As the final moment approaches, he gathers all his strength and whispers, "I must tell you my greatest secret." His family urges him to go on.

  "Before I got married, I had it all," Stanislaw explains. "Fast cars, cute girls, and plenty of money. But a good friend warned me, 'Get married and start a family. Otherwise, no one will be there to give you a glass of water to drink when you're on your deathbed.' So I took his advice. I traded the girls for a wife, beer for baby food. I sold my Ferrari and invested in college funds. And now here we are. And you know what?"

学习啦在线学习网   "What?"

  "I'm not even thirsty!"


学习啦在线学习网   临死之前,Stanislaw被他挚爱的家人包围着。知道自己的最后时刻就要来了,他拿出所有力气,轻声耳语,“我必须告诉你们一个最大的秘密。”他的家人催他赶紧说。


学习啦在线学习网   “知道什么?”



学习啦在线学习网   1. gather all one's strength,意思是“用尽全身的力气”。我们再来学几个关于gather的短语:gather speed表示“加速”;gather breath指“喘气”;gather up one's courage意思是“鼓起勇气”。另外gathering是名词,解释“集会,聚集”,所以“家庭聚会”就可以说a family gathering。

学习啦在线学习网   2. on one's deathbed,deathbed就是“临终所卧的床”,所以这个短语就表示while one is in bed and dying。例如:While he lay on his deathbed, he told his lawyer that he wanted to give all his money to charity. 他临死之时告诉律师,他想把钱都捐给慈善机构。