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  n.衣服,衣物; 寝具;

  v.穿(衣)( clothe的第三人称单数); 给…提供衣服; (用语言)表达; 覆盖;


  1.N-PLURAL衣服;服装Clothes are the things that people wear, such as shirts, coats, trousers, and dresses.

  Moira walked upstairs to change her clothes...


  Usage Note:

  Note that there is no singular form of clothes, so you cannot talk about 'a clothe'. In formal English, you can talk about a garment. Clothing is a more formal word that is used to refer to a person's clothes. He took off his wet clothing. ...prison clothing. You can refer to a garment less formally as a piece of clothing, an article of clothing, or an item of clothing, but in ordinary conversation you usually just name the piece of clothing you are talking about. Cloth is material made from something such as cotton, wool, or nylon. A cloth is a piece of cloth that is used, for example, for cleaning or wiping things. Note that the plural, cloths, is used only for this second sense. For the different verbs associated with clothes, see the note at wear.

  注意 clothes 没有单数形式,所以不能说 a clothe。在正式用语中,可以说 a garment。clothing 表示所穿的衣服,是一个更正式的词:He took off his wet clothing (他脱下湿衣服),prison clothing (囚衣)。在不太正式的场合,可以用 a piece of clothing, an article of clothing 或 an item of clothing来指a garment, 但在日常会话中,通常说出所指服装的名称。cloth 指棉、羊毛、尼龙等制成的布。a cloth 是指用来清洁、擦拭等的一块布。注意复数 cloths 只用于第二个义项。与 clothes 连用的动词,请参见 wear 词条下的说明。



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