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  有关激励的英语文章一:梦想,你心中永远的激情Dream,A Pas

  It’s December, so most of the year is now behind us. But there’s a new year coming up, which will give us time to live, to love, to give, and to make our dreams come true.


  Everyone in this world has a dream: a passion, a vision in their life that pulls them and urges them to move forward in life. You, my friend have this vision with-in you. It "whispers" to you sometimes, but in some cases, it cries out. It cries out to be listened to and acted upon because this vision comes from your soul.

学习啦在线学习网   在这世界上,每个人都怀有自己的梦想:对生活的激情和梦想促使人们不断前进。朋友,你内心也怀有这样一种梦想,它有时会对你低语,但有时候,它也会大叫出来,这样你就会听见,并将其付诸于实践,因为这梦想来自你的灵魂深处。

  Within this "Inner Vision" there lies the magic of living your life with passion, fulfillment and purpose. This means being true to who you really are —and living your life on purpose with all the passion and energy you are capable of living.


  When you live from your inner passions, you’ll never have to seek agreement from others —you’ll be the master of your own destiny. More importantly, you’ll feel whole, connected and inspired.

学习啦在线学习网   当你怀着满腔激情去生活时,你永远不必寻求他人的认同,你将成为自己命运的主宰。更为重要的是,你会感觉到一个完整、不孤独、有激情的自我。

学习啦在线学习网   Find your inner fire, your sense of purpose; this fire will help you harness strengths you’re not even aware you have. Be connected with your inner passion and live that passion daily.


  有关激励的英语文章二:敢为人先To be the first of the king is

  And to be eminent in it as well is twice as good. To have the first move is a great advantage when the players are equal.


  Many a person would have been as unique as a phoenix if he had been the first of the sort. Those who come first are the heirs of fame. The others get only a younger brother’s allowance; whatever they do, they cannot persuade the world they are anything more than parrots.


  Extraordinary people find a new path to eminence, and prudence accompanies them all the way. Because of the novelty of their enterprises. Sages write their names in the importance then second in greater exploits.


  有关激励的英语文章三:既被人爱又被人敬,是为大幸It is a pie

学习啦在线学习网   It is a piece of good fortune to combine people’s love and respect

学习啦在线学习网   Generally, one dare not be liked if one would be respected. Love is more sensitive than hate.


学习啦在线学习网   Love and honor do not go well together. So that one should aim neither to be much feared nor much loved.

学习啦在线学习网   爱与敬无法携手同行。所以一个人既不可使人畏之太甚,亦不可使人爱之太深。

  Love introduces confidence. And the further this advances the more respect recedes. Prefer to be loved with respect rather than with passion, for that is a love suitable for many.



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