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学习啦在线学习网   阅读一些好的英语文章,我们常常会被文章中所阐述的哲理所感动。下面就是学习啦小编给大家整理的英文哲理文章及翻译,希望大家喜欢。

  英文哲理文章及翻译篇一:池边的鹿The deer at the pool

  Because of heat, a deer came to a spring to drink. Seeing his own shadow reflecting in the water, he greatly admired the size and variety of his horns, but felt angry with himself for having such slender and weak feet.


  While he was in deep thought, a lion appeared at the pool duanwenw.com and sprang upon him. The deer immediately began to run away as fast as possible. As long as the road was smooth and open, he kept himself at ease at a safe distance from the lion. But entering a wood he became entangled by his horns, and the lion quickly came up to him and caught him. When too late he thus regretted, “My god! How have I cheated myself! These feet saved me, but I had despised them, and I duanwenwcom was proud of these antlers which have brought me destruction.”

学习啦在线学习网   正当他沉思的时候,一头狮子出现在池边,向他猛扑过来。鹿立刻以最快的速度逃走了。跑在平坦宽阔的路上,他很容易保持离狮子安全的距离,但一进树林,他就被自己的角缠住了。狮子迅速赶上来抓住了他。鹿此时悔之晚矣:””天啊!我怎么会自己欺骗自己!这些脚本来可以救我的命,我却轻视,而这些置我于死地的角我却感到荣耀

  英文哲理文章及翻译篇二:浑沌开窍Making Features for Hun Dun

学习啦在线学习网   The emperor of the South Sea was named “Tiao’, the emperor of the North Sea was named “Hu”, and the central emperor “Hun Dun”

学习啦在线学习网   南海的皇帝,名字叫“鯈”;北海的皇帝,名字叫“忽”;中央的皇帝,名字叫“浑沌”

学习啦在线学习网   Tiao and Hu often had contacts with each other and were very intimate. They often met in the central area under Hun Dun’s rule and received his warm hospitality.


  One day, Tiao and Hu met again and talked about Hun Dun. They were very grateful to him and wished to repay him well.

  一天, 鯈和忽又碰在一道谈起浑沌,都非常感激他,想好好地报答他一番。

学习啦在线学习网   After discussing for a long time they realized that everyone has seven orifices; the mouth, nostrils, ears, eyes, so that they can eat, smell, listen, and see the beautiful scenery of nature. Only Hun Dun did not have them and could not enjoy these pleasures.


学习啦在线学习网   Finally, they thought of a clever way: they decided to bore seven holes on Hun Dun’s head. In this way he would be the same as others.


  Then, regardless of whether Hun Dun would agree or not, Tiao and Hu began working on him. One took a big chisel and the other swung an iron hammer to bore one hole a day on Hun Dun’s head. However, on the seventh day, Hun Dun bled from from the seven orifices to death.



  A certain good woman one day said something that hurt her best friend of many years. She regretted immediately and would have done anything to have taken the words back . What she said hurt the friend so much that this good woman was herself hurt for the pain she caused . In an effort to undo what she had done , she went to an older ,wise woman in the village, explained her situation ,and asked for advice.


  Listening to her ,the older woman sensed the younger woman's distress and knew she must help her . She also knew she could never alleviate the pain , but she could teach . She knew the outcome would depend solely on the character of the younger woman . She said ,"Tonight ,take your best feather pillows and put single feather on the doorstep of each house in the town before the sun rises."


学习啦在线学习网   The young woman hurried home to prepare for her chore ,even though the feather pillows were very dear to her .All night long ,she labored alone in the cold. Finally the sky was getting light ,she placed the last feather on the steps of the last house .Just as the sun rose, she returned to the older woman.

学习啦在线学习网   年轻女匆匆回家准备这事,尽管这些枕头是她非常心爱的。一整夜,她独自在严寒中劳动。最后,天放亮时,她终于将最后一根羽毛放在最后一家的台阶上。太阳升起时,她回到年长女的家。

  "Now", said the wise woman," go back and refill your pillows with the feather you have put on the steps .then everything will be as it was before."

学习啦在线学习网   “现在”,年长女说道,“回去再用你放在每家台阶上的羽毛把枕头填满,然后,一切事情就象是没有发生过,一如往昔。

学习啦在线学习网   "You know that's impossible! the wind blew away each feather as fast as I placed them on the doorsteps!" the young woman was surprised .


  "That's true," said the older woman." never forget. each of your words is like a feather in the wind. once spoken, no amount of effort, regardless how heartfelt or sincere, can never return them to your mouth. Choose your words well and guard them most of all the presence of those of you love."

学习啦在线学习网   “没错。”年长女说道,“你要永远记住,你的每句话就象是风中的羽毛,覆水难收。一旦不计后果,话已说出,尽管你的愿望是如何真心、如何诚意,但说话如沷水不可收回。适当选择你的话,并且当心你的话,特别特别是在那些为你所爱的人面前。”

学习啦在线学习网   以上就是学习啦小编为你整理的英文哲理文章及翻译,希望对你有帮助!





