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学习啦在线学习网   毛姆的每一句经典语录都是独立的单元。以下是学习啦小编为你精心整理的毛姆英文语录,希望你喜欢。


学习啦在线学习网   人生最大的悲剧不是死亡,而是他们不再有爱。

学习啦在线学习网   The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but they are no longer love.

学习啦在线学习网   两人肩并肩地走路本身就是件令人愉快的事情。

  Two people walking side by side, it was pleasant.


学习啦在线学习网   The great tragedy of life is not that men die, but that they are not loved.

学习啦在线学习网   改变好习惯比改掉坏习惯容易的多,这是人生的一大悲衰。

学习啦在线学习网   Easy to change the habit to get rid of some bad habits, this is a sad life.

学习啦在线学习网   一把刀的锋刃很不容易越过;因此智者说得救之道是困难的。

  It is not easy for a knife edge over; therefore the wise man said salvation is difficult.

学习啦在线学习网   一般人都是他们想要做的那种人,而是他们不得不做的那种人。

  The average person is the kind of person they want to do, but the kind of person they have to do.


  If we just don't want to taunt each other in this way, things are what progress.


  If your happiness is no longer so strong, so your pain also not so worried.

学习啦在线学习网   要想理解一个男人的想法,最好的办法是设身处地从他的角度考虑。

  To understand a man's mind, the best way is to put yourself from his point of view.


学习啦在线学习网   If a man can't win a woman's love, it will be his fault, not hers.


学习啦在线学习网   疲惫,而非生离死别,才是爱之苦涩。

  Tired, not death, love is bitter.

学习啦在线学习网   完美有一个严重的缺陷,就是很容易乏味。

学习啦在线学习网   There is a serious flaw, it is easy to boring.


  A husband's rights, in my opinion is a kind of grace.

学习啦在线学习网   一经打击就灰心泄气的人,永远是个失败者。

学习啦在线学习网   A man who is discouraged by the attack, always a loser.


  Only the poet and the saints can believe that the hard water on the asphalt pavement will produce the lily.

学习啦在线学习网   虚荣心遭到打击在女人心里激起的仇恨,将胜过身下幼崽惨遭屠戮的母狮。

  Vanity was hit in the hearts of women arouse hatred, would be better than under the slaughter of the lioness cub.


  What is art? Art is the expression of feelings, and the use of art is a language that everyone can understand.


  Few men learn to reject women, so they understand the intention of a woman to speak, but also the old can not move.

学习啦在线学习网   卑鄙与伟大、恶毒与善良、仇恨与热爱是可以互不排斥地并存在同一颗心里的。

  The mean and the great, the evil and the good, the hatred and the love can be mutually not mutually exclusive and exist in the same heart.

学习啦在线学习网   追逐梦想就是追逐自己的厄运,在满地都是六便士的街上,他抬起头看到了月光。

  Chasing dreams is chasing his own doom, in the ground is six pence in the street, he raised his head to see the moonlight.


学习啦在线学习网   Neither unextinguishable love if he loves her sooner or later will xinruan, will be unable to extricate themselves and continue to love her.


  My life history has turned over a page; I feel that I can not escape from the death of those who have not lost a step closer.


学习啦在线学习网   Compassion is a very rare skill, but it is often abused by those who know that they have the ability.


  What I want is to my attention, I want to Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding, you give me bread and milk I was not satisfied.


  Conscience is each of us the heart of the sentry, it guard on duty there, watching us, don't make illegal things.

学习啦在线学习网   我不能希望她像我爱她那样爱我。我是滑稽角色。她允许我爱她,这样我就觉得幸福了。

  I can't hope she loves me like I love her. I am a funny character. She allowed me to love her, so I felt happy.


  The highest form of literature is poetry. Poetry is the ultimate aim of literature. It is one of the most noble activities of the human mind. It is a shortcut to beauty.


  Love is everything to me, you are everything to me. But it's just a little episode for you, how can I get it?

学习啦在线学习网   小丑的嘴唇在微笑,他的笑话越来越滑稽,因为在他逗人发笑的时候他更加感到自己无法忍受的孤独。

  Clown lips smiling, his jokes are more funny, because when he funny he was he couldn't stand alone.

学习啦在线学习网   如果我们对一个人的看法受到他的重视,我们就沾沾自喜,如果他对这种意见丝毫也不理会,我们就讨厌他。

学习啦在线学习网   If we view of a person by his attention, we complacent, if he is of the opinion and cared nothing at all, and we hate him.


学习啦在线学习网   作为坠入情网的人来说,男人同女人的区别是:女人能够整天整夜谈恋爱,而男人却只能有时有晌儿地干这种事。

  As people fall in love, the difference between men and women is: woman can love all day long, while men are only at times made to do such a thing.


学习啦在线学习网   He taught that people are as high as he, and wisdom is the way to liberation. He taught, to misery doesn't have to be a monk, as long as I get rid of a word.

学习啦在线学习网   这么说来,问题的症结所在,就是得搞清楚你自己是什么样的人,这点清楚了,你的一套哲学体系也就水到渠成了。

  Say so, the crux of the problem lies, is to figure out what kind of person you are, this is clear, you are a set of philosophical system is on autopilot.


  Artist compared to other industry has a favorable place, they can not only mock the character of friends and instrumentation, and can also make fun of their works.


学习啦在线学习网   They will be in sight to see the sea to rent a small house, overlooking the front of the drill passing aboard a great ship, watched them towards the place that he can never get to.


  I'm afraid of too much charm, they swallow you up. Finally, you became them to display their charm and false offerings. What I want is something to focus on.


  This year we have been different from last year, our love is so. If we are still in love with the change in the people, this is really a happy accident.

学习啦在线学习网   我那时还不了解人性多么矛盾,我不知道真挚中含有多少做作,高尚中蕴藏着多少卑鄙,或者,即使在邪恶里也找得着美德。

  I still do not understand how contradictory human nature, I do not know how many of the true nature of the nature, noble, or how many of the mean, or even in the evil can not find a virtue.


  As a snob who sometimes feel that they are out of thin air forged a piece of artifacts of spiritual values, people have lost their excessive appreciation ability.


  Time because it is fleeting, time because it is gone, so it is the most precious wealth in the world and the imaginary time throwing is a revel in the most exquisite pastime.


学习啦在线学习网   What will happen in the future, I don't think about it at all. If all day thinking about today, worry about tomorrow, what do you mean? Is that things are so bad that no worse, I think there is always a way to go.

学习啦在线学习网   他又懦弱又虚荣,他虚荣得叫你总是得小心翼翼不要伤害了他的感情。他把自己的游手好闲同理想主义混为一谈,以至于他自己都不能将两者区别开来。

  He was weak and vain, and he was so vain that you always have to be careful not to hurt his feelings. He put his idleness with idealism confused, that he would not be able to distinguish between the two.


  In this cold world, unable to escape the evil always surrounds us, from the cradle to the grave. In this regard, good is a challenge or a response, although not, but it is our own independent a prove.


学习啦在线学习网   Beauty is the gift of God, the most rare, the most precious gift. If we are lucky to have beauty, we should be grateful. If we do not, then we should appreciate the beauty of others to bring us joy.


  People born in the world, they suffer, the last two eyes closed, died away. Life has no meaning, people have no purpose. To be or not to be, to live or die, does not matter. Life is insignificant, and death is nothing.


学习啦在线学习网   The conversion can occur in different forms, and can be realized in different ways. Some people through the crisis, as the fury of a torrent. The stones are all of a sudden impact into powder; other people is due to the tip of the day, as if will continue to drop, sooner or later, to the stones worn out.


学习啦在线学习网   Might is the truth. There is no responsibility or moral, on its own, all the behavior is the same reason, the only moral standard is the national interest. Between individuals and the state to reach an agreement: the individual is in the interests of their own interests in accordance with national interests.

学习啦在线学习网   我知道我将会不得不让自己对如此度过的一生感到心酸的悔恨,但是我否认这悔恨同我自己有什么关系。我现在,身体虚弱,老态龙钟,贫病交加,行将就木,可是还紧紧地把灵魂抓在我手里,我没什么好悔恨的。

学习啦在线学习网   I know I will have to make their own to spend life feel sad regret, but I deny this regret what relationship with my own. Me now, frail and craggy, poverty and disease, death, but also closely to catch the soul in my hand, I have nothing to regret.

学习啦在线学习网   生命的终结,好像在黄昏时读着一本书。你继续读下去,不觉光线愈来愈暗。可是当你停了一会儿再读时,你便突然发觉已经很黑了;这时天色已暗,你即使再低头看书;你将不再看到什么了,书页已成为毫无意义的东西。

学习啦在线学习网   The end of life, like reading a book in the dusk. You keep reading, you don't feel the light is getting darker and darker. But when you pause for a moment to read, you suddenly realize that it was dark; at this time the weather has been dark, you even read head; you will no longer see what pages has become meaningless things.

学习啦在线学习网   每当我想到你跟我在一起是愉悦的,每当我从你的眼睛里看到欢乐,我都狂喜不已。我尽力将我的爱维持在不让你厌烦的限度,否则我清楚那个后果我承受不了。我时刻关注你的神色,但凡你的厌烦显现出一点蛛丝马迹,我便改变方式。一个丈夫的权利,在我看来却是一种恩惠。

  Every time I think of you and me together it is pleasant, and every time I see the joy in your eyes, I am in ecstasy. I try my best to keep my love to the limit, or else I know that I can't bear the consequences. I always pay attention to your looks, if you tired of showing a point I will change the way traces. A husband's rights, in my opinion is a kind of grace.


  I want to live in the world, love everything in this world, nothing can hurt me, what all don't hurt me, I am willing to accept the form of life, whether it is how sorrow; I think only endless, a life after a life to meet my begging, my energy, my curiosity.


学习啦在线学习网   Culture is something, not a ready-made clothes hand put on the line, but are absorbed into the body, to establish the character of nourishment, as food enhancement and development of the child's body like; it's not ornate modification, not to show off your knowledge, but a way to enrich the soul, to is really not easy.






