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学习啦在线学习网   虽然这么说只能作为一个小小的安慰,但霍斯金指出,你上司的上级或许早已察觉到事情不正常。他说:“如果你的上司表现出从来不肯承担责任的态度,高层肯定会注意到这一点。不要假设他们对此并不在意。最终,肯定会有人找他清算的。”

学习啦在线学习网   In the meantime, Ben Dattner has one additional suggestion for you: Concentrate on building a strong network。

  "A boss who denies you credit and unfairly blames you may change [his] tune when he realizes that others, both inside and outside the organization, recognize your talent," he writes in The Blame Game。


  A robust network of fans can make you more likely to be offered other jobs, inside and outside the company, Dattner notes, and "even the most credit-hogging and blame-dumping boss will not want to be viewed as out of step with others in the organization, or to be blamed for being the reason why a talented, hard-to-replace employee left."


学习啦在线学习网   Once it's in your boss's own best interest to stop scapegoating you, in other words, he probably will。

学习啦在线学习网   一旦停止拿你当替罪羊成为对你上司最有好处的事情,他自然就会改变之前的做法。