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学习啦在线学习网There was once a family, and they were all happy. Although they did not have much money, the children still thought that working is the best!

In their country, lived a wise king, and you may guess, that this king was proud and unkind; most people don’t like him, and so had driven him away through the woods, and into a small boat, which they sent him away.

The king was not happy about this, and so went to see General Lord, to let him help to win back his crown. And suppose, you may guess, that this proud king had an evil Roman prince. It was already dawn and the sun was setting, General Lord gave five horses to them; and told them to follow him. They galloped further and further, until they came to a dark cave; curled with thick thorny bushes, but this was no ordinary cave; oh no, this was a palace cave, which lived the king of all animals.

And the king of all animals was nobody but the great tiger! Yikes! Most people thought tigers weren’t very nice, but General Lord saw him years ago; and they had been friends ever since. And so there was a pretty good chance General Lord said, “Go in,” The proud king, and the selfish Queen; with their son, the wicked Roman prince, entered the mouth of the cave. General Lord led them inside, and there sat the big tiger. This tiger said, “Hello dear friends,” “Ah!” cried the king, “A talking tiger!” “Of course,” said General Lord, “Kings were supposed to learn everything.”

“Now,” said the tiger, “What can I do for you General Lord?” “I want a party!” “A party?” asked the proud king, “I just want you to help me win back my crown!” he shouted, “Yes,” said General Lord, “But a party could show your people that you love them and care for them.”

The king accepted the offer of General Lord, and so took the party decorations, and decorated the main hall, and then made the treats, and invited all the people here, “What do you want proud king?” “I want to give you a party, to say that I am sorry for all the bad deeds I have done.”

“It’s about time proud king. Ha!” and then the music began; they danced all night, and sang. Everybody thought that the king just wanted them to give him back; but they already realized that they had already made Milan the king. And so they went to the palace, and told him that they wanted the old king back; and that he should get off the throne.

学习啦在线学习网Milan was very angry by these words, and so sent guards to arrest him. Just then the old king approached, he knew that Milan loved to dance, and that he couldn’t bear not to. He took the music box here, and began to dance. As he said, Milan began to dance, and he pushed him aside; which allowed him to sit, and that was how the old king became king again.”


In the Northern Street of Paris, there sat an old man with white hair and a stick. He was blind, and nobody wanted to help him. One day a noble man came to this street and saw the old man with blind eyes, he asked, “Excuse me, how are you bother? But, I just want to ask how much did you get today this morning?” “Oh! I didn’t get anything!” cried the old man in a sad tune, and then the noble man realized that next to the old man was a cardboard paper, and on were the word, “I can’t see anything!” and also realized that the people who passed this place will just look at the paper, smiled; and went away to do their own stuff. Since this man was a noble man, he knew what to do to make everybody happy.

And so he took all the money he had with him which was , and placed it in a bowl near him; and then he took out his pen and wrote the some words in front of the words that are already on; and these were the words, “The spring has come, but;” these words, and then went away. In the evening, the noble man came visiting this place again, he saw the old man sitting down as usual and asked him, “Well how much did you get this afternoon then?”

The old man smiled, “Noble man, I don’t know what you did but the people that gave me money this afternoon were so many that even god couldn’t count them!” and then the noble looked at the bowl with money and stroked his beard while he smiled.

“The spring has come, but I can’t see anything!” these words could be so much useful, it might prove that the noble man in this story has technology, which made the poor blind man happy.

Although this noble man who we are talking about helped the old man, he also remembered what the other people did. People asked him many other questions, and the noble man of course answered them all. Some of the people in town that didn’t want to help the blinded old man were locked up in jail for their cruelty instead of kindness.

The moral of this story is, when you see somebody who need help in need, go and help them and you will feel better then.


学习啦在线学习网On the top of the mountain hill there lived a little boy called Marlin. He was a jolly fellow that helped people when they were in need.

The only problem was, whenever there was somebody in need, he would give them something to eat and to solve their problem. The people in his country soon became sick of this, and so wanted him to stop. But Marlin just won’t; and went on helping and helping and helping… nobody knew when he was going to stop, or when they were going to let him know that they didn’t want him to bother all day. Ugh, but Marlin wouldn’t stop; all day long he helped this and that, the problem was that people don’t want to mordacity him, and so said that he was very kind.

One day, Marlin saw a boy crying, and said, “Hey there little one; don’t cry, I, the super Marlin is here! And I am going to solve your problem!” “I want a music box,” at these words, Marlin was astonished, “A-a music b-box?” “Yes,” replied the boy jumping happily, “But my parents won’t buy me one. It is at the shop near Sunshine school. I hope to get me one! Wahoo!” Marlin said, “I couldn’t afford a music box! It is worth 0!”

学习啦在线学习网Marlin was very sad, but also wanted to try, for he was the king of everything, and helps save the day. He ran to his house, and counted his money, but found out that he only had . He was now very, very angry. He had decided to earn more and more money, and so to help that poor little boy. As he had promised, he worked very hard to earn money. Although he was juts a little boy, he ought to do what he had said; for those are the rules. And when he had enough money, he would buy the music box, and hand it to that poor boy.

学习啦在线学习网Marlin did anything he could to earn money: Sweep the floor, clean his room; grow plants, water them, and cut flowers for the house. When he had already , he had decided to help other people. When it was already winter, he took a shovel and helped his neighbors, friends to shovel snow; and they paid him a great deal of money.

学习啦在线学习网At last, Marlin had got enough money; he was so excited that he hopped here and there ten times! Finally, he went to the store near Sunshine school, and bought the music box, and then handed it to the same boy at his home. Marlin soon became famous, and he was called, ‘Marlin Blavatsky.’


Everybody knows that people often wrote stories for fun, but this story tells how a little boy hates writing stories, but he then learned a valuable lesson on a dangerous adventure.

Once, there was a boy called Moni, Moni was a very cute little boy, and was always proud to show off at some time. Moni’s mother loved baking pies, but she always scolded Moni for eating them without her permission.

学习啦在线学习网One day his mother said that he was old enough to write stories. Moni had no idea what the word story means, but mother said, “It is to write interesting tales of children who goes on adventures.” She said to Moni. Moni always thought that playing was fun, but he also heard her say that writing stories was more fun. But as he began to first word of his story, he began to feel bored. “This is no fun!” he cried, “It is even more bored than going to school and learn lessons!”

学习啦在线学习网Moni did not like writing stories, but his mother waited until he had finished his first story; then she will let him go outside and play. It all happened that Moni knew every secret about the house; he could easily find another way out. And so he ran up to the attic, and started to crawl out between two logs. Moni got out, and saw a beautiful pine tree; He climbed up, made a platform, and started to feast upon the fruits.

Moni was having such a great time, that he had no idea that a pond was nearby; and he had no idea, that there was a crocodile down waiting for him to come down so that he could feast upon Moni.

Moni was eating the last few fruits, and then he got thirsty; so he looked down, then he found the crocodile. Moni had no choice but to cry out for help. “Help!” he cried, “Help!” Moni’s mother heard his cries, and ran out into the garden. There, she saw the crocodile; and Moni up in the tree. “Hold on, there Moni!” she cried, “I shall save you!” She ran inside the house, she used a stick, and killed the crocodile as he was looking up. And then Moni got down from the tree, and confessed his fault.

学习啦在线学习网When he got back to his room, he began to write stories; he figured that it as much more fun to write stories, than it is to be free. Of course, he wrote the adventure he had, and how his mom saved him. And you could probably guess, that the 《Three Little Pigs》is a story that he wrote. And he was soon known as the great writer, “Moni Frank”.


I was just a little girl five years old. At that age, I did nothing. Every morning I would get up early and start dressing up to the playground to play. I have no friends, but I am curious that I could make some by sharing things. And so I took some bread from the cupboard, took a bottle of milk and ran to the playground.

学习啦在线学习网There were many children playing there: Some were playing hide and seek, some were playing tag; some were playing catch, some were playing toys; some were building sand castle… I ran to the sand pile, there I met some girls building sand castles. I asked, “May I sit down here, please?” “Suit yourself coward!” shouted the girls rudely at me.

And so I sat down and began to play. After I had finished half my sand castle, I heard the girls say, “I am so hungry, but I don’t have money to buy thing,” and then it hit me; “I have some bread to share with them.” And so I took some bread out of my bag, and said, “Here, have some bread.” When the girls took the bread they ate it and said, “Well, well; looks like we have a hero. But I am not going to be your friend!”

I had spread some jam on my bread and took another piece, put it on top and started to eat. When I had finished the last bite, I put the rest in my bag, and went away. I was very sad that sharing things didn’t help me make friends; I shall have to think of another. After ten days I have thought of another way, and so started out to the fields. There sat a girl shepherd sitting next a rock. Now it all happened that this girl was the one that had helped me with everything I have.

I quietly took out a piece of paper, and wrote some words: I haven’t seen you for a long time, and so have decided to write you this. I want to thank you for all you have done for me in the past few years, what do you want me to do you for this month? After I had finished writing the last words, I put it inside an envelope; licked the stamp, and stuck in on the right corner of the envelope; at last closed the top.

After that, I ran to her mail box and put it inside, and then went home. After a few days I have found a letter from the shepherd girl in my mailbox. I carefully opened it, and in it was a piece of paper; on the paper were some words, these are the words: I am very grateful for your kindness, but really I have much work to do in the fields; If you come here and be a shepherd with me; then that is the most best thing you could do for me. After reading this, I thought to myself: I am alone so I guess I could be a shepherd. And so I told my parents, and set off.

Finally, I had arrived; the shepherd girl came to meet me. “Now I am you friend Margaret.” said the shepherd girl to me.












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