

时间: 楚红940 分享



学习啦在线学习网   Perhaps the reasons behind such obsession are complicated and multifaceted but peer influence and lack of self discipline from my point of view are definitely two major contributing factors. Provided that most Chinese youth spend half of everday life on campus it is not so surprising those who tend to use Internet less often are under significant peer pressure to spend more time online in order to please their friends and fits into social circle. Moreover there is impossible to overstate the sheer amount of temptations the Internet can offer to the individual movies video games celebrity news and even sexual and violent contents basically anything a young people yearn for can be easily accessed via Internet. Therefore the prevalence of prolonged Internet exposure is hardly startling under such context.

学习啦在线学习网   也许这种痴迷背后的原因是复杂的和多方面的,但从我的观点来看,同侪的影响和缺乏自律,肯定是两个主要因素。但大多数中国青年在日常的校园生活的一半,这并不奇怪,那些倾向于使用互联网往往是花更多的时间在线,请他们的朋友,融入社交圈的重要同伴的压力下。此外,有可能夸大诱惑互联网可以提供给个人的,纯粹的电影,视频游戏,新闻,甚至是性和暴力的内容,基本上任何一个年轻人向往可以很容易地通过互联网访问。因此,在这种情况下,长时间的互联网曝光率的流行并不令人吃惊.。


  It is universally accepted that filial piety is an important virtue in China which means respecting and caring for parents and the elder both physically and spiritually.(对孝的理解)Filial piety is best shown on Tom. He not only works hard at school so that he could get great achievements in return for his parents but also does his utmost to do whatever he can to help lessen the burden of his parents after school. He offers to do all the housework when his parents are busy outside. Every time he travels with his class he remembers to announce his safety and buy something for his parents.(用事例说明)I’m convinced that the real filial1/2页piety is giving the old or our parents what they really need and care about their spiritual world and mental need.



  I will have aseven-day holiday next week. In these days I have many things to do. First I mustfinish the exercises left by teachers Chinese math and English. It may takeme two days to finish. I plan finish them in the first and second day. And thenI will go to see my grandparents with mom and dad. I miss them very much. So dothey. I will stay there for three days. The last two days I want to have agood rest or play with my friends. It’s my own time so that I want to spend itwith my friends. This is my plan for the holiday. What about yours?

学习啦在线学习网   下周我将有七天的假期,

学习啦在线学习网   我的假期计划 My Holiday Plan英语作文。在这几天我有很多事情要做。首先,我必须完成老师布置的作业,有语文,数学和英语。完成这些作业要花我两天的时间。我打算在第一天和第二天完成,接着我会和爸爸妈妈去看望爷爷奶奶。我很想念他们,他们也很想念我们。我会在那里待上三天。最后两天,我想好好休息或者和我朋友一起玩。这是我自己的时间,所以我想和朋友一起度过。这就是我的假期计划。你的计划是怎么样的呢?





