学习啦在线学习网 This year I went to hold the west lake expo food festival,now still want memories.Don't beliee,to go with me to see!
"Come and buy ah,fresh xinjiang kebabs!" "Inner Mongolia sheep leg,tender!" "Ice-sugar gourd,have seeral kinds." ...As the shouts,follow the crowd thronged,mom and I delight to come close.Scan line the streets,the food stalls at first glance,the next one is a not round.Distant head,dark.Stalls and intermittent steam,air was inarticulate fragrance.Wow!I spit out immediately,and can't wait to eat a mouthful,began to buy to eat!
学习啦在线学习网 Soon I can't eat any more
Today I enjoyed it
学习啦在线学习网 “快来买呀,新鲜的新疆烤羊肉串喽!”“内蒙羊腿,鲜嫩可口啊!”“冰糖葫芦,有好几种.”……随着阵阵吆喝声,跟着川流不息的人群,我和妈妈兴致盎然地来到美食街.放眼望去,街道两旁搭建的食品摊位一个挨着一个,一眼望不到头.远处人头窜动,黑压压的一片.摊位上不时冒出一阵阵热气,空气中传来说不出的香味.哇!我的口水立刻流了出来,恨不得马上吃上一口,开始购吃的咯!
学习啦在线学习网 不一会我就再也吃不下了~
Saturday afternoon,my father and I taking the advantage of the opportunity to luqiao food festival,in taizhou international plastic city feasted on a meal,and let me big full the luck to eat STH delicious,feasting more satisfied.
Also didn't wait me to taizhou city international plastic,a song of a "the moon above" as for our special play songs here,into the just know is the pirate ship to customers to hear.But my mood is growing fast,step into a gourmet street red carpet.
学习啦在线学习网 The street is all sell food and food,the rapid encircled us well; The sound of the noisy and click with in our wowing wwe around; All kinds of food make a smell in the whole street.
I have great,now where stand up on the side of the mouth of the food?
学习啦在线学习网 早已垂涎三尺的我,到现在哪里还忍受得住那放在嘴边的美食呢?赶紧跟着人群东走走西瞧瞧.我的目光最终锁定在了刚刚出炉,上面的油还在滋滋作响的铁板鱿鱼.只见老板看着音响,放了一首节奏感强的音乐,两手各拿着几串鱿鱼,他时而翻动鱿鱼,时而跟着音乐节奏一起跳起舞,时而浇上辣椒油,时而用铲子使劲压去油……不一会儿,十串鱿鱼又出锅了.我虽然知道这些都不卫生,但在如此美味的鱿鱼下,不禁弃明投暗,赶紧买了三串.
Today was the First Food Festival. Many different kinds people came to take part in it. Some people ordered Beijing roast duck. Some people would like Indian curries, and so on. All the food smelt nice and tasted nice, too. Michael sold 20 cheese pies. I worked most carefully. I sold the most bowls of fried rice. What an interesting day it is. ·
Talk about the color, size, style and material of your clothes, then write down a short passage.
My favorite coat/ dress is a red one. My grandma bought it for me in Beijing two years ago. The size of my coat is M and it’s made of cotton. I feel comfortable in it. What’s more, the style of the dress is great. It’s very popular with young people. It’s also a little like a Chinese Tang costume. I like it very much.