

时间: 楚红940 分享



  Three alleys and seven lanes,you are from north to south is arranged on both sides of the south backstreet ten mill lane said.Three lanes,is garment jin fang lu fang,Wen Ru lane,the light;And seven lanes,the Yang Qiao lane,lang guan xiang,Ann MinHang,yellow lane,lane tower,palace lane and auspicious lane.Because the rest Yang Qiao lane,lane and lu fang has been transformed into the road,so now save the actual only two lane five lane.

  According to historical records,three alleys and seven lanes was built in the late western jin dynasty.As a result of the min river sediment deposition for a long time,in the current three alleys and seven lanes,are naturally formed a piece of flat land.Tang "rebellion",the central plains infighting,many people,businessmen have moved south fujian,to avoid troubled times,these people came to fuzhou,naturally chose here,start building new homes.As a result,a human main settlement blocks scholar-bureaucrat class,culture,was generated in the area of the three alleys and seven lanes.

学习啦在线学习网   三坊七巷,即是南后街两旁从北到南依次排列的十条坊巷的概称.三坊,就是衣锦坊、文儒坊、光禄坊;七巷,即杨桥巷、郎官巷、安民巷、黄巷、塔巷、宫巷和吉庇巷.由于杨桥巷、吉庇巷和光禄坊已改造成马路,故现在保存的实际只有二坊五巷.

学习啦在线学习网   据史料记载,三坊七巷始建于西晋末年.由于闽江的泥沙长期淤积,在现今三坊七巷一带,被自然形成了一片平整之地.唐末“安史之乱”时,中原混战,许多仕人、商客纷纷南迁入闽,以避乱世,这些人来到福州后,很自然地选择了这里,开始组建新的家园.于是乎,一个以士大夫阶层、文化人为主要居住地的街区,便在三坊七巷一带生成.


学习啦在线学习网   According to historical records, three alleys and seven lanes was built in the late western jin dynasty.As a result of the min river sediment deposition for a long time, in the current three alleys and seven lanes, are naturally formed a piece of flat land.Tang "rebellion", the central plains infighting, many people, businessmen have moved south fujian, to avoid troubled times, these people came to fuzhou, naturally chose here, start building new homes.As a result, a human main settlement blocks scholar-bureaucrat class, culture, was generated in the area of the three alleys and seven lanes.



  Three lanes and seven alleys Lying in the Nanhou Street of downtown Fuzhou, 10 lanes and alleys lining from north to south, covering an area of 40 hectares. Quite a number of these lanes and alleys have maintained since the Tang and Song Dynasties, forming the hub of the historical cultural city of Fuzhou. The houses with white walls and tiles, well-knit lay-out, exquisite decoration, unique technique show the characteristics of the ancient city of Fujian, and is famed in the architecture area as “the museum of the ancient architectures of the Ming and Qing Dynasties”






