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学习啦在线学习网   "In the middle of the day, who said that, the story of wangu is called qu yuan. The poem was written to commemorate qu yuan. The Dragon Boat Festival is also popular because of qu yuan. The custom of making zongzi and racing Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the patriotic poet qu yuan. Legend has it that the dragon-boat race was handed down by qu yuan, who died after saving the river.

  In the 21st century, dragon boat racing is no longer just a memorial to qu yuan. It has evolved into one of the most passionate and fully embodied movements of the Chinese nation's struggle for upward mobility. Dragon boat racing is a monumental movement that not only breaks the boundaries of time and place, but also becomes an international competition and has gained new development.

  Bao zongzi is also a commemoration of qu yuan, which has an irreplaceable significance. The zongzi itself is made of rice or glutinous rice, and the reed leaves are wrapped around the periphery, even if it is finished. Of course, there are all kinds of zongzi, and different areas will make different zongzi. Although a variety of shapes, but there is a common feature, that is very sweet and delicious, although the flavor is very different, but all the great man's yearning for qu yuan to the people.

学习啦在线学习网   “节分难午自谁言,万古传闻为屈原。堪笑楚江空渺渺,不能洗得直臣冤。”这首诗是为纪念屈原而写下的。端午节也是因为屈原而流传于世的。包粽子、赛龙舟等端午节特有的习俗为了纪念爱国诗人屈原。相传,赛龙舟是因为当时捞救投泊罗江而死的屈原所传承下来的。


学习啦在线学习网   包粽子也是为了纪念屈原,同样具有不可替代的纪念意义。粽子本身是用江米或糯米做成的,再用芦苇叶在外围包上一圈,就算完成了。当然,粽子也有各种各样的,不同的地区,就会包出不同的粽子。虽然形状各异,但都有一个共同的特点,那就是都非常的香甜可口,虽然风味大不相同,但都寄托着老百姓对屈原这位伟人的思念。


  The annual Dragon Boat Festival is here again. But there was a faint sense of loss. With the development of society, the festival atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival is waning. The Dragon Boat Festival, like many Chinese traditional festivals, has a profound cultural connotation and is a precious cultural heritage of our Chinese nation.

  The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is not just to commemorate qu yuan, but it is the most persuasive one. The legend about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, although it is widely debated, has also added a lot of mystery and charm to it. It is not hard to see the imagination of the Chinese people, and also the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation. The Dragon Boat Festival has been in our country for more than two thousand years, and over 2,000 years of history, it has given its profound cultural connotation.

学习啦在线学习网   Second, the Dragon Boat Festival also saturate the passion of the national good, the Dragon Boat Festival every kind of continuous commemorative activities, all is for the ancient people's emotion and good wishes. If the Dragon Boat Festival is more beautiful because of the legend, the Chinese people's feelings about the Dragon Boat Festival will give it a lasting charm. The legend can be moving, but the feeling is more moving!

  Holiday rich cultural connotation, lies in the mining and carry forward, sometimes we by some traditional festivals are indifferent, because not enough attention to the traditional culture of society. Our society, we should strengthen the protection consciousness of national culture, traditional culture is not synonymous with "feudal", "backward", and should become the new era we are proud, proud of national treasures.

学习啦在线学习网   一年一度的端午佳节又到了。可是,心中却有一种淡淡的失落感。随着社会的发展,端午节的节日气氛也在逐渐减弱。端午节和众多的中国传统佳节一样,都有着深厚的文化内涵,是我们中华民族珍贵的文化遗产。

学习啦在线学习网   关于端午节的由来之说不只是为了纪念屈原这一个,但却是最有说服力的一个。关于端午节由来的传说,虽是众说纷纭,却也为它增添了不少神秘与魅力。从中我们不难看出中华人民的想象力,也折射了中华民族不屈不挠的精神。端午节在我国已延续了二千多年的历史,二千多年的历史长河的积淀,从而赋予了它深厚的人文内涵。

学习啦在线学习网   其次,端午节还浸透了民族美好的情感,端午节的每一种延续下来的纪念活动,无不是寄托了古代人民美好的情感与心愿。如果说端午节是因为传说而显得更加动人,那浸透在端午节中美好的民族情感则让它散发出永恒的魅力。传说可以动人,而情更加感人!



学习啦在线学习网   On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, besides eating zongzi and racing dragon boats, people also hang mugwort, which is another traditional custom of the Chinese people. Every house was swept aside, with calamus and aidels in the door, and hung in the hall. I heard from my mother that there are reasons for hanging mugwort, calamus, or pomegranate and hu garlic on Dragon Boat Festival. It is commonly used to bind the two, banyan and calamus into a bunch of red paper, and then stick or hang them on the door to ward off evil spirits. In the qing dynasty, the qing dynasty gu keqing recorded a passage of "cattail for the sword, the cut of the whip, the fruit of the peaches, and the bed, all with the ghost". And jin dynasty and "chi" is in quotation [ai as the tiger form, or cut the ribbon for the tigers, post in folium artemisiae argyi, my wife rushed to cut. After more calamus, or human, or XiaoJian, called PuJian, with ghost is] also said.

  Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional old festival, a jubilant festival. What a beautiful Dragon Boat Festival!


学习啦在线学习网   端午节,一个传统古老的节日,一个喜气洋洋的节日。多么美好的端午节啊!
