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学习啦在线学习网   家乡的变化真大啊!随着祖国事业的发展,我相信一定会有更大的进步,会创出更完美更方便更智能的东西来。你知道怎么写写一篇家乡的英语作文吗?下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的我家乡的变化英语作文初三上,供你参考!


  My hometown is jiujiang in jiangxi, where there is a water show and flowers. Three sides are water and one is mountain. In recent years, many changes have taken place in my hometown.

  In the past few years, the clutter of electric wires was overhanging, blocking the sun and leaving the room cold. The effluent in the factory was constantly in line to repair the river, making it color. People on the left side of the boat are also throwing rubbish into the river, which is covered by garbage. The exhaust from restaurants and factories also pollutes the white sky and the air is no longer fresh. People are cutting down trees to make money, regardless of the consequences. The trees fell in front of their merciless axes.

  Now the clutter is empty. The sun shone in the room and warmed me. The factory banned the discharge of sewage, and the shimmering water of the river shimmered in the sun. Early in the morning, the birds chirped merrily on the branches. Opening the window, the fresh air was coming in, and it was refreshing and full of hope for the new day. Trees stand on both sides of the road, and rows of straight and upright bodies look like soldiers guarding the frontier.

  The change of my hometown is really big, people just want to protect the environment, green home, everything will be better!



学习啦在线学习网   现在,杂乱的电线清空了。阳光射进了屋里,照得我心里暖烘烘的。工厂禁止排放污水,波光粼粼的修江河在阳光的洗礼下耀耀生辉。一大早起来,就听见鸟儿在树枝上欢快地鸣叫。打开窗子,清新的空气迎面扑来,真叫人神清气爽,对这新的一天充满了希望。树木在大马路两边“站岗”,一排排挺拔的身躯像是守卫边疆的战士。

学习啦在线学习网   我家乡的变化真大啊,人们只要保护环境、绿化家园,一切都会更加美好!


  My hometown is dongdong street in maoming city. There were many large sow in my hometown, fat and fat, but the temper was too fierce.

  During a long summer vacation, I went home with my father and mother. On the first day of my hometown, my uncle took me to the farm to see the pigs. I happened to meet a sow who was about to make a pig, and I told my uncle with interest. The uncle hurried the keeper to help the sow. After a while, twelve small, white little pigs came out. It was so lovely. I asked my uncle, "can you hold the pig for me?" The uncle agreed. When I got up to pick up a cute little pig, the sow suddenly cried out, and I quickly put the pig back. The uncle said, "this is because mother pig is afraid you want to hurt her baby." I heard an Epiphany and said, "mother pig will protect the baby!"

  When I came home, my uncle told me, "now our village is a pig farmer. Our mother pig can sell for thousands of yuan a year." I heard the words: "then our village will soon be able to build a little house in every house." My uncle said, "yes, we are better than the community in your town."

  At this time, the uncle rob to say: "the change of hometown depends on the party's rich people policy, good!"

  Laughter filled the room!


  My hometown, nancheng county, jiangxi province, is a small town in the southeast of jiangxi province. This year, my mother took me back to nancheng.

学习啦在线学习网   As soon as I entered the county seat, I saw the straight and flat building of jianchang road, which changed, and it was no longer the pot-holed path of the past. A new plaza was built next to it, and many people were relaxing there.

学习啦在线学习网   Return home, have had supper, ah, the colour lamp of tall tower of climb tall tower in the outside window, the color lamp reflected in the pond in my house behind the house, beautiful ah! What time is the new tower? I hurriedly begged mom to take me to see, along the stone steps of the newly built we climbed to the top of the mountain, on a leisure square, a lot of people as the music is fitness. In the square, I met several first-grade classmates. We had a great time together. They told me that the school can be changed now, the school to build a new teaching building, also opened a go, dance, English and other interest class, the students can choose according to their interest in learning.

  Home changes are everywhere. When I went home, I went around to see more changes in my hometown. The building becomes more, the bigger the tree, the bigger the tree, the green, the air becomes cleaner, the stream becomes clearer, my hometown becomes more beautiful!

学习啦在线学习网   我的家乡——江西南城县是一个普普通通的小县城,它坐落在江西的东南部。今年国庆节,妈妈带我回到了南城。



学习啦在线学习网   家乡的变化真是无处不在。那次回家,我特地到处走走看看,感受家乡的更多变化。楼房变多了,变高了,大树变多了,变绿了,空气变得更纯净了,溪水变得更清了,我的家乡变得更美了!


1.家乡的变化英语作文 我的家乡变化英语作文



