

时间: 慧媛1041 分享



  With the rapid development of industry, the living environment is becoming worse and worse. Just looked up to see it covered with a thick layer of the sky, originally that is missing on the bottom of river, instead of carrying sewage, floating garbage of the river.

  I wonder, is this the clear brook? And the question I asked was the smoke stack.

学习啦在线学习网   The destruction of the environment is not only that, many people for the money so as to cut down trees, cause soil erosion, and flashpoint for desert, earth is at an alarming rate, desertification, you know.

学习啦在线学习网   Not only that, but the greenhouse effect is getting worse, with an average of two degrees Celsius a year. And the Himalayas. The South Pole. The North Pole is melting at a height of two centimetres per year. Imagine if all those icebergs melt away, and the whole earth becomes a sea?

  Our earth is very beautiful, is full of flowers, flowers everywhere, beautiful scenery, flowers, but now I have to replace this forest is grey steel forest, the birds did not have the survival of their homes, only came to the city, but sometimes for foraging birds to be ruthless wheel is dead

学习啦在线学习网   I've seen such an advertisement: a person walking in the street wearing "vacuum heat insulation clothing", the second picture is a pregnant woman in the home, the window is Ann's "insulating glass" noise prevention, the third person holding a "uv protection umbrella"... I think if people don't protect the environment, maybe we'll have to use them one day.

  The last drop of water in the world will be the tears of man.

学习啦在线学习网   I really want to shout: protect the environment, everybody is responsible!

学习啦在线学习网   随着工业日新月异的发展,如今的生存环境越来越差。抬头一看看到的只是那蒙上了一层厚厚的天空,原来那清澈见底的小河不见了,来代替的是带着污水,漂着垃圾的小河。


学习啦在线学习网   环境的破坏还不止这些,许多人为了钱从而大量的砍伐树木,导致水土流失,而让沙漠有机可乘,要知道地球正以惊人的速度沙化。



学习啦在线学习网   我曾经看过这样一则广告:一个人走在大街上穿着“真空隔热服”,第二个画面是一个孕妇在家里,窗户安的是“隔温防噪音玻璃”,第三个人举着一把“紫外线防护伞”……我想如果人们不好好保护环境,有一天也许我们也得用上这些东西。


学习啦在线学习网   我真想大声呼喊:保护环境,人人有责!


学习啦在线学习网   The sky was crystal clear, no one clouds drift across, no wind blowing, only know use it louder voice singing that never change song "see, see?" In the hot afternoon, a full head big sweat, portable cans and plastic bottles as they walked along, aunt complained: "these useless garbage at home is a mess, make my mood be agitated all day." At this time is for the teacher cloth environmental protection operation and xiao Ming just heard this, he rushed to the aunt said: "the aunt you hand the rubbish can be used to make a few adornment, can be sent to a new use, can you give me?" My aunt was dubious, but she gave him a hand. My aunt thought: I'll see if I can.

  Xiao Ming called his friends quickly, and they brought plastic bottles and cans from their home. They picked up the scissors and began to do it. Xiao hua put the first half of the Coca-Cola bottle together, and a cup made of plastic was done. Xiao Ming is carrying a pair of scissors to make a flower basket in a can. He left a knife to the right, and a small, delicate basket of flowers, like magic, was changed by the flying scissors.

  After a long time, some ornaments made of waste are displayed in front of everyone. "The aunt said," this protects the environment and makes the house look more beautiful.

学习啦在线学习网   天空湛蓝,一片云彩也没有飘过,一丝风也没有吹拂,只有知了用它宏亮的声音唱着那永远也变不了的曲子“知了、知了?”在这炎热的下午,一位满头大汗、手提易拉罐和塑料瓶的阿姨一边走一边抱怨:“这些没用的垃圾堆在家里乱糟糟的,惹的我整天心情烦躁。”这时正在为老师布制的环保作业而发愁的小明刚好听见了,他兴冲冲地对阿姨说:“阿姨你手里的这些垃圾可以用来作一些装饰品,能派上新的用场,能给我吗?”阿姨半信半疑,但还是给了他。阿姨想:我倒要看看行不行。




学习啦在线学习网   It seems a long way from us, but it's always there. The problem of environmental pollution cannot be ignored. In our daily life, we can often see the destruction of the environment.

学习啦在线学习网   Remember once, when I take the bus, accidentally saw a small factory continuously into a nearby river discharge some red sewage, meal time, the river was dyed red. I thought: is this kind of environment, the little fish in the river, the little shrimps and other animals can still survive? This water quality, if we drink, we will get sick and die. Such environmental pollution caused by industrial production is not uncommon and should be taken seriously by relevant departments.

  But maybe someone said, "I don't have sewage, I live in a good place, and it's not about me." In fact, we in the life, often damage the environment, we use every day a lot of plastic bags, paper towels, items such as batteries, waste a lot of water and electricity resources, that virtually all the damage the environment. We constantly, these factors led to the ozone layer of the temperature rising around the world, if one day, the polar ice to melt, the sea will rise over the world, some coastal cities will be submerged. Guangdong is also a coastal area where there is a natural possibility of drowning. A year of drought and floods, desertification, landslip, etc and we don't have a good protection of the environment, so we should set up a kind of environmental protection consciousness.

  So how do we protect the environment? I have the following tips: the first is to love energy and not waste water and electricity. The second is to take care of the green, not to pick flowers and flowers, not to trample on the grass, and not to cut down trees. Third, do not make too much waste, such as plastic bags should be used as little as possible. The fourth is to understand the use of waste, and the useless newspapers, magazines and bottles should be sent to the purchase station for recycling. The fifth is to pay attention to the sanitation of the environment, do not spit everywhere, do not throw the rubbish everywhere, the fruit skin sundry should put in the dustbin. All of these are ways we can and should be done.


学习啦在线学习网   记得有一次,我乘公共汽车的时候,无意中看到一间小工厂源源不断地向附近的小河排出一些红色的污水,顿时间,河水被染成红色。我心想:这样的环境,河里的小鱼、小虾等动物还能生存吗?这样的水质,如果我们喝了也会生病,甚至会死亡。像这样的因工业生产所导致的环境污染并非少见,应引起有关部门的重视。







