学习啦 > 作文 > 英语作文 > 初中英语作文 > 初一感恩节英语作文


时间: 慧媛1041 分享




  Today is Thanksgiving Day, I decided to give my mom a foot

  Night, I finished my homework, the mother is watching TV, said: "Mom, you come to the bathroom to look!" Mother puzzled and asked: "What thing, why should the bathroom say?" I pointed to the stool, said: You please sit! "Mom looked puzzled to sit down. I poured some hot water in the foot basin, and then squatted down and said: "Please lift your feet!" I gave my mother off the shoes and socks, my mother did not understand what I sold in the gourd.

学习啦在线学习网   "Son, what day is today, how do you think of washing up my feet?" Mom stroked my head with pleasure. "Today is Thanksgiving Day, in order to thank you for your parenting, from today I give you every day!" Mom silent. I looked up and saw my mother's eyes hanging like something like a star, I know that it was happy, happy tears. "My good son, my mother can wash, your filial piety mother know it! You go to see the book it!" Mom bent over gently patted my shoulder. But I like a "stone", squatting feet in the feet, have to give her feet can not be. My mother beat me, had no choice but to "respectfully from life".

  Dad came back, my mother could not suppress the happy mood, the father said: "old Liu ah, son grow up! Know that hurt the parents it!" Then she told him today to tell him. Dad took my hand and said: "Son, ah, today is Thanksgiving Day, I forgot, I am not as good as you, ah, did not go to visit your grandfather, my grandmother, I have to learn from you!" I am sorry to laugh, Father and mother also laughed.


  In the Western countries, there is a Thanksgiving Day, the festival is used to thank their God the Lord to give them shelter and food.

学习啦在线学习网   But I do not think we should be thank God. We should be grateful, should be millions of selfless dedication of the working people.

  If there is no weaver, we do not have these colorful clothes; if there is no construction workers, how will these buildings stand; if there is no porters, the tool grain will not be able to transport; if no one digs, there will be no wells and cave ;in case……

  Every job is important, and although they are not eye-catching, they are not a lack of work.

  Like a farmer. But still very tired of the job, but they never complained. Early spring, spring, flowers, it is a good time to play. But they are driving a tiller moment kept "Hang Hang Hang" to land. Neither flowing around the spring, nor idle, but hard seeding transplanting. Summer, the sun, the farmers are the head of the sun, sweat folder for the rice fertilization, de-worming, every day from dawn black. Spring hard work, summer effort, for all the autumn harvest. Looking at the piles of piles on the cart, how can we not be grateful?

学习啦在线学习网   With the hard work of the farmers, only the food in our mouth, dish of vegetables. If there is no farmer, these foods will no longer exist.

  There is no God in the world, and we should be grateful to the working people of thousands.

  Hands to create the results, tens of millions of working people with their own hands to create our now a beautiful world, we created a happy life now.

学习啦在线学习网   Thanksgiving, let us thank thousands of working people!

学习啦在线学习网   Wish them happy and happy, good luck!




学习啦在线学习网   每一项工作都很重要,尽管它们有的并不起眼,但它们却是不可以缺少的工作。

学习啦在线学习网   就像农民。耕耘播种可是十分累的活儿,可他们却从没有抱怨一句。初春,春意盎然,鸟语花香,正是游玩的好时节。可是他们却驾着耕耘机一刻不停地“吭吭吭”地耕着地。既没有流连春色,也没有游手好闲,而是辛勤地播种插秧。夏天,烈日当头,农民们却头顶烈日,汗流夹背地为稻谷施肥、除虫,每天起早贪黑。春天的辛勤,夏天的努力,为的全是秋天的丰收。看着推车上一堆堆的谷子,我们怎能不感激呢?


学习啦在线学习网   世界上没有上帝,我们该感谢的应该是成千上万的劳动人民。

学习啦在线学习网   双手创造成果,千万个劳动人民用自己的双手创造了我们现在美好的世界,创造了我们现在幸福的生活。




学习啦在线学习网   The West has a Thanksgiving Day, it is the United States family gather together festivals, "by the dripping of the grace, when the Yongquan phase newspaper", I think in China also need to set up a Thanksgiving Day.

学习啦在线学习网   In the Teacher Day, the students in order to thank the teaching and educating people, quietly dedicated teachers, have their own way to thank the teacher, and some students in the blackboard newspaper written in English, some students wrote a letter to the teacher, Some teachers in the ear quietly said, "Teacher's Day happy!" The teacher was excited to tears, I am very touched, the teacher for us, every day buried in the homework, late at night is still lesson preparation, how hard ah! Our excellent results and good future are inseparable from the teacher's earnest teachings. The following are the same as the "

  In fact, in addition to the teacher, there are a lot of people, to help us, when the parents marching morning bell to send you to school, when the students for you to solve the learning problems, when the doctor for you to relieve the pain ... ... Thanked them We should express our gratitude to everyone who has lent a helping hand to us and a sincere love. Whether it is a comic show, a shallow smile or a compliment of the words. The following are the same as the "

  Now many students think that the care of others is a matter of course, many students do not know how to thank, they only know to ask, everything only from the interests of this, this is not a symbol of civil society. The following are the same as the "

学习啦在线学习网   Learn to thank, from now on, hope that Thanksgiving quickly come!



学习啦在线学习网   其实,除了老师,还有很多人,给过我们帮助,当父母踏着晨钟送你上学去,当同学为你解决了学习上的疑难,当医生为你解除了病痛……你是否想过向他们表示感谢?我们应该对每一个向我们伸出援助之手,奉献真诚之爱的人表示感谢。无论是一个礼让的示意,一个浅浅的微笑还是一句称赞的话语。

学习啦在线学习网   现在很多学生认为别人的关怀是理所当然的,不少学生不懂得感谢,他们只知道索取,一切只从利益出发,这不是文明社会的象征。

学习啦在线学习网   学会感谢,从现在做起,希望感恩节快点到来!





