

时间: 慧媛1041 分享



学习啦在线学习网   May 31 is a special holiday: world no tobacco day.

  The world health organization (who) made the decision in 1987 to make the world no tobacco day on May 31 every year. The move warns that smoking is bad for health, and calls on the world's "smokers" to stop smoking or stop smoking on that day, and call on all businessmen to not sell cigarettes on the day. In 1990, the world health organization chose "teenagers not to smoke" as the theme of this year's world no tobacco day. Held in our country the third "world no tobacco day" seminar, experts called for: tobacco control should begin from the youth, also emphasized control teenagers smoking starts; The education department should make full use of education positions to strengthen the management of students and strictly prohibit the smoking liuxue86.com of primary and middle school students. According to the newspaper, the rate of youth smoking in China has been rising in recent years. By 2025, the total number of people who die every year in China will now rise from 100,000 to two million by 2025. According to the survey, youth smoking has become an important social problem in China, with more than 70 percent of smokers in China starting to smoke between the ages of 15 and 25. In order to promote the development of our country's control of smoking, youth smoking must be eliminated. Too much smoking can cause discomfort in the body. For example: cough, gasp... It can also cause a variety of chronic diseases. For example: pneumonia, cancer... Some people, friends meet to smoke, holiday gifts also buy cigarettes, smoking is the tool of communication. There are six big words on the cigarette box that are clearly marked "smoking is harmful to health" and do not know if some of the faithful smokers have seen it.

学习啦在线学习网   In conclusion, smoking is harmful to health. Quit smoking!


学习啦在线学习网   The 2010 world expo is getting closer and every Shanghai is trying to make life better. But my dad was a "underachiever" -- a man who loved to smoke and never changed.

  It is said that the nicotine in a cigarette can poison a mouse, and the nicotine in 20 cigarettes can kill a cow! And smoking is not only harmful to oneself, but also harmful to others, forcing others to "passively smoke". Think about it, if there is a "smoke cloud" in public places, it will not only affect the city, but also the health of others!

学习啦在线学习网   When I was chatting with my classmates, I found that many of my classmates were "in the same boat" with me -- my dad was a huge fan of cigarettes. Why don't we set up a non-smoking group to help "education" our dad, and I found a few classmates to form a "anti-smoking group".

学习啦在线学习网   I decided to think about dad first. I was so worried about the bad news of a lot of cigarettes that I was afraid of myself, but my father just moved to the ground and puffed. I have homemade anti-smoking signs at home. Still doesn't work. For a few days, I was a little frustrated, and suddenly I saw a TV saying, "please don't liuxue86.com drink and drive for your family." I was inspired to come up with a brilliant idea. When my father "swallowed the mist", I gathered up to the front, coughed up a few words, pretended to be dizzy, said: "good choke, I feel bad." My father's heart baby, he saw me this way, he quickly wiped out the cigarette and said, "honey, father doesn't smoke anymore, do you have a good time?" "Don't you ever smoke?" "No, I promise, I swear: I'll never smoke again. Well, if I smoke, I'll sweep the toilet for a month!" "That's what you're saying," I said. "it's a success, yeah!" My dad was stunned by my "GPS" tracking for a period of time, and my dad was completely taken over by me.

  My dad was my first successful object, and I saw that the rest of the group had a lot of success. They all helped their families quit smoking. The next step is to plan and paste anti-smoking signs and signs. Although we are working hard, it is not enough, it is necessary for everyone to create a harmonious atmosphere for the expo. So it's not just the anti-smoking group that is acting, it's the Shanghai citizens who are working together!


学习啦在线学习网   In the current society, with the rapid development of the Internet, shopping on the internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters.

学习啦在线学习网   在当今社会,随着互联网的飞速发展,网上购物已经成为一种时尚,尤其是青少年。

  Online shopping has made our daily life become more convenient and feel comfortable. In the first place, shopping on the Internet can save much time so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic study. In the second place, the Internet has provided kinds of goods to consumers, and we can save much money through online shopping.


  However, every coin has two sides, online shopping also has shortcomings. We maybe buy some fake products online because of lacking of the face to face communication with sellers. What's more, the delivery will increase the risk of items' damage.

学习啦在线学习网   然而,每个硬币都有两面,网上购物也有其缺点。在网上我们可能会买到一些假的产品因为无法面对面与卖家沟通。更重要的是,物流也会增加商品损坏的风险。

  Weighing up these two arguments, I prefer the former, because shopping on the internet has become more and more important to us in our daily life. We should follow the footsteps of the times.







