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学习啦在线学习网   我有一个幸福温馨的大家庭,我的家就像一个调色盘,里面有着不同的颜色。家庭生活也是丰富多彩的。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的初中英语作文myfamilylife,供你参考!


学习啦在线学习网   My family life

学习啦在线学习网   Sleeping in

学习啦在线学习网   My father is very lazy. He did not work at home, lying in bed all day long. And he snores more than thunder. My mother and I both said he was snoring too loud, but he always felt he didn't snore. When he was asleep, you opened the door, and he kept snoring like thunder!

学习啦在线学习网   Hardworking mother

  We have three, even if mother is the most industrious. Laundry, dishwashing, mop... She does not work like a father who lies in bed all day. Once, the mother was chopping vegetables, the hand accidentally cut through the knife, out of the blood, the mother washed the wound with water, continue to cut vegetables. I looked at the door and admired the courage of my mother.

  Love cry of I

学习啦在线学习网   By the way, I have a strong body, in the class, who all dare not scold me, hit me, because I love cry, I cry, other children and they were afraid I tell the teacher, will say: "my sister in-law grandma, please don't cry." As soon as I heard what they said to me, I would run away laughing. This is the one who loves to cry.


  Fun in family life

  One day during the summer vacation, my father and I had nothing to do. It was five o 'clock in the afternoon. I thought about it and came up with a good idea and said, "dad, mom, let's play badminton, ok?" My father looked at my mother, and my mother looked at my father. They looked at me and I looked at you, as if I could not get my way. I asked, "ok?" Father and mother did not hesitate, and said, "good." Then I picked up badminton rackets and badminton.

  First started, my father and I play, dad dozen come over, I in the past, dad dozen come over, I in the past, dad call again, dad do not pay attention at this time, I belted in the past, my father can not meet, lost. Then I thought, if I could win mom, I would have to be first. Later is my mother and I play, the mother call, I in the past, the mother call back again, and I in the past, the mother call back, I again in the past, and mom call for many times, I again many times in the past, the mother hold, lost.

  This badminton game is my most impressive and the most interesting thing in my family life.


  The family life is rich and colorful, many seemingly ordinary little things, careful thought is very interesting.

  One morning, I felt an itch on my hands, and I looked at it, and I saw a big bag on my arm. It was probably the "meet" of the mosquito. I thought: mosquitoes are really evil. I came to my parents and formed a mosquito control team. I went into my room, and I looked to the left, and then I saw that there was something black and black on the white wall, and I saw that it was a big, spotted mosquito. I crept up to it, and with a jerk of the electric mosquito, the mosquito didn't know what was going on and died. My father and mother also eliminated the mosquito and smiled at me.

  Another year, the family gathered together to watch the Spring Festival gala, the mother knitted the sweater, the sister embroider the cross stitch, my father and I sit on the floor chess. We also took turns performing the show. "Small boat floating gently sister singing drew a burst of applause. I, a moment "wang wang" the study dog bark, soon learn monkey to scratch head, make everyone laugh.

  This is my family, the ordinary little things that make our family live together in harmony, I love this ordinary and happy home.


学习啦在线学习网   有一天清晨,我感到手上奇痒难忍,往手上一看,只见胳膊上鼓起了一个个大包,大概是蚊子的“见面礼”吧。我心想:蚊子真可恶。我便找来爸爸妈妈,组成了一支灭蚊队。我走进自己的房间,左看看,右瞧瞧,忽然发现雪白的墙壁上有一个黑不溜秋的东西,定睛一看,原来是一只花斑大蚊子。我蹑手蹑脚地靠近它,猛地举起手中的电蚊拍,蚊子还不知道怎么回事,就一命呜呼了。爸爸妈妈也消灭了蚊子,与我相视而笑。

学习啦在线学习网   还有一年春节,全家人聚在一起看春晚,妈妈织着毛衣,姐姐绣着十字绣,我和爸爸则坐在地板上下象棋。我们还轮流表演节目。小船儿轻轻漂姐姐的歌声引来一阵掌声。我呢,一会儿“汪汪”的学狗叫,一会儿又学猴子挠挠头,逗得大家哈哈大笑。



1.my family英语作文初中

2.my family初中英语作文80字

3.my family初三英语作文

4.初一英语作文my family

5.my family初三英语作文50字