学习啦 > 作文 > 英语作文 > 初中英语作文 > 初中生母亲节英语作文:给母亲最好的礼物


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学习啦在线学习网   导语:世界上最伟大的是母爱,在你学习生活中都少不了妈妈对你的关心和爱护。母亲节快到了,以下是学习啦小编为你整理的关于母亲节的英语作文,希望您喜欢阅读:

  Mother's Day

学习啦在线学习网   Mother's Day is a celebration honoring mothers and celebrating motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society. It's a day to show thanks to mothers. This festival first appeared in ancient Greece and modern Mother's Day originated in the United States which usually falls on the second Sunday of May each year. Mothers usually receive gifts on this day and carnation(康乃馨) is regarded as the flower for mother. In China, the flower for mother is day lily(萱草花), also known as Nepenthe(忘忧草). In addition, cleaning up the room, doing housework and a big dinner are considered to be the best Mother's Day gifts.

学习啦在线学习网   母亲节是纪念母亲,赞扬母爱和母性情结,以及社会上母亲的影响的节日。这是向母亲表达感谢的一天。这个节日最初出现于古希腊,现代母亲节源于美国,通常是在每年五月的第二个星期六。母亲们通常会在这一天收到礼物,康乃馨被看做是母亲之花。在中国,给母亲的花通常是萱草花,也叫做忘忧草。另外,打扫屋子,做家务,做一顿丰盛的晚餐都被当做是给母亲最好的礼物。