学习啦 > 作文 > 英语作文 > 高中英语作文 > 五一假期英语作文带翻译3篇


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学习啦在线学习网   五一假期眨眼之间就过去了,我们可以写一篇英语作文,翻译出来,记录这个五一假期。以下是学习啦小编为大家整理的,带翻译的五一假期的英语作文,希望大家喜欢。


  "51" section in the morning, I got up early on, my father and mother I very happy, because mom and dad will take me to play in the phoenix mountain. We set out against the warm spring breeze happily.

  A into the phoenix mountain, I was attracted by the beautiful scenery, surrounded by trees and the grass from the ground test out, the scent of flowers refreshing, is really beautiful.

  I immediately called mother bought tickets for the "surging ahead", disposable ponchos, went to play. Play, slowly on the rockery "ship", after a "tunnel" "run" rockery is quickly. Mother scared to shout, but I don't ring, because I have been huddled scared. To the ground, I think no splash, unexpectedly, a "shot" out "water", my face was splashing water. My mother and I laughed.

  Over the surging ahead, I go to play pirate ship. Just a boat, I heard the ship's kid shouted: "come to 360 degrees, a 360 - degree!" Staff very readily agreed. To play, I tried to seize the railings, lest they fall. Get out, I feel a little dizzy. My head Mother shook my head, is good. We also play bumper car, free fall... Busy to play.

学习啦在线学习网   Phoenix mountain let me happy, let me linger.



学习啦在线学习网   我立刻叫妈妈买了“激流勇进”的门票,穿上一次性的雨衣,就去玩了。玩的时候,“船”慢慢地开上了假山,经过一条“隧道”就飞快地“跑”下假山。妈妈吓得大叫起来,我却一声也不响,因为我已经被吓得缩成一团了。到平地的时候,我以为没有水花了,没想到,一条“水柱”“射”了出来,溅得我满脸都是水。我和妈妈都笑了。

学习啦在线学习网   玩完“激流勇进”,我就去玩海盗船。刚一上船,我就听见船上的小朋友喊着:“来个360度,来个360度!”工作人员很爽快地答应了。玩的时候,我使劲地抓住栏杆,生怕自己掉下去。下船的时候,我觉得头有点晕。妈妈摇了摇我的头,便好了。我们还玩了碰碰车,自由落体……玩得不亦乐乎。



  Looking forward to, looking forward to, "May Day" holiday is coming.

  My family and I came to guilin, have never thought was involved in "51" crazy storm.

学习啦在线学习网   We as people crammed into "KFC (Kentucky Fried chicken). To look inside a, wow, crowded is dead! One next to one, you won't let me, I won't let you, crowd into clouds. Alas, who call all carry the day on May 1 to shopping!

学习啦在线学习网   In "KFC" winks calculate, incredibly is packed in the elevator! Long not tall people are cheated, is high in front of a block, you can't see yourself to no. But it's too dangerous, so later to haven't put their feet go out miserably......

  "Squeeze" did not end, elevator exports that poured out of a person, all got stuck in the elevator. From one off the elevator, with people moving slowly, spirit is not.

  Didn't eat breakfast, didn't eat KFC, everyone is a little hungry, and so on on the sixth floor of the good old restaurant. At that, needless to say, packed, crowded, send food the waiter from time to time have to say "please make a, please make a". My heart up a question: what are we are come out to play, or to count?

  Very not easy to smile from the hall crowded out, down on the street, where more than a good inside. We left, the right squeeze into the "KFC" zhengyang pedestrian street there. It seems that I didn't guess wrong, immediately can use a word to describe, crowded, in addition to this word can no longer think of another word to describe accurately, I really feel how big "1.3 billion". Since everybody then love, then I will accompany you, see who squeeze too! Very not easy to squeeze into the store, I use critical "at" to a room! , we in the ear of the crowded sat down in the past, wow, finally to eat comfortably.

学习啦在线学习网   Why is "51" so crowded, crowded was so crazy?



学习啦在线学习网   我们随着人流挤进了“kfc”(肯德基)。朝里面一看,哇,挤死了!一个挨着一个,你不让我,我不让你,人群成了一团团的。唉,谁叫大家都挑着五月一日这个日子来购物呢!




学习啦在线学习网   好不容易从微笑堂里挤了出来,往大街上一瞅,比里面好不到哪去。我们左挤右挤,挤到了正阳步行街的“kfc”那儿。看来我没猜错,立马可以用一个字形容——挤,除了这个字再不能想到另外一个字来准确形容,我真切感受到了“13亿”有多么庞大。既然大家都那么爱挤,那我就陪你们挤,看谁挤得过谁!好不容易挤进店里,我用火眼金睛“盯”到了一个空位!,我们以迅雷不及掩耳之势挤过去坐下,哇,终于舒服地吃了一顿。

学习啦在线学习网   为什么“五一”那么挤,挤得还那么狂呢?


  Sunny May Day, our whole family to go to the wolong mountain park to play. Along the way the grass as if in a nod to us, floret in dance for us, the birds are singing for us, we was very happy, in the car, we soon arrived at wolong mountain park.

学习啦在线学习网   An enter a door, a lot of green green tree caught my eye, for the countless, how like the stars in the sky! There was a very, very big tree, I'm curious thoughtfully looked at this tree, and then solemnly said: "mom, I know that what was the name of a tree." Mother said, "well you say what is the name of the tree is so big." I blurted out, "climb the lion". Mother smiled, said "yes, is getting the lion."

  We laughed as he said, soon came to the bridge, the bridge above is very beautiful, the vast lake, tall building loomed as what on the surface of the water like underwater city! Soon we came to the place by boat, I asked uncle still have how long, can we turn a boat? "The uncle said:" about half an hour! I listen to the stunned, but no way, only slowly, etc., etc. For a long time.

学习啦在线学习网   Looking forward to finally to our ship. I immediately jumped into the boat and rowing happily, my heart is like to eat the honey as sweet, sail, I see Derek fisher is say "hello" to us, the ducks in blessing to us, bless our happy May Day. Quickly for over an hour, go back, because of the water is too big! Some water in my hand as if to remind our next remember to go to this beautiful place to play.

  Ah! This is May Day, our whole family had May Day!


学习啦在线学习网   一进门,很多葱葱郁郁的树都映入我的眼帘,数都数不清,多么像天上的星星呀!其中有一棵非常非常大的树,我很好奇就仔仔细细地打量了一下这一棵树,然后一本正经地说:“妈妈我知道这一棵树叫什么名字。”妈妈说“那好你说一说这么大的树它叫什么名字。”我脱口而出,“爬狮子”。妈妈笑了笑说“对,是爬狮子。”

学习啦在线学习网   我们一边说一边笑,很快就来到了桥上面,桥上面很美,一望无际的湖水,高大的建筑物隐隐约约的照在水面上多么像水底城啊!很快我们就来到了坐船的地方,我问叔叔还有等多久,才能轮到我们坐船呀?”那位叔叔说:“大约半个小时吧!我听了目瞪口呆,可是没有办法,只有慢慢等,等了好久。终于盼到了我们的船。我立刻跳上船,开心地划着船,我心里就像一下吃了蜂蜜一样甜,开船了,我看见小鱼在向我们打招呼,野鸭子在向我们祝福,祝福我们五一节快乐。很快足足的一个小时就过去了,回去的时侯,因为水太大的原因吧!有些水花落在我的手上好像在提醒我们下一次记着还要到这美丽的地方来玩。


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