

时间: 慧媛1041 分享



学习啦在线学习网   The green life, the environment around me, I don't have any of these concepts in my mind. Environmental protection, in my eyes have always been adults, what can we do for our children? We kids don't do it, right? But now people destroy it, destroy our resources continuously, in which we don't have a child, classmates, so we're going to link to protect it, to come together to present promotional events, and take concrete action, leaving the dense jungle, cherish the vast ocean, protect each space. It was then that I felt the protection of the environment was responsible for everyone.

  As we walked along the road, we could see a lot of garbage bags hanging from the trees on both sides of the road. What is the net for studying abroad? Will we bring resources to the earth? It is because of our constant destruction, deforestation, pollution, and hunting that is the declining and declining resource. How will we survive in the near future? Can the earth still stay? Do we have any other resources? It is all evidence that humans will live on earth in the future. We must protect our environment and protect our homeland. No more damage to it.

  People! Let us protect and protect our planet together. Make it a better earth than before! Stop making it more damaging and make our lives better!


学习啦在线学习网   我们在路上行走时,可以看到路两旁的树木上挂着许多的垃圾袋呀!出国留学网为什?我们会给地球带来资源的缺少?就是因为我们人类不断的破坏、砍伐、污染、捕杀才是资源不断下降与减少。不久的将来我们将怎样生存下去?地球还能住下去吗?我们还有各种资源吗?这都是人类将来是否能在地球生存的证据呀!我们现在一定要保护环境,保护我们的家园呀!不能再让它受到破坏了。



  The beautiful campus is our happy home, also the place where we study and live every day. Its environmental health has a direct impact on us, and school sanitation is an important symbol of civilization. Each of us should take on the responsibility of protecting the class and the school environment. I feel very sad when I see the campus and the waste of waste paper. To this end, I am determined to protect the campus environment from me.

学习啦在线学习网   This time, I often can see on the ground in the school to have waste paper, I also actively picked it up, put in the schoolbag. Today, the school put a video about the initiative to pick up the paper, in the video classmates some active picked up at the sight of the paper, some see live as if nothing has occurredly from waste paper, this piece of video, makes me feel protect the campus environment health, rely on personal power is limited, so I want to loudly called for the classmates, from now on, in order to our beautiful campus, we come on! Let us do it together, without destroying a flower, a grass, a wood, not a drop of water, a moment of electricity, no tearing, throwing, spitting, scribbling. See the waste paper, please bend low, pick up, bring out campus, because we not only pick up rubbish, but also pick up moral character.


学习啦在线学习网   这段时间,我经常能在学校看到地上有废纸,我也主动把它捡了起来,放进了书包。今天,学校放了一段关于主动捡纸的视频,视频中的同学有的看到废纸就主动捡了起来,有的看到了却若无其事的从废纸身边经过,这段视频,让我觉得保护校园环境卫生,靠个人力量是有限的,所以我要大声呼吁同学们,从现在开始,为了我们美丽的校园,我们行动起来吧!让我们一起做到,不损坏一花、一草、一木,不浪费一滴水、一度电,不乱撕、乱扔、乱吐、乱画。看到废纸,请主动弯下腰,捡起,带出校园,因为我们不光是捡起了垃圾,同时也捡起了品德。


学习啦在线学习网   We all know that the campus environment is a school window that reflects the spirit of the school and reflects the culture of the school. Clean, comfortable and safe campus environment is not only the need of our learning life, and is the need of edify sentiment, create a good campus environment is the sacred duty of every one of us. To this end, the fifth week of our school is in in the first and second day, high, high secondary conducted flowers "love my campus, beautifing the college" activities, students of grade four positive response, with a love for the school, for school landscaping greening contributes an own strength. Some students cultivate potted at ordinary times in the home to his Alma mater, store up some took out their pocket money to buy flowers to school, what is more we moved by our parents take their children sent home culture beautiful potted plants to school. Over the course of a few days, hundreds of different varieties of green plants were placed in every corner of each floor of the teaching building, and the school looked brand-new and full of life. Green is the symbol of life, and green represents hope. A small pot of plants, which adds color to the work, study and life of the whole school, brings us a pleasant mood.

学习啦在线学习网   我们都知道,校园环境是一个学校的窗口,直观地反映了学校的精神风貌,体现了学校的文化氛围。洁净、舒适、安全的校园环境不仅是我们学习生活的需要,而且是陶冶情操的需要,营造优良的校园环境是我们每个人的神圣职责。为此,我们学校在第五周在初一、初二、高一、高二级开展了“爱我校园,美化校园”献花活动,四个年级的同学积极响应,怀着对学校的爱心,为学校的美化绿化贡献自己的一份力量。同学们有的把家里平时培育的盆栽献给母校,有的拿出自己积攒的零花钱购买鲜花带到学校,更令我们感动的是我们的家长带着孩子把家里培养的漂亮盆栽送到学校。几天的时间,上百盆品种各异的绿色植物,摆放在教学楼各楼层的各个角落,校貌顿时焕然一新,到处生机盎然。绿色是生命的象征,绿色代表了希望。小小的一盆植物,为全校师生的工作、学习、生活增添了色彩,给我们带来愉悦的心情。








