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  美丽的校园 Beautiful Campus(一)

学习啦在线学习网   Green grass shade, green trees and heaven, HuaGongYeLu, this is my school, a full of green heaven and earth. We are in this beautiful world study, life and happiness through each day.

  Wandering in the campus road, lush wutong covered 29generations blue sky, sunshine filar silk Lou low through greenery, pin-points of the ground, when the wind blows obsolete, that gently pin-points of sunlight on the ground jumped around midnight, like ShanShuo stars. In Chinese parasol feet just be rained the leaves to appear more spirit. All unbend them slender waist, seem to competitively will I admire them after a charm. Look, that slice of broad leaves with a drop of rain, in the boundless YeHai in DaZhuanZhuan back and forth. Yi, flower pond central long time have a couple of sprouting up roses? Stayed up to look, huadu open good, to give us a good learning atmosphere, you periodical boil rain turbulence in the front, · · · · ·

学习啦在线学习网   "Beijing has good fire-eaters those big feast, guests in... · · ·" classroom already heard our DouShuSheng, along with the clear wind blowing through the tree's voice, made a curved beautiful songs. Along with the bell rang, the campus also become hilarious, laughter, the conversation, shouts, quiet moment qi faren campus become buzz, in a tense after learning, enjoy the happiness of ten minutes.

学习啦在线学习网   West Yang of school, it is extremely intoxicating show the unknown and full of mysterious side. The school has become the golden rays of the sun to the last minute stay in a corner of the housetop, classroom side, next to the playground. I appreciate this side, new findings will drive away all the troubles, it, having infinite magic.

  Has the moon night, the stars twinkling, silent school asleep, only the talking cricket sings in the bushes, welcome the rise of sun.

学习啦在线学习网   绿草茵茵,绿树苍天,花红叶绿,这就是我的学校,一个充满绿意的天地。我们在这绚丽的世界里学习、生活、快乐地度过每一天。


学习啦在线学习网   “京中有善口技者,会宾客大宴,于······”课堂上已传来了我们朗朗的读书声,伴随着风吹过树的声音,唱响了一曲动听的歌谣。随着铃声的响起,校园里也变得热闹起来,笑声、谈话声、喊叫声一时齐发,使宁静的校园变得热火朝天,在紧张的学习后,尽情享受这快乐的十分钟吧。

学习啦在线学习网   西阳下的学校显得格外醉人,它正在展现它那不为人知而充满神秘的那一面。余辉下的学校变得金灿灿的,夕阳把最后的一刻留在房顶的一角,教室的一面,操场的旁边。我欣赏着这一面,新的发现会赶走一切烦恼,它,有着无穷的魔力。

学习啦在线学习网   有着月亮的晚上,群星闪烁,寂静的学校入睡了,只有蛐蛐在草丛中歌唱,迎接太阳的升起

  美丽的校园 Beautiful Campus(二)

学习啦在线学习网   Our school is located in the center of Huanghua, it is a beautiful campus. Came to the school gate, first greeted is a large black paint doors, gates wrote five eye-catching characters "Bohai Road Primary School". Enter the door, the right is a duty room, on duty of the grandfather here every day to register to ensure the safety of the campus. On the left is a propaganda column, which is posted on the small children's outstanding paintings. From the gate, turn right is a big flower. Surrounded by red bars. Inside the flower beds, a lush pomegranate tree, green leaves set against a full of small pomegranate, far from looking like a hung with red lanterns like. The tree green grass, tenacious with spear like head, like a soldier on the job. In front of the flower beds is a wide playground. It is 400 meters in circumference, with a flat brick. This is where we play. Loud bell rang out, we quickly ran to the playground to play, some running; some rope skipping; there are playing with the eagle catch chicken game, a very lively scene. Behind the playground is the place where we study, which is a three story teaching building. The corridor wall hanging in each class "billboard", the style of each class are shown here, such as: each class "storyteller" "learning pacesetter" and "labor star." In addition to this, there are famous sayings, giving the students knowledge of the influence and enlightenment. Whenever the class, the sound of loud reading out there, rippling in the broad and beautiful campus. This is our school, a beautiful and warm campus. I love our school!

学习啦在线学习网   我们的学校座落在黄骅市中心,它是一个美丽的校园。来到校门口,首先映入眼帘的是一个宽大的黑漆大门,大门上写着五个醒目的大字“渤海路小学”。进入大门,右侧是一个值班室,值班的爷爷每天在这里登记出入的人员,确保校园的安全。左侧是一个宣传栏,里面张贴着小朋友们出色的绘画作品。从大门,往右拐是个大花坛。四周用红色的栅栏围着。花坛里面长着茂盛的石榴树,翠绿的叶子映衬着一个个饱满的小石榴,远远望着像挂满了小红灯笼似的。树下长着翠绿的小草,顽强的竖着枪尖般的脑袋,像一个个坚守岗位的战士。花坛的前面是一个宽阔的操场。它周长有400米,用平整的砖石砌成。这是我们尽情玩耍的地方。响亮的下课铃一响起,我们就快速的跑到操场上玩耍,有的跑步;有的跳绳;还有的玩起了“老鹰捉小鸡”的游戏,一片热闹非凡的情景。操场的后面就是我们学习的地方,那是一座三层的教学

  美丽的校园 Beautiful Campus(三)

  When I became a high school student, I felt so excited, because I was so close to my dream college. The moment I stepped into campus, I was attracted by its beautiful environment. There were trees in both sides of the main road and colorful flowers could be seen in the center of the school. A lot of students like to hang around school after class. They stand in the high floor to look at the beautiful scenery, or some of them play games in the big playground. The comfortable environment brings us the the good mood to study. When we feel tired, we can walk around the school and look at the scenery, then the intense nerve will be relieved. I love my school. It leaves me the good memory of my high school life.



我一踏进校园,就被它美丽的环境吸引了。主路的两侧都有树,在学校的中心可以看到五颜六色的花。下面是小编为大家整理的文章,希望对大家有所帮助。 美丽的校园 Beautiful Campus(一) Green grass shade, green trees and heaven, HuaGo