

时间: 慧媛1041 分享



  Summer vacation arrived, I really am very happy. Not only because the summer vacation is free to play, but also because my summer vacation is full and meaningful.

学习啦在线学习网   I have no homework this summer, because I am going to junior high school! But you can't relax! Because I have to go to school in August to take a class test, so, every day, I need to review the knowledge of primary school so that I can keep the knowledge in mind. Of course, in addition to review, there is a preview! The content of junior high school also has to know first. My friend borrowed some of the original textbooks. I came to see them every day. However, English is not understood, also won't read! So, I bought VCD, and every morning, for half an hour. Then go to review again, in this way, the English learning in middle school will be easier.

学习啦在线学习网   Of course the summer vacation also wants to work and study diligently! I ah! Just wearing holiday lights. My sister and I took a few of our neighbors' holiday lights every summer. We've made a hundred and two dollars this summer! ? Badly!!!!

  Besides, I watch TV, play computer occasionally and play with my friends.

  Although I didn't go anywhere during the summer vacation to see the beautiful scenery, I thought my summer vacation was very interesting.


学习啦在线学习网   这个暑假没有作业,因为我要升入初中啦!但是还是不能松懈哦!因为8月的时候还要去学校进行分班考试,所以啊,每天都要复习小学的知识,这样才能保证会把知识记住。当然,除了复习,还有预习啦!初中的内容也是必须得先了解的。我的朋友借了几本初中的课本,我每天就来看看了。但是,英语是看不懂的,也不会读啊!于是呢,我就买了VCD,每天早晨,就读那么半个钟头。然后再去复习,这样的话,初中的英语学习会轻松些了。

学习啦在线学习网   暑假当然也要勤工俭学啦!我呀!只是在穿节日灯。邻居家每个暑假都会拿节日灯来发给大家做,我和姐姐就拿了一些。这个暑假我们已经赚了一两百块了!怎么样?厉害吧!

学习啦在线学习网   另外的,我还看些电视,偶尔玩玩电脑,出去和朋友玩。



学习啦在线学习网   When the summer vacation, my mother and I went to the countryside grandma, grandma at home have a cat, it's my very good partner, we chase play together, always inseparable. I remember one time when I saw my grandfather shaving in front of the mirror, and his face was full of white flowers, and it was very interesting. A thought flashed through my mind: the little cat's beard had grown so long that I should have shaved it. So I picked up the little cat and shaved it while the whole family was away. At first he was obedient, but then he cried and cried and struggled. I was angry and said to him, "you lazybones, the beard is so long, and I don't know what it's like to shave. It's so lazy!" I was so happy that I managed to shave my beard. But the little cat ran to the corner and was very quiet. After dad got home, I proudly told it, that cat's thought dad would praise me, I didn't think dad scold me a meal: "you little fool! Cat beard but help it catch mice, you beard shaved off it, it can't catch mice any longer!" I looked at the little cat in the corner, and I was ashamed.

  In retrospect, it was both funny and angry. Summer vacation is really interesting!

学习啦在线学习网   暑假时,我和妈妈去了乡下的奶奶家,奶奶家里养了一只小花猫,它是我十分要好的伙伴,我们一起追逐玩耍,总是形影不离。记得有一次,我看见爷爷在镜子前刮胡子,脸上挂满了白花花的泡沫,有趣极了。一个念头从我脑海中闪过:小花猫的胡子都那么长了,不如我来给它刮刮胡子吧!于是,我趁全家人都不在时,抱起小花猫准备给它刮胡子。开始它还挺听话,可是到了后来却又叫又嚷,拼死挣扎。我生气的对它说:“你这个大懒虫,胡子都那么长了,也不知道刮刮,真是懒死了!”我费了九牛二虎之力,终于帮它刮好了胡子,我得意极了。而小花猫却跑到角落里异常平静。爸爸回到家后,我得意地将小花猫的事告诉了它,本以为爸爸会表扬我一番,没想到爸爸却训斥了我一顿:“你这个小傻瓜!猫的胡子可是帮它捉老鼠的,你把它的胡子剃掉了,它就再也抓不到老鼠了!”我望着角落里的小花猫,惭愧的地下了头。

学习啦在线学习网   现在回想起来,这件事真是既好笑又可气。暑假生活真有趣!


学习啦在线学习网   This summer vacation, I had a great time. Because I took a lot of one-day trips. A day trip to happy valley in shenzhen.

学习啦在线学习网   That day, the sun was shining and we came to the happy valley of shenzhen to play.

  First, we entered the magic castle. We got a place in a 3d movie theater to watch a 3d movie. At the beginning of the movie, a snake opened its mouth as if to eat us. The 3d movie is over.

  Later, we played a lot of games, among them, my favorite was "fast drifting". My dad and I found two people who didn't think it was easy to be sprayed onto the water. Slowly, the boat made a small slope, and suddenly the boat turned a very big bend. There were two sprinkling heads that caught me and my father in a "drowned rat".

  Ha ha ha, the shenzhen happy valley 1 day tour true happiness!

  This is my happy, happy summer vacation.

学习啦在线学习网   这个暑假,我过的很开心。因为,我参加了许许多多的一日游。如:深圳欢乐谷一日游。

学习啦在线学习网   那天,阳光明媚,我们来到了深圳欢乐谷玩耍。



学习啦在线学习网   哈哈哈哈,深圳欢乐谷一日游真快乐啊!

学习啦在线学习网   这就是我快乐、开心的暑假。







