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时间: 慧媛1041 分享




  This summer holiday, it's fun and meaningful!

  During the summer vacation this year, I joined the track team. This not only enriched my extracurricular life, but also strengthened my constitution.

学习啦在线学习网   On the track team, you have to sweat, especially in this hot summer day, even if you stay at home, you can sweat the back. In track and field, you can't stand tall legs and small steps. Unexpectedly, the teacher still let us to the wheel run, although the running performance has improved, but, the Lord, you are not to be tired of us!

  The fourth grade summer vacation will be my unforgettable summer vacation. !






  Summer life is wonderful, for most people. Does most of those people contain me? The answer is... Including. Because, for me, a primary school student who has never attended a cram school, this year's summer program is 100 percent happy. Maybe some people say that it's tiring to go to cram school, but I think learning is a happy thing.

学习啦在线学习网   This summer, I want to report three courses, one is calligraphy, one is Chinese, the other is English. In this way, I'm going to start my junior high school class this summer vacation. Maybe, during this summer vacation, I will meet some of the same good friends as the elementary schoolmates and the mischievous students like Yang zhengjie in our class. So, my summer life will be as meaningful as a primary school.

学习啦在线学习网   During the summer vacation, what kind of experience will I have?

学习啦在线学习网   暑假生活是美好的,对于大多数人来说。那这大多数人中包含着我吗?答案是……包括。因为,对于我,一个从未上过补习班的小学生来说,今年的暑假补习计划是100%快乐的。也许有人说,上补习班会很累,但我觉得学习本来就是一件快乐的事情,怎么可以说累呢?




学习啦在线学习网   One day during the summer vacation, I went to work with my uncle, aunt and cousin. As soon as we entered the village, we saw the children of adults working in the fields. At noon, at my urging, everyone went to work together. At that moment, the sun was blazing, and we were burned by the hot sun. At the edge of the field, the first thing we did was transplanting rice seedlings. See uncle left hand holding a bundle of seedlings, planting his right hand, looks very skilled appearance, suddenly, all of a sudden, he not only speed, quality also is very good, looks very neat.

  I watched them dry up, and my hands itched, and I couldn't wait to get down. Then my uncle came and taught me one step at a time: the first two feet were open, about a bit wider than the shoulder, and the waist was about 45 degrees. , a seedling one second left hand ready for planting, every two seedlings spacing is about 15 cm, every two row spacing is about green nursery, the third planting depth plug too shallow seedling blown float, inserted too deep seedlings grow lush, millet is not full. Understand basic essentials, I learn to uncle left thumb forefinger middle finger points of seedling, the right hand of a plug, although aren't good enough, but I have been very hard to dry. After a while, I was sweating and aching, and though I was tired, I did what I needed to do. Then I remembered a poem; "In the middle of the day, sweat is dripping from the earth. So we need to save more and cherish food, knowing the hardships of farmer's uncle.

  On the way home, I have been tired, uncle laughed and said to me: "today is just the beginning of farming rice transplanting, the back of the work more hard, want watering, pesticide, fertilizer, and so on."

学习啦在线学习网   This activity is very tiring, but I think it makes sense.


学习啦在线学习网   我看他们干的热火朝天,我的手也痒痒了,就迫不及待的要下去。这时,叔叔就走过来一步一步地教我:首先两脚张开,大约张的比肩膀宽一点,腰大约弯下45度;其次左手拿一把秧苗,右手准备插秧,每两颗秧苗的间距大概是15厘米,每两排的行距大概是绿色圃中再其次插秧深度,插太浅秧苗会被风吹浮起来,插太深秧苗长不茂盛,谷子不饱满。明白基本要领后,我学着叔叔的样子左手拇指食指中指分秧,右手一棵一棵的插,虽然插得不够好,但我一直在很努力的干。干了一会儿,我已经满头大汗 、腰酸背痛了,虽然我很累,但我还是把我要做的事做完了。这时,我想起来一首诗;“锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦”。所以我们要多节约和爱惜粮食,要知道农民伯伯的艰辛。

学习啦在线学习网   在回家的路上,我一直在叫累,叔叔笑着跟我说:“今天插秧只是种田的开始,后面的工作更加辛苦,要浇水、杀虫、施肥等等。”

学习啦在线学习网   这次活动虽然很累,但我觉得很有意义。





