学习啦在线学习网 我们依依不舍的离开了仙公山.
学习啦在线学习网 暑假期间的倒数第29天,弟弟来我家玩,我们全家热情的接待了小弟.到了晚上,我们决定明天去爬山.
学习啦在线学习网 第二天,我们起得特早,因为早上要去爬山,每个人都带一些零食和饮料在去的路上吃.我们高高兴兴的起程了.我当了正队长,弟弟当了副队长.我妈妈当了分午饭的饮食员,姑姑当了分零食的零食员,姑父当姑姑的助手.二哥和三哥当开路大使.在路上我们尽情的欣赏了仙公山的美景,弟弟还和我们合影,看着弟弟的样子真是太可爱了.吃完午饭我们就要下山了.
学习啦在线学习网 Our mother was driving and we were sitting in the car talking and talking. In an hour and a half, the bus finally arrived in hangzhou and my mother pulled up to the curb. Then he got off the bus, and my mother took the bag and went to shopping with us.
学习啦在线学习网 Let's go to the hangzhou tower and go to the supermarket.
学习啦在线学习网 After a few steps, we reached the entrance to the hangzhou building. The scene in front of me captivated me, and the beautiful scenery hung over the hangzhou. We bought a lot of clothes, trousers and shoes. We're so happy!
学习啦在线学习网 We're going to go to the supermarket. These goods are of good quality and cheap. It's a bargain! We picked up a lot of things before we got ready to go home.
学习啦在线学习网 This beautiful hangzhou makes a deep impression.
学习啦在线学习网 妈妈开着车,我们坐在车里头叽里咕噜讲个不停。用了一个半小时,车终于开到了杭州,妈妈把车停在马路边。然后不约而同的下了车,妈妈拿着旅行包,和我们一起去购物了。
学习啦在线学习网 我们先到杭州大厦去,再到超市去。
学习啦在线学习网 我们接下来就到超市去了。这些商品质量好,又便宜。真可以说是价廉物美!我们挑了好多好多,才到车上准备回家了。
学习啦在线学习网 这美丽的杭州让人留下深深的印象。
学习啦在线学习网 During the summer vacation, I went to travel with my mother and father. On the fourth day of our trip, we went to the seaside.
The endless sea was blue in the shadow of the blue sky. The waves dashed against the Banks of the bank, splashing their starting points, as if they were leaping to welcome us. I walked barefoot on the beach. The thin sand on the bottom of the foot is loose and soft, and the tread is very comfortable. Look at the waves that come in the distance. It's the sky, the water, the vastness. I stooped down to hold the blue sky. A wave hit me, I dodged, the water spattered in my mouth. A: wow! It was bitter, salty and dry, and I threw up a few mouths, and suddenly I discovered that the sand had a lot of seashells in it, like a star in the sky, flashing and shining. The shells shone brightly under the sun. It has different shapes and is very beautiful.
I took a few steps and tried to wash my face with the sea water, but looked up to see what was going on, for fear of breaking this beautiful painting.
学习啦在线学习网 一望无际的大海,在蓝天倒影下显得格外的蓝。浪花一阵阵拍打着堤岸溅起点点小水珠,好像在跳跃着欢迎我们。我赤着脚走在海滩上。脚底下细细的沙子又松又软,踩上去怪舒服的。看看远处涌来的海浪,真是天连水,水连天,浩瀚无边。我弯下腰去捧那蓝得令人遐思得海水。一个海浪打过来,我躲闪不及,海水溅到我嘴里。哇!又苦又咸又涩,我连吐了好几口,突然我无意中发现,沙地上得贝壳多得就像天上得星星,一闪一闪,光彩夺目。那些贝壳在阳光得照耀下,发出耀眼得光。它形状各异,美不胜收。