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时间: 慧媛1041 分享




  The hot summer holiday is coming. The best sport is swimming now. My mother and I immediately went to the gym.

  Looking forward to the day of swimming, we did the warm-up first, and then, like a flock of ducklings, we stormed the water. Wow, the water is so cool! I didn't know anything about swimming, and I began to learn how to look at other partners.

  "Poof!" I drink a lot of saliva in succession, the nose is also sour, I angrily think: hum, have what great, is not to change gas? Still trying to catch miss Ben?

  With that in mind, I learned to breathe and started sliding. Gliding is very important in swimming, it can make you swim easily and swim fast. I'm afraid to slide out, facing up to one meter and twenty centimeters of water. So deep water, it's no laughing matter! The coach met and said calmly to me, "overcome the psychological barrier and move forward boldly."

  I heard it, and I learned it bravely, and he taught me how to kick my legs, and I made a lot of progress, which made the coach very happy.

  After 10 days of practice, I finally mastered the breaststroke skills. This is the result of my 10 days of excitement.

  The time went by fast, and the 14 days passed, and I learned a variety of swimming positions, too. It was a really happy summer vacation


  One day during summer vacation, my uncle and aunt took me to the swimming pool. We were sweaty when we came to the swimming pool.

  We put on our beautiful swimsuit and walked lightly to the side of the pool. Suddenly, I was fascinated by the fresh sight. The blue pool and the sky glow with each other, creating a wide, untroubled feeling that has never been seen before. I plopped into the water.

  I stood in the water and saw my uncles and aunts swimming in various poses, admiring and admiring. But when I think of myself, I can't help myself, because I can't swim, I can't breathe.

  While I was helpless, my mother swam to teach me. First she told me about the need for ventilation, and I reflected on my request to do it: breathe out the gas first and then breathe in. When I first inhaled, I drank a lot of water, and I did it three or four times, and my nose was sour, and I was so cold. But in the face of my mother's hopeful eyes, my confidence came again. After repeated practice, the miracle happened, and I took four more breaths and swam over five meters. I was too happy to describe, feel sour nose again, but this time, I feel bitter in the sweet, because I realized "the world is difficult if you put your heart into it".


学习啦在线学习网   我们换上漂亮的游泳衣,迈着轻盈的步子来到池边。顿时,我被眼前新鲜的景象深深吸引住了。那蓝蓝的水池与天互相辉映,使人产生了一种从未有过的宽阔,舒畅之感。我“扑通”一声跳进了水里。

学习啦在线学习网   我站在水里看见叔叔阿姨们用各种姿势畅游着,真是佩服又羡慕。可一想到自己,不禁泄了气,因为我还不会游泳,连换气都不会。

学习啦在线学习网   正在我束手无策时,妈妈游过来教我。她先给我讲了换气的要领,我映着头皮按照要求去做:先把气吐光,再抬头吸气。谁知第一次吸气就喝了一大口水,我又连做了三四次,鼻子都发酸了,我不觉心灰意冷起来。可是面对妈妈那充满希望的眼神不断鼓励我的话语,我的信心又来了。经过反复练习,奇迹终于发生了,我竟连着换了四口气,游出了五米多。我一下高兴得无法形容,又觉得酸鼻,不过这一次,我觉得苦中带甜,因为我体会到“天下无难事,只怕有心人”的道理。


  This summer vacation is different. Had a holiday, not only the cousin and cousin are also put summer vacation, cousin and my cousin to come to my house to stay, I took part in the swimming interest class, I tell you, this year's summer vacation, I had a very, very happy.

  You don't know! One day, two classmates to call me out, is to do a survey of the city's people's fitness, is to investigate people's activity time and activity project, the three of us after good task allocation, started! Small qi and xiaoyue together responsible for ask passers-by, I courage small, afraid to ask, is responsible for them to hear words written four list, four respectively: 7 to 15, 16 to 28, 29 to 50 years old and 51 to 80 years of the four tables, they call a kind old woman, gently said: "grandma, what's your activity time is how long? What events?" The old woman listened to them, and answered them in detail, and I wrote them in a piece of paper. In this way, the three of us kept asking about the middle of the day, and there were about 80 people in each of the four, and there were 20 people each. I went back to her own home. Hee hee! This is a homework assignment for the teacher!

  Another day, cousin and her classmates took me out to play together, we took a taxi, wanted to go to KFC to eat and drink, and to people in there, in line to the road, from the inside me! To be on the way home, sister bought some toys for me, when I returned home, unexpectedly, aunt she came, the whole family but also bought a lot of fruit, I like aunt's two children call my sister and I together with them, I just come up, some tired, so I didn't go with them. Of course, there was something interesting about them, I don't know, there's only me and my cousin in the house! Cousin this goes to turn on the computer, the Internet. I ran to the living room, turned on the TV and watched my favorite series, "watch the meteor shower". Later, after aunt the family left, the home only grandma, sister, brother and me and my cousin, but after a while, mother also bought a lot of fruit, the whole family laughing broken belly, hee hee! I think, now, the fruit of the home is not afraid to eat, just fear not to finish!

  I am happy every summer, but this summer holiday is the happiest.





