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学习啦在线学习网   春节,是我们中华民族最重要的节日,也是我们中华民族独有的节日。你知道如何写一篇10句话左右的春节英语作文吗?下面是学习啦小编给大家精心挑选的英语作文春节10句话左右,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!


  Back to their hometown, the in the mind can be happy, Chinese New Year customs will let me by surprise, the most common is the following four: eat the meal, see the party, the midnight fireworks and happy New Year.

学习啦在线学习网   Thirty years old, my uncle aunt and other relatives gathered together, and grandma grandpa was happy and busy. Yes, today we're going to eat rice! "Crackle and crackle", a burst of firecrackers sound, the year rice is done! Of course, we will never forget the land granddad, some incense, a few bowls of dishes and a bowl of rice, and pray for a good harvest in the coming year. Then he entered the table. At the end of the year, everyone sat by the stove and talked. Grandpa grandma can be busy at this time! Eat the meal (also can saying is the family reunion dinner), is one of the important custom of Spring Festival, whether in where, everyone will come home, and family to share this wonderful moment. When we eat rice, we have a lot to say, work, family, etc. The time of eating is different, as long as the family is all together and when you want to eat.

  In the evening, he was left alone. Before watching the Spring Festival gala, it is the time for me to look forward to: lucky money. Congratulations on your fortune, bring it in red envelopes! One uncle, one little uncle, one grandma... Everyone was busy, it was time to sit down and rest, so we got together to watch the Spring Festival gala. While watching, it was as if the words were never finished. The midnight fireworks are going off! "Boom!" A salute was fired, and the sky was covered with a rainbow of colours. With the opening of the first salvo, each family released various kinds of fireworks, each one with a beautiful hat on the roof. The sound of fireworks was deafening, and the fireworks dazzled me. My aunt and I ran to the top of the building to watch the fireworks, and I jumped up with excitement. "I didn't waste this time," she said. "it was really spectacular!" Midnight fireworks, it is possible that every place some customs, may be a convention in our hometown special, but all the same, I saw, when you heard that too!

学习啦在线学习网   回到老家,心里可高兴了,春节习俗总会让我吃惊不小,最普遍的就是以下四个了:吃年饭,看晚会,午夜放烟花和拜年。

学习啦在线学习网   大年三十,舅舅舅妈等亲戚都欢聚一堂,外婆外公满脸喜悦,开心地忙碌着。对,今天我们要吃年饭了!“噼里啪啦”,一阵鞭炮声响起,年饭做好了!当然,吃年饭总忘不了土地爷爷,敬几根香,摆几碗菜和一碗饭,求土地爷爷保佑,来年丰收。接下来,便入席了。吃罢年饭,大家都坐在炉子旁边聊天。外公外婆这时候可就忙咯!吃年饭(也可以说是团圆饭),是春节的重要习俗之一,不管是在哪儿,大家都会赶回来,和家人一起共享这美好的时刻。吃年饭时,大家总有很多话要说,说工作,说家庭,等等。吃年饭的时间是不一样的,只要家人都到齐了,想什么时候吃都行。

学习啦在线学习网   晚上,就剩下自己家的人了。在看春节联欢晚会之前,是我最期待的时候:收压岁钱。恭喜发财,红包拿来!大舅舅一个,小舅舅一个,外婆一个……大家都忙活完了,该坐下来休息休息了,于是,我们便团聚在一起看春节联欢晚会。边看边聊,仿佛话总也说不完似的。总算熬到12点了,午夜烟花快燃放了!“轰!”一个礼炮打响了,天空顿时蒙上了一件五彩斑斓的彩衣。随着第一个礼炮的打响,各家不约而同地放出了各种款式的烟花,每一家的屋顶上都挂上了一个美丽的帽子。放烟花的声音震耳欲聋,五彩的烟花使我眼花缭乱。我和大舅妈跑到楼顶上观看烟花,我兴奋得直跳:“我这次苦熬到12点真是没白费,这真是太壮观了!”午夜放烟花,有可能是每个地方都有的习俗,有可能是我们家乡特有的一种习俗,但都一样,我见识到了,你们也听说了!


学习啦在线学习网   I will wait for my father to come back this afternoon to visit the flower market. My father and I took the number 78 bus to the sports west road to buy flowers, to go there, the sea of people, very busy.

  I saw a lot of flowers, not only flowers, but also trees and windmills, all kinds of toys, which attracted the curiosity of little children. I bought white, dark red, light pink, red roses, I saw blue roses for the first time, and black roses in the news. Blue roses and black roses are rare, expensive and black. I also bought a pot of bamboo, which is called rich bamboo, not plain bamboo. If you buy it, you'll be lucky: you'll get richer, and your family will be rich, expensive, and cheap, but I bought it for the first time. Many kids bought dragon ear, empty still shine, also bought totoro, windmills, Fen angry birds is the edition, also bought a lot of flowers, such as cockscomb, peony flowers, butterfly orchid, etc. Every place hung a lantern. I saw a huge dragon. Many people were taking pictures. There were so many people in the car, it was raining and cold today, and we came out with an umbrella, otherwise we'd be a drowned rat.




学习啦在线学习网   China has its own holiday traditions all over China, and my hometown, yunyu county in zhangzhou, fujian province, is very different from other places in the Spring Festival.

  In the cloud, if the child is ignorant, if the child is ignorant, he will wipe his mouth with a paper towel. Avoid quarrel threatened and broke the dishes at the same time, accidentally broke the dishes, will fragments collected into stone mortar, reciting "suisui peace", to borrow "broken" and "old" homophonic to fierce for, keep peace joy.

学习啦在线学习网   When the New Year begins on the first day of the lunar New Year, the family set off firecrackers, called "open zheng", and they will be prepared for tea, candy and incense in front of the door, which is called "baizheng". Early in the day, everyone gets up early and wears new clothes to burn incense and worship the ancestors of heaven and earth. Young people worship their elders, and their elders give them red envelopes.

  The family will have a red sugar noodle soup when they are "on the way". Sugar, meaning sweetness; The line, meaning longevity, is to pray for the family to live a long and happy life.

  Don't eat porridge on the first day to avoid going out in the rain. Do not pour out the rubbish outside, avoid "fiscal and gas leak". In addition, there is no need for debt, no abuse of children and so on.

学习啦在线学习网   ? The Spring Festival is exquisite and don't have fun! Besides, you can learn more about the customs of different places in the Internet and books, and enrich your own knowledge!








春节,是我们中华民族最重要的节日,也是我们中华民族独有的节日。你知道如何写一篇10句话左右的春节英语作文吗?下面是学习啦小编给大家精心挑选的英语作文春节10句话左右,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! 英语作文春节篇1 Back to their


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    学习啦在线学习网大年三十我能吃香喷喷的饺子,我能穿上新衣服放鞭炮, 家里还能贴上漂亮的年画,你知道简单的春节的英语作文怎么做吗?下面是学习啦小编给大家精心