

时间: 慧媛1041 分享



学习啦在线学习网   My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.


学习啦在线学习网   Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this.



学习啦在线学习网   During the summer vacation, I went back to my hometown in hunan with my parents to see grandpa.

  In my hometown, I experienced a lot of new things. One of the things that makes sense to me is the coal stove.

学习啦在线学习网   Getting up in the morning, I saw grandpa busy in the kitchen. I asked grandpa what he was doing. Grandpa said, "I'm in the coal stove." I say to grandpa: let me try! "

  I used to be very simple to make a living coal stove, but actually coal stove is not good. Grandpa taught me to raw coal stove first: "raw coal stove, the first to put some charcoal in the furnace and waste paper and other combustible kindling, again on the charcoal, and then light the kindling, after the charcoal burning red, then pick up the briquette gently put charging, this will do." Grandpa said he was busy with other things.

  I put the charcoal and waste paper in the stove and used a lighter to go to the stove. As a result, my arm was short and I didn't burn my hand. Just as I was frowning, I suddenly saw a bottle of wine on my grandfather's stove. My eyes lit up and a good idea came to my heart. I put a little wine on the waste paper. Just a moment, a fire! I was so happy that I hurried to add waste paper and charcoal to the stove.

  When the charcoal burned red, I put a coal ball into it and waited for it to burn. I stood and thought: "ah! It was so easy!" I couldn't help smug. When I put a second coal ball, the coal ball was rotten because of my carelessness, so I had to cry over my face and pick up the rotten coal ball. With pliers a good coal ball, tiptoe, carefully put in, which is like relief of relief.



学习啦在线学习网   早上起床,我见爷爷在厨房忙着什么。我问爷爷在干什么?爷爷说:“我在生煤炉。”我对爷爷说:让我来试一下吧!”


学习啦在线学习网   我照着爷爷说的做,将木炭和废纸放入炉中,用打火机去点,结果,由于我胳膊短,不是烧着了手就是火灭了。正当我愁眉不展时,突然看见爷爷的灶台上放着一瓶酒,眼睛一亮,一个好主意涌上心头,我撒了一点酒放在废纸上。呼地一下,燃了!我高兴极了,赶紧往炉中加废纸和木炭,忙得不亦乐乎!



  A summer noon, irritable the sun parched the earth mercilessly, like a brazier from heaven, on the ground as if by a huge steamed, make a person to breathe. I and ren jianyu agreed to go for a long swim in the blue wave pool in the afternoon.

  The green wave pool is located about 100 meters near meishan station. I went into the pool, before my eyes a green sky, blue sky and white clouds reflected in the clear water, people's laughter and the beating of water, into a beautiful symphony. There is a big pool and a small pool, large pool depth less than two meters, less than 50 meters long, about 25 meters wide, around with the ceramic tile of silver, under the sun radiant with silver, blue and white bottom particularly eye-catching. The small pool is about six or seventy meters long and about 25 meters wide. The deepest place can overwhelm me, and the shallowest place can't touch my little feet.

  In the large swimming pool, we swam in a while and swam around like small crucian carp. In a few moments, the freestyle, the swimming frog, like the jiaolong sea, very comfortable. He was so tired that he climbed up and lay on his back, resting comfortably for a while.


学习啦在线学习网   碧浪池位于眉山车站旁一百米左右。我一进碧浪池,眼前一片碧绿,蓝天、白云都倒映在清澈的水中,人们的欢声笑语和水的拍打声,汇成一曲美丽动人的交响曲。这里有一个大池和一个小池,大池深不足两米、长不足50米、宽约25米,四周贴着银色的瓷砖,在阳光的照耀下泛出一道道银光,蓝白相间的池底分外醒目。小池长约六、七十米,宽约25米,最深的地方可以把我整个人都淹没了,而最浅的地方还无法触及我的小脚丫呢!









暑假里我经常会去打羽毛球、游泳和骑自行车。下面是学习啦小编给大家精心挑选的英语作文我的暑假带翻译,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! 英语作文我的暑假篇1 My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countr