or those who just love to shop online, now is the best time of the year, because Nov 11, China’s Singles’ Day, will see some seemingly irrational discounts, in line with the tradition that was started in 2010.
Last year, Taobao, a major online shopping website, set a record of 1 billion yuan in sales on that day alone, with a whopping 19.1 billion yuan exchanging hands on the website. The number of items sold paralyzed the delivery services due to overloading. On the verge of yet another annual spending spree, it’s worth reading up on tricks and tips to make the most of the shopping carnival.
学习啦在线学习网 去年,淘宝网光棍节当天的销售额破纪录地达到10亿元人民币,该网站交易额更是高达191亿元人民币。巨大的发货量几乎令整个快递业务难以负荷,接近瘫痪。现在,一年一度的“双十一”血拼日又要到了;为了乐享这场购物嘉年华,有必要补习一下网购技巧与小贴士。
学习啦在线学习网 Be prepared
Select goods early and rationally
学习啦在线学习网 提前下手,合理选择
Put everything you want in the “shopping cart” to make a list of potential purchases. Then go through it carefully, removing anything you selected on impulse.
学习啦在线学习网 把你喜欢的货品统统放到“购物车”中,生成一个购物清单,然后再仔细筛选一遍,删除那些因一时冲动而拍下的货品。
Seal a deal in advance
学习啦在线学习网 Talk to service staff as early as possible. They may have already decided on a discount policy for Nov 11 and may even ship the product to you in advance, which is a good way to avoid the heavy online traffic on the special day.
学习啦在线学习网 Manage your budget
学习啦在线学习网 Popular items will be in strong demand, so make sure you’re ready to pay with the least number of procedures. It’s best to deposit a reasonable amount of money in your Alipay account so that you can pay without going through any lengthy verifications. If you’re planning on using a credit card, you can call the bank to apply for more credit, but only spend as much as you can afford to repay.
Look at the real items
学习啦在线学习网 With many products, such as shoes and clothes, it’s better to look at them first to check their quality, size and appearance and ensure you’re buying the right one.
学习啦在线学习网 对于包括服装和鞋在内的很多商品而言,最好先查看一下实物的质量、大小和外观,以确保拍下的宝贝适合你。
学习啦在线学习网 Be smart
学习啦在线学习网 It’s all about timing
学习啦在线学习网 According to Alipay, there are several peak hours when online traffic is heavy and there is a higher risk of failed transactions. Try to avoid the following time spans: 12 pm-1:30 am, 10-11 am, 3-5 pm, and 8-10 pm.
Apps as a helping hand
Smartphone apps like Huihui Shopping list the best offers on a particular website, while Yitao, a software developed by Alibaba, compares prices of selected items across different websites to bring you the best deal.
学习啦在线学习网 Track and open your package
学习啦在线学习网 跟踪物流,开箱验货
学习啦在线学习网 Because of the huge demand, delivery mistakes are inevitable, so try to track the package. If the product is perishable, keep the tracking record in case of a dispute. When the package arrives, check the item carefully before signing for it. Now you can go ahead and enjoy all your new stuff!
In the United States, the lonely have Reddit and cats. In China, they have Singles' Day, which falls on Nov. 11 -- 11.11, the four ones symbolizing "bare branches," Chinese slang for bachelors. Thought to have originated about 20 years ago as a joke on college campuses, Singles' Day was once an occasion for confessing one's feelings to that special someone. But since 2010, online retailers have transformed the holiday, also known as "Double 11," into an epic online shopping extravaganza akin to America's Cyber Monday.
China has 271 million online consumers, meaning that almost half of China's 591 million Internet users buy products online. E-commerce sites Taobao and Tmall, which saw a combined class="main">
Jack Ma, founder of Internet giant Alibaba, told Chinese Premier Li Keqiang late last month that Alibaba's sales on Singles' Day 2012 were "nearly .3 billion" -- more than double the roughly class="main">
学习啦在线学习网 The rise of singletons as a consumer group is not without its own costs. Chinese business magazine Caijing reported that big delivery companies were forced to scramble to find over 100 extra airplanes to handle the 323 million parcels they needed to deliver over the Singles' Day shopping period.
学习啦在线学习网 消费者群体中单身族的崛起并不是没有代价的。据《中国财经杂志》报道,在光棍节期间,为了处理3亿2300万份包裹,许多大型物流公司需要筹措超过100台货运飞机四处奔走。
The holiday strains the logistics system: Products frequently sell out or arrive late. Even when everything moves smoothly, consumers complain about commercial gimmicks. According to the Beijing Evening News, a popular local paper, some online retailers quietly raise prices before slashing them.
学习啦在线学习网 光棍节期间物流系统往往问题百出:商品常常已经断货或者送货延期。就算物流系统一切正常,网购公司的销售猫腻也常常引起消费者不满。根据北京一家知名报刊《北京晚报》报道,许多在线零售商都会先抬高商品价格,然后再鼓吹降价销售。
But Chinese have not forgotten about the true meaning of this holiday: hating singlehood. Singles' Day is an occasion on which Chinese confess their feelings and try to find significant others. On Nov. 7, with four days to go before the holiday, the top trending topic on Weibo, China's Twitter, was "Help Your Roommate Find Someone." Over 200,000 people participated in the discussion, posting pictures of their roommates (and sometimes themselves) in hopes of avoiding another lonely Singles' Day.
学习啦在线学习网 但是中国人也没有忘记这个节日的真正含义:厌倦单身。光棍节正是中国人承认自己对单身状态的厌倦,试着寻觅到另一半的日子。在11月7日光棍节前4天,微博(中国版的推特)上最热门的话题就是“为你的室友找到另一半”。超过20万人参与了讨论,上传自己室友的照片(有时就是自己的照片),希望能在光棍节前结束单身。
学习啦在线学习网 Chinese are no strangers to loneliness: There are tens of millions of men in China who may never find love due to the country's massive gender imbalance, a result of the One Child Policy and a longstanding preference for male children. Chinese women don't have it easy either: Those who remain unmarried at the ripe old age of 27 risk being labeled "leftover women".
Although poverty and singledom are often linked outcomes in China, at least one web user was sure of which was worse. "Spending Singles' Day alone isn't that scary," he wrote. "What's scary is when you're so poor you can't even enjoy Taobao's 'Double 11.'" Retail therapy indeed.

感恩节是提醒我们要学会感恩的节日,感恩节的各项活动你会怎么样去介绍它呢?下面学习啦小编为大家推荐一些介绍感恩节英语作文,还欢迎参阅。 介绍
学习啦在线学习网感恩节你最想感恩谁呢,有关感恩节系列的英语作文要怎么写才好呢?下面学习啦小编为大家推荐一些感恩节的英语精选作文,希望大家有用。 感恩节的英
- 1 买年货日记300字
- 2 新年购物300字作文
- 3 网上购物的英语作文
- 4 最新春节买年货作文
- 5 神舟十一号返回作文
- 6 春节的作文买年货
- 7 买年货的日记
- 8 买年货购物作文300字左右
- 9 春节满分作文不少于400字范文
- 10 开学计划作文400字