学习啦在线学习网 母亲总是为我们着想,我们应该感谢她。
学习啦在线学习网 那次,母亲发现我发高烧,马上背着我去小诊所治病。
学习啦在线学习网 母亲,不要再这么劳累了,让我们这些儿女来帮您做事吧!
Mother always thinks of us, we should thank her.
学习啦在线学习网 That time, my mother found out that I had a high fever and immediately went to a small clinic with my back.
My mother was breathing faster, and I knew my mother wasn't always moving, and the trip to the clinic was a little further away. "Mother, let me go and let me go," I said. "no, you're my baby. I won't let you down!" My mother answered me in a firm tone, and I burst into tears.
学习啦在线学习网 After the clinic, the doctor gave me a spanking and gave me some medicine. The mother paid 20 yuan.
学习啦在线学习网 Mother, don't be so tired, let us and our children do it for you!
学习啦在线学习网 回到家里,我看到妈妈还躺在床上睡觉。于是,我就开始动手做家务了。我先拿扫帚把地全部扫了一遍。接着,我又用拖把拖地板。拖了不久,我就把拖把拿到水龙头下面去冲洗。等到我全部拖完,妈妈正好睡醒。她看到干净整洁的房间就笑了。我赶紧放好拖把,拿来了贺卡,双手捧着递给了妈妈,并且大声说:“祝妈妈母亲节快乐!”妈妈听了说:“涛涛,贺卡并不重要,重要的是你的学习,只要你成绩好了,我就高兴了!”我说:“妈妈,我知道了,我一定会好好学习的,争取次次考满分。”
学习啦在线学习网 Today is mother's day. I think my mother is so hard, and today she is ill. I should do more on this mother's day to make my mother happy. Yes, I should buy a gift for my mother today and do some housework. I decided to act now. At first, I took my pocket money to buy a gift -- a card.
学习啦在线学习网 I walked out of my house and looked at a few shops, but none of these shops were selling CARDS. How to do? Looking for! I walked on again. I want to find a card today. I went to a small shop, and I saw that there were CARDS in it. Well, finally I found it. I went into the store and picked it up.
I asked the shopkeeper to bring out all kinds of CARDS. I picked it one by one. Finally I found a satisfactory liuxue86.com card. The card is very beautiful, and it has a beautiful music on the open. Great! So I asked the boss, "how much is it?" The boss and the owner say: "kid, not expensive, five dollars a piece." B: I think so. Money is really inexpensive. I paid for the card and went home.
学习啦在线学习网 When I got home, I saw my mother lying in bed. So I started doing housework. I took the broom and swept it all over. Then I mop the floor again. After a while, I took the mop down to the tap. By the time I had finished, my mother was awake. She smiled when she saw the clean and tidy room. I quickly put down the mop and brought the card, handed it to mom with both hands, and said loudly, "happy mother's day!" "Mother said," tao tao, the card is not important. What matters is your study, as long as you do well, I will be happy!" I said, "mom, I know. I will study hard and get full marks for the second time."
学习啦在线学习网 该送什么礼物给妈妈呢?这个问题已经在我的脑子里转悠了两个星期。买一束鲜花?亲手准备一桌佳肴?还是帮妈妈做一天的家务?都不行!
学习啦在线学习网 The second Sunday of may is mother's day. People all over the world, no matter how busy, want to bless their mother in different ways, I am no exception.
What gift should you give your mom? The problem has been in my mind for two weeks. Buy a bouquet of flowers? Ready for a meal? Do you do the housework for your mother? All not line!
It's been Friday, and I heard that the post office has a special mother's day card. By the way, send a card to mom. After school, I went to the post office. With my New Year's day New Year's money to buy a has posted a stamp CARDS, I took my pen to happily and liuxue86.com to write a few words of blessing to mom's heart. In the end, I gingerly taped the fancy CARDS, put them in the mailbox, and went home happily...
The next day, I found my mother holding something that I sent to my mother. So I hid behind the door and watched my mother's movements peeking through the door. My mother was surprised at the card and looked at it with strange eyes. When my mother opened the card, her mother's eyes lit up, her mother with her hands trembling with a smile on her face.
I think it should be mom's happiest moment!
学习啦在线学习网 妈妈,你的爱犹如一条清澈的小溪,流入我的心田;你的爱犹如阳光,照耀我成长;你就像辛勤的园丁,很多夜晚都看见你疲惫的身躯。妈妈,祝你母亲节快乐!
学习啦在线学习网 妈妈,在这个特殊的日子里,我真想大声对您说,我爱您!
Mother, your love is like a clear brook, flowing into my heart; Your love is like the sun shining on me; You are like a hard gardener. You see your tired body many nights. Mom, happy mother's day!
Mother, thank you for teaching me the knowledge to thrive. Thank you for creating a happy atmosphere for me to have a memorable childhood. You have given me the most precious character of all -- love and gratitude, to give me the full experience of the gift of roses and the essence of life in my hands.
Mom, on this special day, I really want to say to you, I love you!
学习啦在线学习网 我感谢妈妈,因为她常常给我买书,我感谢妈妈,因为妈妈爱我,我感谢妈妈,因为妈妈教我洗衣服和孝顺长辈,我喜欢善良的妈妈!
学习啦在线学习网 I'm bored in the classroom. When my mother picked me up, I was so excited that I could not wait to say to my mother, "happy holidays to you." The mother said happily, "thank you, dear daughter!" And then we both hugged happily!
学习啦在线学习网 I thank my mother, because she often buy a book for me, I thank my mother, because mother love me, I thank my mother, because my mother taught me to wash the clothes and filial piety elders, I like the kind of mother!
