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学习啦在线学习网   If you eamine Whole Foods's way of doing business, you will see that you can utilize some of the same ideas to fashion yourself as the prized candidate that hiring managers will crave. Here are five lessons that you can turn you into a first-choice pick:

学习啦在线学习网   如果你审视全食超市做生意的方式,你就会发现你可以利用其中的一些原理把你自己打造成被人事经理青睐的金牌求职者。以下是你可以从全食超市的成功中学到的5条教训,他们能把你变成老板的第一选择:

  1. Appearance counts. The store boasts an incredible array of goods. The shelves are always neat and full, but nothing seems ever to be out of place, and there is absolutely no sense of clutter. The ambiance of the store screams "Clean!"


学习啦在线学习网   Lesson: Whether or not you like it, appearance does matter. Pay attention to how others perceive your physical appearance, and the underlying message about you as a person that it conveys. You don't need to look like a model, but you do need to look professional and be at your best. Wear well-fitting professional attire, and be meticulously groomed. When you speak, get right to the point and don't ramble. Let your words and style of speech demonstrate your organized thinking.


  2. Perfection is tantalizing. At Whole Foods, all the fresh fruits and vegetables are at their peak stage of ripeness and without blemishes. They make you lick your lips with anticipation.


学习啦在线学习网   Lesson: Employers salivate over "perfect fit" candidates. You must demonstrate your passion for the role you seek. However, your desire for a job doesn't, in and of itself, make a compelling case for you to be hired. For a short job hunt, focus your efforts on those jobs where you will be seen as possessing all the desired education, eperience, abilities and qualities. These are the jobs for which you'll be seen as a truly appetizing candidate.


学习啦在线学习网   If you aren't the right fit now for the role you seek, think about what you can do make yourself more shine in the future. That might mean taking a stepping-stone role now, getting a certification, earning a particular degree or something else.


  3. Helpfulness counts. Courteous staff members are easy to locate. They never respond to "Where is located?" by saying "Look two aisles over." Instead they are trained to immediately take the initiative to cheerfully walk the customer to the precise location where the desired product is located. They understand that customizing their efforts to a customer's desire makes him or her much more likely to buy whatever product he or she had in mind.

学习啦在线学习网   3.帮助很重要。彬彬有礼的店员让找东西变得简单。当你问他们“在哪里?”的时候,他们不会回答“两条过道后面”。相反他们被培训过要立刻主动热情地把顾客带到相应的货架。他们明白这种迎合顾客需求的努力会促使顾客更有可能购买那件他想买的商品。

  Lesson: When your interviewer asks you a question, don't ever direct his or her attention away from you by saying, "You can find this on my résumé" and leave it at that. Every query represents an opportunity to take your interviewer where he or she wants to go: becoming convinced that you are a solid "must have" hire.


学习啦在线学习网   4. People value healthy products. Whole Foods appeals to health and environmentally conscious consumers by offering unadulterated, organic food. The underlying message is that consumers will be better off from using the store's products.


学习啦在线学习网   Lesson: When you are preparing for your interview, bear in mind that the underlying purpose of hiring anyone is to make a company's bottom line healthier. Think about ways you can contribute to make that perspective employer "better off" by saving epenses, increasing sales or improving productivity. Every contribution to the bottom line has at least one of these components, and you should be prepared to demonstrate your desire and ability to bring that value with you.

学习啦在线学习网   经验:当你在准备面试时,你要记得雇用任何一个人的初衷都是为了让公司运行得更健康。想一想你能为雇主的“健康”提供些什么吧。可以是节约开支、增加销售额或是提高产品质量。对公司能做出的任何贡献都应该包含其中的至少一项组成部分,同时你也要准备好阐述你为公司带来这种价值的能力和渴望。

  5. Top quality demands top dollar. You can often find comparable food cheaper in other stores. And, while Whole Foods does run promotions and sales, its overall pitch is more about value than price. Because its customers believe that this chain consistently provides top quality goods, the consumer can justify paying more for them.

学习啦在线学习网   5.顶级的质量配得上顶级的价格。你总是能在其他商店找到更便宜的相同食物。与此同时,虽然全食超市也会搞促销和特售,但总体来说相比价格它更看重的是价值。因为它的消费者们都相信这家连锁店始终提供的都是顶级质量的产品,所以消费者们会愿意为它们付出更多的钱。

  Lesson: Remember not to get pinned down to a specific salary number until you are sure that the employer believes that you are the very best candidate. Only then can you shift the decision maker away from hiring based on cost to the company to hiring total quality and value. With this approach you are much more likely to justifying in the hiring manager's mind why you deserve to start at or near the top of the salary range.









如何才能让你跟决策者从根据成本考虑转换到根据公司增加的价值考虑。接下来,小编给大家准备了超市里的成功面试诀窍,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 超市里的成功面试诀窍 If you eamine Whole Foodss way of doing business, you will see that


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