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  在雅思口语的题目中,同学们经常被考官问道:“Are you a student or do you work?” 为什么这道题的频率如此高呢?那是因为考官想借此将考生们准确地分类。如果回答是学生,则考官后续会问一些学习方面的问题;如果回答是工作,则考官会问一些工作类的话题。但是并不是说对于学生,就不能问工作类的问题了。同学们要对于工作相关的话题有所准备,这样才能在被问到相关话题时,可以更好的应对。

  雅思口语: 教你如何“谈工作”

学习啦在线学习网  在part2的考题中,也会经常问到工作相关的话题,我们以下面这道part2的话题为例,提供给大家一些回答“工作类话题”的思路。

  Describe an ideal job that you want to have in the future.

学习啦在线学习网  You should say:

  What the job is

  How you can find this job

  What qualities it requires

  And explain why it is an ideal job

学习啦在线学习网  (1)What the job is.

  首句可以点明自己未来想做的理想的工作:When I first read this topic, an ideal job that came to my mind is to become a/an... in the future. 不管同学们未来是想成为一个doctor,designer,还是一个farmer,同学们在描述未来想从事的职业时,一定要确保是自己内心真正的想法,这样才能使考官信服。

  此外,在描述是什么工作的同时,可以加上一些具体信息,如公司名称或者工作地点。可以说“在一个世界五百强公司in a top 500 company”, 或者说“在一个一线城市in a first-tier city”等。

学习啦在线学习网  (2)How you can find this job.

学习啦在线学习网  当今社会,一般找工作的方式有哪些?同学们不难想到网上求职try to find it on online; 或者是在招聘会上找到工作in a career fair; 也可以通过人际关系得到一些推荐get a job recommendation from my teacher/parents/friend; 此外,可以利用手机上的一些求职软件use job hunting apps; 关注一些知名公司的社交平台如微博或微信,了解一些招聘信息subscribe different types of channels, such as Weibo and WeChat of famous... companies, following their hiring news; 最后,在得到这份工作之前,也可以尝试先得到一个实习的机会get an internship。


学习啦在线学习网  1. It's an effective way to do...

学习啦在线学习网  2. It’s a good idea to do...

  (3)What qualities it requires

  谈到这个工作所要求的资质和技能。首先,一般的工作会要求求职者有一个相关的学位a diploma in...(或 get a bachelor degree 本科学位/ master's degree 硕士/ doctorate 博士学位);取得一个相关的商业资格achieve relevant business qualifications 也是重要的。

学习啦在线学习网  有些职业可能对外在有一定的要求, 需要有漂亮的外在和良好的举止smart appearance and good manner; 有些职业要求有良好的品味have a good taste;有些职业需要了解用户的期待understand expectations from various types of users; 有些职业需要对于工作的时间有灵活的(任意分配的)态度have a flexible attitude to working hours。

  大部分工作都要求会使用一些基本的办公软件:be able to use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and various audio-video technologies; 而基本上所有的工作都需要求职者有好的人际交往和沟通的能力interpersonal and communication skills; 也要有解决问题的能力problem-solving ability;要有耐心和坚持patience and perseverance;要精力充沛或高效的be energetic and efficient ; 而在全球化的世界the globalized world中, 具有双语能力或是精通英语 be bilingual and proficient in English也是很多工作必备的条件。


  1. The job applicants 求职者/ candidates候选人 must be skilled at doing...

  2. It is more likely that I'll be required to do ...

学习啦在线学习网  3. A skill that I possess which is a necessity in today’s world is the ability to do...

学习啦在线学习网  (4)Why it is an ideal job.


  我们可以从内因和外因两个方面来谈。内因是指自己做了这份工作后,自己获得的好的内心感受,可能是这份工作会让我实现自己的梦想或目标realize my dream/ goal; 当我克服困难时可以得到一种自我满足感和成就感have the sense of self-satisfaction and achievement every time I overcome difficulties ; 或者是当我和别人合作时我感觉非常满足feel satisfied to collaborate with people on a project; 还可能是因为我喜欢不断地面临挑战I’m fond of facing challenge constantly; 在谈论时,我们可以使用让步状语从句:Although it could be demanding and challenging, the long-term career growth could surely enable me to do...

  外因是指这份工作具有什么好的条件,从而使我想要获得。也许这份工作可以提供丰富的年终奖offer generous year-end bonus;这份工作可以让我带薪休假,享受好的福利have paid holidays and attractive welfare;或者说这份工作可以让我和来自于不同背景的人交流get in touch with different people from different backgrounds; 给了我在跨国公司旅行和工作的机会give me opportunities to travel, or to work in a multi-national company;

学习啦在线学习网  此外,在谈论的时候,我们可以think outside the box, 即跳出自身的生活圈,将ideal上升为一个普通的社会问题,在答案中反映出求职者们对工作的普遍期许,这样会显得答案有深度和代表性。比如在谈论时,我们可以谈论到现在人们的工作的节奏快have the fast pace of work,员工们每天必须do paperwork, meet tight deadlines, 很少有时间take a holiday,很容易feel fatigued 疲惫的/frustrated 受挫的/depressed抑郁的, 甚至还会导致一些symptoms症状/ stress-related illnesses,比如high blood pressure, stomachache, obesity等。因此,我的理想工作就是能让自己可以有带薪休假和好的福利have paid holidays and attractive welfare.


  1. The main reason why I'd like to be a... is because it would allow/help me to do...

学习啦在线学习网  2. One thing I like about this job is that ...

  3. I can derive pleasure from the job because...

  4. Although it could be demanding and challenging, the long-term career growth could surely enable me to do...

学习啦在线学习网  同时,大家在表达时,不要忘记了使用连接词来使自己的语言表达更加有逻辑性哦!



学习啦在线学习网  I would like to work as a senior secretary in the education ministry of the Government. This position requires a very talented person with experience who would be able to take necessary steps to take the education sector ahead. Mainly I want to work in this position to contribute to the education sector of the country. A comprehensive training on our education system and various aspects of the education ministry would be required. Apart from training some experience on education sector would be required as well.

  This job does not pay a big salary but if someone wants to contribute for the advancement of the country, s/he would have plenty of opportunities to serve the nation by working in this position and improving the most important sector of the country.

  I feel the necessity of putting the utmost importance in the education sector and I know how changing the policy and rules in education sector can contribute towards the betterment of the whole nation. I am attracted to this job not because the salary, power or the facilities it would offer rather for the opportunities it would offer to serve the nation and in the most important part of the nation.

学习啦在线学习网  Similar Cue Card Topics:

学习啦在线学习网  Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

  Describe a fascinating job that you heard about

学习啦在线学习网  Describe a job or work you have worked or know about

学习啦在线学习网  Describe a challenging job you know about

  Describe a career or job you want to have

  Describe your dream job

  Describe a job you think is interesting


学习啦在线学习网  Describe your dream job when you were young

  You should say:

  - what kind of job it was

  - where did you learn about it

学习啦在线学习网  - what kind of training/ skills are needed for that job

学习啦在线学习网  and explain why it was your dream job.

  雅思口语part 2范文

学习啦在线学习网  When I was young, I wanted to work for a major aviation company as a pilot. In fact, becoming a pilot, who flies commercial aeroplanes, was my dream in my childhood.

  I have heard about this job from my teachers and relatives in my childhood and then I had a superficial idea about this job. When I was 15 or 16 years old, I saw a documentary on the tasks the pilots do in Discovery channel that gave me a clear idea of the jobs of a commercial aeroplane pilot.

学习啦在线学习网  Working as a pilot requires a very comprehensive training and to become a good pilot one needs very good quality and skill sets. Usually, the commercial airline companies hire the candidates and then give them comprehensive training, both theoretical and practical, and after particular hours of flawless flying records, the candidates are sent to work for their jobs. The theoretical parts teach them the different aspects of flying, route, safety and process guidelines where the practical parts allow them to actually fly a real aeroplane. They need to prove that they have gained sufficient skills to fly a commercial plane before they are appointed to do the job.

学习啦在线学习网  I was a fascination on flying the aero plane in the sky. It was a thrilling job to me when I was a young. Since different people of the family members started giving me the idea of good careers and what I would become in the future, I started speculating my own idea and I found the job of a pilot very exciting and prestigious. I knew that being a pilot would allow me to visit different countries across our boundaries and would allow me to meet different people and these 2 ideas also attracted me toward this job. For all those reasons it was my dream job when I was young.




学习啦在线学习网  3、怎样进行学习呢?方法就是进行跟读训练。不断的听这些原音,同时结合和理解整个故事情节。逐句逐字听,逐句逐字学,边听边读,尽量达到与原声一致。



学习啦在线学习网  (2)语速开始时可以根据自己的情况适度的进行,但最终必须要赶上原音的语速;







3.关于a well-paid job 雅思口语怎么回答





8.雅思口语 什么样的词汇考官才喜欢?

